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Everything posted by buzzrock

  1. buzzrock

    ASOR Vehicle Selector

    oh ! sorry. I did not notice that you modified. that work well !! thank you so much your help.
  2. buzzrock

    ASOR Vehicle Selector

    Thank you reply.Yes I know that. I wanna use this vehicle spawner middle of mission. Sign_1 is object name. It is spawn middle of mission too. From my compotision script. Then I try to use bis_fnc_mp but I couldn't. So l need help.
  3. buzzrock

    ASOR Vehicle Selector

    thanks good script. I use script version. how can I do use BIS_fnc_mp. I try this one. but not work. please help. [[sign_1,["<t color=#1a86ff'>Spawn cars</t>","ASORVS\open.sqf",[["cars], [], "marker"]]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  4. I tried IED mini game and Disarmed all module. then limit timer is stopped ・・・but Nothing happens. just still open dialog. then i can reopen mini game. I cant complete. please check it. anyway thank you great MOD and you hard work !!
  5. First. I wanna say Thank you so much. this script is great ever !! AI good communication, reaction and tactics. recently I always use it own dynamic mission generator. that a great fun. have you plan add your task module to zeus? if you have, I`ll be so happy.
  6. buzzrock

    EricJ Release thread

    all of UH-60 can't get damage. only my case?
  7. buzzrock

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    our server tested 2 missions after update v1.3.5. no crash and no DX11 error. I think fix it. thank you BlackPixxel !!
  8. buzzrock

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    thank you hard work. BlackPixxel. I will test it and report it.
  9. buzzrock

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    thank you BlackPixxel. We love this launchers mod. I really hope it will be get better.
  10. buzzrock

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    We have been plaguing by DX error graphics driver crash. not only me. our friends too in multiplay dedicated server.
  11. buzzrock

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    I wanna say first, Thank you made best launcher for ArmA3. I play my dedicated server with my friends use this TF47 luanchers. When we use M3 launcher we got D3D error and blackout screen and crash game all of my friends. Of course single play or remove TF47 luanchers and play dedicated server is fine. I don't know why. anyone get same problem? i think maybe conflict another MOD like a @SLTS_CG MAAWS MOD? because we use @SLTS_CG too. I'm sorry my bad english.
  12. buzzrock

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Thank you reply. I'm looking for waiting fix.
  13. buzzrock

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    i use "reinfocement" command and AI try paradrop. but all most all AI fall down. because AI can not Properly equipped with a parachute. Do I have something wrong? please check it. I'm sorry my bad english.
  14. buzzrock

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    thank you great MOD. i'm looking forward to release your AT4.
  15. buzzrock

    XLib - by X39

    when i use AmmoCaches module. and use enemy unit CAF Aggressors. but they didn't drop Intel. I know CSAT and another default A3 units can drop Intel. is there any way to CAF Aggressors can drop intel? I'm sorry my poor english. thanks.
  16. buzzrock

    The Fourth Wall

    this mod is Great idea!! is this mod need only server side? or need cliant side or both of them?
  17. buzzrock

    =BTC= Revive

    Good question that alexharvey52. I want to know that too. I found fnc called "BTC_out_of_lifes" in "=BTC=_functions.sqf". but I have no idea to how to edit scripting. Please help me too.
  18. I understood. Thank you for your reply.
  19. I have a question. I play use this great Halo script with ACE MOD in multiplayer. after Halo jump, all players were changed into default Face. I want to keep to play use Custom Face after Halo jump. How to do that? Please Help.
  20. buzzrock

    Another IED script

    This is a great IED script!! I wanna make mission use this. After defuse IEDs of use this script. and how to do connect End or Task completed trigger. If you have a time. Please help.
  21. Hi Fogu! awsome map! Thank you so much. I am glad if we can download this by Six Updater. Because easy to share with friends.
  22. I have same problem. TS3 say "error error......" We play with expantion/beta ACE ACRE Jayarma2lib_NEW and some MODs. allways TS3 and ACRE is working normally at first. but when we play eneble respawn mission then respawn some player start TS3 say "error" and stop working ACRE. Maybe this problem we started latest up to date ACE hotfix. but I cannot say it is problem certainly. we have stress recently.I hope to find how to fix this problem.
  23. thank you so much. I understood how to do that. your Evac and Transport script is great than other one. I thought. can I use its another mission? I exmined your script. but difficult for me.
  24. That great Mission!! I like it. and Thanks up to date!! I try to call Transport heli at base or another flat place. but allways failed "unable to complay". How can I use Transpart heli?
  25. buzzrock

    =BTC= co 21 Advance & Secure

    I got error again about "Weapon Box Launchers" x4 boxes and "Magazine Box Launchers" x2 boxes. I try to rename to short like "Wbox LCs USMC". I was able to fix. but renamed "Wbox LCs US" is too short? I got error again.