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Everything posted by A-SUICIDAL

  1. I released a new 14 man coop mission a few days ago. It's a domination style mission with a ton of good features. It's not meant for the die hard realism junkie, but it's definitely a fun arcade style coop mission and you can spend hours and hours playing it. It's a very very loooooooong mission and I tested everything in it to death, so it's pretty much completely bug free and it plays well and doesn't get laggy ever. I finished creating the mission back in September, but I was too shy to release it, but then a few of my friends told me that I would be nuts not to release it since they love everything about the mission. If you read the mission features on the Armaholic download page, there is a very long description of the cool things that I put into the mission. I thought of everything I wanted in a coop mission and then made it a reality. Anyway, it's a great mission to play with friends on LAN or just host from your PC. Most the missions I design are 14 man Arrowhead coop missions because any more than 14 players and it makes it difficult for most players to host from their PC's without others complaining about lag. I make missions that only require Arrowhead, because I have a bunch of friends that only have Arrowhead stand alone installed, but this mission will work fine for Combined Operations users. Friendly AI are disabled, view distance is forced, there are no gunships and jets because I didn't want the mission to be too easy. Anyway, I hope it gets some gameplay and players have fun playing it. Many thanks go out to my friends in the editing forum for helping me some of my inventive scripts. Feel free to post feedback here. Download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15990
  2. I'm trying your script and nothing happens when I try to teleport. I'm doing something wrong. Honestly I'm having problems understanding how the script works exactly, so I'm not sure what I need to do to get it working. To test it I created a new mission with 1 player, 1 flagpole and 1 chopper. UH-60M named "blackhawk". flagpole action: this addAction ["Teleport to Blackhawk", "teleport_blackhawk.sqf"]; teleport_blackhawk.sqf: /* GetinTurrets v.1.2 modified for A-SUICIDAL teleport by Demonized this addAction ["Teleport to blackhawk", "scriptname.sqf"]; */ _params = _this select 3; _veh = _params select 0; _unit = _params select 1; _turretArray = [ [0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[0,5],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[1,5],[2,1],[2,2],[2,3],[2,4],[2,5] ]; _freeDriver = _veh emptyPositions "Driver"; _freeCargo = _veh emptyPositions "Cargo"; { if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then { _unit moveInTurret [_veh, _x]; }; } foreach _turretArray; if (_freeCargo != 0 AND (vehicle _unit) == _unit) then { _unit moveInCargo _veh; }; if (_freeDriver != 0 AND (vehicle _unit) == _unit) then { _unit moveInDriver _veh; };
  3. Like I said, it always worked fine when I hosted a game from my computer, and the chopper is definitely named "blackhawk". When I saw a dedicated server playing my mission and I joined - one of the first things I heard a player complain about was that he could not teleport to the Blackhawk, so I then tried to do the same and I couldn't either. Later I was able to teleport to the Blackhawk and it put me into the gunners seat, but I was not able to get out or move the gun at all. Then the pilot landed and got out of the Blackhawk and I was then stuck in his view as if I was spectating him. I couldn't understand why it was happening. I then reconnected because I didn't know what else to do. The admin restarted the server minutes later and we played the same mission again and the first thing I did was try to teleport to the Blackhawk and it wouldn't do anything at all and it didn't give me any errors either. I used to use a script that just moved the player into cargo and it didn't check for any free positions at all, but the whole purpose of this newer script is to try to teleport a player into the gunner seat if it is available, because there is no way to move from a cargo seat - into the gunners seat while the chopper is in the air and it just helps to have somebody in the gunner seat if the chopper starts to take enemy fire. The crew chief seat (2nd gunner position) won't work with the script because there is no way to check for a free position for the crewchief seat at all. I've tried to teleport a player into the crewchief seat a bunch of different ways but all failed. I will try your script and see how it works out. I wish I was able to test it on a dedicated server with a friend. Thanks for the help. I'll let you know how it works out.
  4. Paging Doctor Sickboy. Well, with no aces modules in my mission, it still won't work. I tried a other ways to get it to work and still had no luck. Again, it works great in singleplayer and also works in Multiplayer when I don't use ACE addons at all, but as soon as I enable ACE, it won't work online - with or without ACE modules in the mission. I can't PM Sickboy and ask for help because he doesn't allow users to PM him from this forum board and I couldn't find another way to get hold of him. I put norrins revive back in my mission, but with norrins revive it either offers unlimited bandages or a set amount of bandages per mission. If I could get the cly_heal.sqf to work with ACE, then I could actually disable norrins bandages and use the cly_heal.sqf bandages in conjunction with Norrin's revive, which already works great together online without ACE addons enabled. Then players could go to a field hospital and get more Norrin medpacks to revive players and also get more Celery bandages to heal themselves. In fact, Norrin should add the cly_heal.sqf script into his revive script. I think it needs it. But it's not my place to ask. Seems strange that Norrin's revive works fine with ACE and Celery's Heal won't.
  5. Sickboy would know I bet. Looking up at his reply above mine. I feel like I would be insulting him if I asked for his help, lol. Like what am I supposed to say... "Hey Sickboy, can you help me get Celery's heal script working with ACE so my dummy friends can heal easier when they play my ACE mission? I don't wanna ask that, but anyway I put it - it will sound like that. Yeah, go ahead sui, insult the ACE team leader, make him thin that you don't like his "wounds" system. As if that's a smart idea. I have lots of crazy actions in my mission and everything works. It's almost as if ACE detects the heal script and won't allow it. lol. Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to ask him or see if I can find somebody on the ACE team to help me get this working. This is the only thing hanging me up right now. Everything else is done. I got 2 other missions hanging on this too. I've already removed 2 other revive scripts, and I had ACE wounds added and removed twice so far. The ACE wounds gives me "_state" errors and caused the mission to get very laggy and slow. Anyway, my friends are all like "How do I use this ACE heal stuff?" and have trouble figuring out how to heal themselves and others.
  6. I tried the new script and it works awesome. I figured out how to remove all the options for the 2 medics in my mission since they don't need it really. Everything tested great in single player and multiplayer. But... lol, there's always a but. I then enabled ACE and it wouldn't work at all online. It works offline when I preview, but not online. I did not add any of the ACE Wounds Modules. I only added the following Modules: AI Talk, Radio Sounds, Map System, NV/TI System and ACE Required. PLEASE HELP! I really love this script and I want to keep using it. I like the ACE Wounds, but some of my friends just don't understand how to use the Ace medical stuff and instead they get confused and, they just want their 3 Bandages that your script gives them and the ability to top off their 3 bandages at a field hospital which I put in the mission.
  7. I wrote this script a long time ago for a mission and since then have used it in a few missions I've made. My friends love using it. I wanted to add to the script - the ability to teleport to leader and if the leader is currently in a vehicle AND if the vehicle has room in gunner, commander, cargo etc - to then teleport the player into the vehicle - and if the vehicle is full, then simply give the player a hint telling them "The leader is in a vehicle that is currently full. I don't know how to add this, so I figured I would ask for help here. Is there a way to check if there is room in gunner, commander, cargo etc? Base Flag init: this addAction ["Teleport to Leader", "teleport\teleport_leader.sqf"]; teleport_leader.sqf _unit = _this select 1; if ( !alive s1) then { hint "The Team Leader is currently dead."; } else { if ( vehicle s1 != s1) then { hint "The Team Leader is currently in a vehicle."; } else { if ( vehicle s1 == s1) then { _unit setDir direction s1; _unit setPosATL [getPosATL s1 select 0,getPosATL s1 select 1,getPosATL s1 select 2]; _unit setPos (s1 modelToWorld [+0.75,-1,((position s1) select 2)+0]); }; }; }; I made a 14 man coop mission where my team only had 1 vehicle, a UN transport truck since it had 14 cargo seats. So I was able to allow player to teleport into the cargo of the vehicle using: if ( vehicle s1 != s1) then { _unit moveInCargo mhq; I've also done it with blackhawks. The problem comes in when it's a 14 man coop and the leader is in a Littlebird chopper and 4 players then try to teleport to the leader. If there is 1 empty seat in the Littlebird, I would like for one player to be able to teleport into that seat - and any other players that then try to teleport to the leader would then be given a hint telling them that the Leaders vehicle is currently full.
  8. The script works great when I tested in single player. I was able to teleport to the leader if he was on foot, or if he was in a vehicle that had empty seats and if his vehicle was full it would give me a hint telling me so. So then I tested it online and I was hosting and friends said that when they performed the "Teleport to Team Leader" action from the base flag - that nothing would happen at all. It wouldn't teleport them or give them a hint or anything. I honestly don't have a clue why it won't work online when I host. I really need to get this working. I am using the exact script shown above the way Demonized cleaned it up. Do I need to create some sort of variable for the player/leader "s1"? Can somebody please help me with this? ---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ---------- Never mind, the extra }; that Demonized removed was the problem, lol. I put it back and everything is now working again. I'm not always sure about when to use a }; so i usually count how many times if is used. So if I see if seven times, then I figure I need }; seven time too. ---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 AM ---------- So I guess I had my first and very own novice script baby. Yay! Working version Flag Pole init: this addAction ["Teleport to Team Leader", "teleport_to_leader.sqf", [], 51, true, true, "", "player != s1"]; teleport_to_leader.sqf _unit = _this select 1; if (!alive s1) then { hint "The Team Leader is currently dead."; } else { if (vehicle s1 == s1) then { _unit setDir direction s1; _unit setPosATL [getPosATL s1 select 0,getPosATL s1 select 1,getPosATL s1 select 2]; _unit setPos (s1 modelToWorld [+0.75,-1,((position s1) select 2)+0]); } else { if (vehicle s1 != s1) then { _freePosGunner = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "gunner"; _freePosCommander = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "commander"; _freePosCargo = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "cargo"; _freePosDriver = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "driver"; if (_freePosGunner > 0) then { _unit moveInGunner (vehicle s1); } else { if (_freePosCommander > 0) then { _unit moveInCommander (vehicle s1); } else { if (_freePosCargo > 0) then { _unit moveInCargo (vehicle s1); } else { if (_freePosDriver > 0) then { _unit moveInDriver (vehicle s1); } else { hint "The Team Leader's vehicle currently has no empty seats to teleport to."; }; }; }; }; }; };
  9. I've been using a lightly modified version of this script for a couple of weeks now. I love it, my friends love it. I only found one bug that occurs when I heal another player - it would give me some sort of error. I don't remember the exact error, but I do remember that it said something about "target setHit ["legs"... something" and there is only one line in the script that refers to legs: ?!canStand _target:_target setHit ["legs",CLY_healdamage];_target setVariable ["CLY_healings",(_target getVariable "CLY_healings")-1,true] The same error happened on a few occasions. Besides that the script is working fine, but I did want to ask if you could help me figure out a way to remove the functionality from a medic, since the medics in my missions don't have any need for the bandages at all. I don't know how to write sqs scripts at all. I still have lots of trouble just writing sqf scripts, but if it was an sqf script I would want to add something in the way of... if (player isKindOf "US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1") exitWith {}; if (player isKindOf "BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP") exitWith {}; Is exitWith {}; correct? Well, in any case, I wanted the script to check to see if the player is one of these 2 types of medics and if so, then exit the script. Basically I'm just trying to figure out how to remove the whole heal functionality from the medics since they can already perform heal these actions normally. Any help would be appreciated.

    Don't show enemy on map?

    I had a friend in my server that kept aborting to lobby to pick a different player slot and rejoin the battle. A little later when I was looking at the map I noticed that there were like 4 markers on the map that showed his name and only one of the markers was moving around on the map, the rest were left behind from the moment he died and decided to abort to lobby and pick a different player. There was also another marker left behind from another friend that left the game suddenly to go eat dinner.
  11. Is there a way to be able to use your map, but have it so enemy do not appear on the map? For any skill level? It would be nice to be able to see players on same team on the map, as well as markers, but I would like it so the enemy do not appear on the map. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
  12. I wrote a script for deploying/stowing a camo cover for a vehicle. Option to deploy appears when near the vehicle, after deploying the camo cover and option to stow appears. It works fine offline. If I deploy it, I can then switch player and stow it. But when I deploy it online, other players cannot stow it, instead they still see the option to deploy it, and when they do, there are then 2 camo covers overlapping. So I need help. It's a good script for any mission creator, if I only I can get it to work correctly online. init.sqf: camoStowed = true; camoDeployed = false; vehicle init: this addAction ["Deploy Camo Cover","camo_deploy.sqf",nil,1,true,true,"","alive _target and camoStowed and player distance _target<7"]; this addAction ["Stow Camo Cover","camo_stow.sqf",nil,1,true,true,"","alive _target and camoDeployed and player distance _target<15"]; camo_deploy.sqf: _veh = _this select 0; _man = _this select 1; if ( vehicle _man != _man ) then { hint "You must dissembark before you can perform this action."; } else { vehCamo = objNull; _man playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 5; vehCamo = "Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1" createVehicle [0,0,0]; vehCamo setDir ((direction _veh) +0); vehCamo setPos (_veh modelToWorld [0,0,((position _veh) select 2)-2.4]); camoDeployed = true; publicVariable "camoDeployed"; camoStowed = false; publicVariable "camoStowed"; vehCamo setVehicleInit "this setVehicleVarName 'vehCamo'"; processInitCommands; if (true) exitWith {}; }; camo_stow.sqf; _veh = _this select 0; _man = _this select 1; if ( vehicle _man != _man ) then { hint "You must dissembark before you can perform this action."; } else { vehCamo setDamage 1; _man playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 5; deleteVehicle vehCamo; camoDeployed = false; publicVariable "camoDeployed"; camoStowed = true; publicVariable "camoStowed"; if (true) exitWith {}; }; Honestly, I am not really sure what the hell I am scripting, like with variables and stuff. I managed to get it to work offline, so Yay sui!!!, but I'm still very much a newb at this stuff. I tried using "if (isServer) then {" but I'm not sure I implemented it correctly, so I took it out when I still couldn't get it to work online, but I figured it needs to be in there someplace. Anyway, I'm sure I am going about this completely wrong, so if anybody could please help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure others might want to use it as well. Here's my Takistan demo mission if you want to try it, but it won't work online. vehCamo.Takistan.zip

    Stryker MGS and MEV fixes

    I never used ace before, until today. I installed both ace and your stryker fix and a few other addons, but I missed the little check box in my arma 2 launcher when I was enabling a bunch of new mods. Apparently ace must have given the stryker mev 5 seats - and I thought it was your stryker fix. My mistake. I tested again and enabled the fix and sure enough it held 8 men. I really appreciate the styker mev fix you made because I mostly design small coop missions and I always have an MHQ that players can teleport to - and I used to use the stryker MGS because it allowed me to add an action to the base flag where players could teleport right into the cargo of the stryker MGS. This meant that players could teleport to it while it was moving or while it was being lifted by a chopper. The problem I had was when players would decide to use the stryker MGS gun and drive into the middle of the battlefield and use it to fight with - and they would get the vehicle destroyed. Even if I removed the ammo from the gun, they would still try to use it and get the vehicle spotted and destroyed. With your fix, I won't have that problem anymore. Thank you Xeno :)
  14. Ok, thank you. It's starting to make more sense now. I have a few vehicles that have the ability to deploy camo. Should they each have their own variable name? For instance, if jeep1, jeep2 and jeep3 can all deploy camo, should they share the same variable "camoDeployed" or should they instead have unique names, like... "j1camoDeployed", "j2camoDeployed" and "j3camoDeployed"? and lastly, my teleport to rally point flagpole action currently looks like this... _telguy = _this select 1; if (isNull nest) then { hint "The Rally Point has not yet been deployed by the Leader."; } else { _telguy setPos [(getMarkerPos "rallyM" select 0)+0,(getMarkerPos "rallyM" select 1)+0,(getMarkerPos "rallyM" select 2)+0]; _telguy setDir markerDir "rallyM"; playSound "teleport"; }; "nest" is the name of the small bunker/gun nest that gets deployed. When I tested the script, it doesn't do anything. It's supposed to give me a hint if the Rally Point hasn't yet been deployed. I tried changing the "if" part to: if (!(getVariable "ralleyDeployed)) then { hint "The Rally Point has not yet been deployed by the Leader."; ...but it still wouldn't work. What am I doing wrong?

    Stryker MGS and MEV fixes

    Fits 8? I can only get 5 in the MEV. 1 in driver and 4 in cargo. Is that right? The 4 in back all sit on the right hand side. The left hand side seats are empty.
  16. I tried getting it to work a few different ways and still no luck.
  17. This isn't working either teleport_rally.sqf: _telguy = _this select 1; if (!( rallyDeployed )) then { hint "The Rally Point is currently not deployed."; } else { _telguy setPos [(getMarkerPos "rallyM" select 0)+0,(getMarkerPos "rallyM" select 1)+0,(getMarkerPos "rallyM" select 2)+0]; _telguy setDir markerDir "rallyM"; playSound "teleport"; };
  18. I really don't think I did this correctly at all. init.sqf: I added this to the bottom of my init.sqf file. I'm not sure if it needs to be near the top. if (isServer) then { camoDeployed=false; publicVariable "camoDeployed"; camoDeployed=true; publicVariable "camoDeployed"; rallyDeployed=false; publicVariable "rallyDeployed"; rallyDeployed=true; publicVariable "rallyDeployed"; }; rallyTimer=0; s1_deploy_rally.sqf:
  19. I created a 2 player sample mission that uses my exact rally point script. Basically I deleted everything from my real mission and left just the rally point stuff behind so you can see exactly how I have it setup. It's actually a pretty cool rally point. There is a base teleport flag to test teleporting to the rally point and I enabled AI in the description.ext. I made the changes regarding the camo net cover, but I did not add the changes for the rally point marker. I also do not have a hint message for players that try to teleport to the rally point before it has be deployed - which I can't seem to get to work. rallyPoint.Takistan.zip What you said makes sense galzohar, I just don't know how to do it :( Like the waitUntil part, I don't know where to add that. Once I learn how to do that, I can apply it to many other scripts where I run into the same problem.
  20. Took a little while, but I finally got the camo changes made the way you suggested, but I haven't been able to test with anybody yet. I made the rally point changes too, but I'm not sure if I did that correctly. My rally point marker was called rallyM. The actual rally point is a small desert bunker(named nest) and weapon crate and it can also deploy a camo cover if needed :) When the team leader deploys the rally point, the script first deletes the old rally point objects and the rally point marker and then creates a new rally point and marker. My preferred choice would be to not have the rally point in the mission at all at mission start and if any players attempt to teleport to it - they would receive a hint message telling them that the rally point has not yet been deployed - but I couldn't figure out how to do that. I tried... if (!alive nest) then {hint.... - but that didn't work and players got teleported into the far southwest corner of the map :( help with that would be great. I feel stupid asking this, but is A_S_ just part of the name or does it have some kind of purpose? Like... can I simply change A_S_rally1 to be called rallyM and the script would work the same? It doesn't matter to me what it's called, I was just curious about the A_S_ Also, looking at your script, I didn't notice where the marker actually gets created. My marker gets created like this... rallyMarker = createMarker ["rallyM", position teleportTo_object]; "rallyM" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "rallyM" setMarkerType "mil_dot"; "rallyM" setMarkerSize [1.0, 1.0]; "rallyM" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; "rallyM" setMarkerText "Rally Point"; "rallyM" setMarkerDir ((direction teleportTo_object) +90); rallyDeployed = true; publicVariable "rallyDeployed"; teleportTo_object is a small ammo crate that gets created 2 meters under the ground in the center of the gun nest. The rallyM marker is set in the direction of the ammo crate +90 degrees so players teleport facing the the correct direction. I added your script to my init.sqf, but I wasn't sure how to implement... A_S_rally1 set [1, (getMarkerPos _marker)]; publicVariable "A_S_rally1"; ... into my deployRally.sqf
  21. Thank you. Looks beautiful now. Oh, so the action to teleport to leader isn't available to the leader, I tried re-scripting the addAction. I think I did this correctly. Anyway, I tested it and it worked. this addAction ["Teleport to Team Leader", "teleport\teleport_leader.sqf", [], 51, true, true, "", "player != s1"]; No reason why the leader needs to teleport to himself, so why should he need to see the action on the base teleport flag, right? Thanks Demonized
  22. The friends I play with used to be very big Battlefield 2 players. In BF2 you had the choice to pick a spawn point or respawn on your leader, and if your leader was in a vehicle and the vehicle had an empty seat, it would respawn you in the vehicle with the leader. I do not use a halo drop flag pole script. I just use teleport to MHQ, teleport to Rally Point(leader deployed) and in some missions I've used teleport to leader. In my opinion, from having used the teleport to leader script, players most often choose to teleport to leader more often then they would choose to get in a vehicle at base or teleport to MHQ or Rally Point - because they notice that when they teleport to leader that there is much more tight teamwork and everybody sticks together and kicks ass just like when they would stick together and work as a tight team and respawn on the leader in BF2 and kick ass. Without the teleport to leader in my missions, my friends all complain. That is why I started this thread today. ... because they complained. ---------- Post added at 03:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 AM ---------- Is this how it should look? _unit = _this select 1; if ( !alive s1) then { hint "The Team Leader is currently dead."; } else { if ( vehicle s1 == s1) then { _unit setDir direction s1; _unit setPosATL [getPosATL s1 select 0,getPosATL s1 select 1,getPosATL s1 select 2]; _unit setPos (s1 modelToWorld [+0.75,-1,((position s1) select 2)+0]); } else { if ( vehicle s1 != s1) then { _freePosGunner = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "gunner"; _freePosCommander = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "commander"; _freePosCargo = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "cargo"; _freePosDriver = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "driver"; if ( _freePosGunner > 0) then { _unit moveInGunner (vehicle s1); } else { if ( _freePosCommander > 0) then { _unit moveInCommander (vehicle s1); } else { if ( _freePosCargo > 0) then { _unit moveInCargo (vehicle s1); } else { if ( _freePosDriver > 0) then { _unit moveInDriver (vehicle s1); } else { hint "The Team Leader's vehicle currently has no empty seats to teleport to."; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; Again, I don't know how to replace the if else tree with a switch command. I don't even know what a switch is.
  23. Right now I am testing with a HMMWV SOV, which has a regular gunner seat and a front gunner seat. Both moveInCommander and moveInGunner will put a unit in the front gunner seat. I can't seem to get anybody into the main gunner seat. emptyPositions Returns the number of given positions in the vehicle. Positions can be "Commander", "Driver", "Gunner" or "Cargo". So in a situation where the Leader is in a HMMWV SOV vehicle and the only empty seat is the main gunner seat, my teleport to leader script will check for an available seat for front gunner and not check the main gunner seat, so instead of teleporting me into the empty main gunner seat, I instead receive a hint telling me that the Leaders vehicle is currently full - which sorta sux and I don't know how to fix that, but it's still a good script. ---------- Post added at 03:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 AM ---------- ghetto scripter. yeah, it looks terrible doesn't it. I'll work on my indents in the future. I honestly don't know how to replace the if else tree with a switch command. I'm so proud of the fact that I actually got this script to work that I'm almost afraid to tweak it any further and screw it all up. I really wish I knew how.
  24. First, thank you kylania, this is probably the 1000 time you've helped me. So I tried to apply this to my script - thinking that I was completely scripting it wrong, but on my first test run just a few minutes after reading your reply, my new script seemed to work with success. I'm still testing it right now, but I wanted to post it before Demonized beats me to it, lol. _unit = _this select 1; if ( !alive s1) then { hint "The US Team Leader is currently dead."; } else { if ( vehicle s1 == s1) then { _unit setDir direction s1; _unit setPosATL [getPosATL s1 select 0,getPosATL s1 select 1,getPosATL s1 select 2]; _unit setPos (s1 modelToWorld [+0.75,-1,((position s1) select 2)+0]); } else { if ( vehicle s1 != s1) then { _freePosGunner = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "gunner"; _freePosCommander = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "commander"; _freePosCargo = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "cargo"; _freePosDriver = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "driver"; if ( _freePosGunner > 0) then { _unit moveInGunner (vehicle s1); } else { if ( _freePosCommander > 0) then { _unit moveInCommander (vehicle s1); } else { if ( _freePosCargo > 0) then { _unit moveInCargo (vehicle s1); } else { if ( _freePosDriver > 0) then { _unit moveInDriver (vehicle s1); } else { hint "The leaders vehicle currently has no empty seats to teleport to."; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; I am totally unsure of what I scripted above and I'm sure there has to be a cleaner way to script it using exitWith or something. By all means, please feel free to perfect it. I chose moveInDriver as the lowest priority seat because sometimes you just don't want players taking the drivers seat right away when you are parked and gunning away at an enemy - then they start driving the vehicle and you can't aim your gun straight and... uhh sux, you know what I mean, heh.