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Everything posted by mcarma

  1. What kind of frame rate do you get? What CPU are you using?
  2. mcarma

    I need help with FPS!

    I agree with 'Don't install "NVidia Experience' crap". That software screwed up my system many moons ago! In my humble opinion the i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90Hz is your weakest component. Be very selective in the game's graphics options. What O/S and resolution are you using?
  3. Gruman, test your system memory.
  4. The frag to investigate the foot path I don't think is working correctly for me. The team and Grimm stop at a location and I searched all the paths, all the way to the village too, and nothing happened except to shoot one bad guy. Am I doing something wrong? Does the mission work? Has anyone done this mission?
  5. mcarma

    Anyone using SweetFX?

    If you are using SweetFX please tell us what settings you are using. I wonder if SFX is better to use than the post processing setting in the game's options.
  6. mcarma

    Anyone using SweetFX?

    Looks way too bright to me. I watched an installation video at youtube.
  7. gamerpaddy set your refresh to 60 on the new monitor and see if it works if it does work then try a higher refresh rate maybe someone in these forums can help you -> http://www.wsgf.org/ or http://forums.guru3d.com/
  8. Is it possible to make a knife throwable, say about ten feet or so?
  9. The 'Unsung Vietnam' mod is my favorite mod. I hope there are more missions on the way.
  10. mcarma

    Terrorist Organization Black Order

    Awesome uniforms and weapons, but I think that the vehicles are too dark.
  11. I have been reading about some sound mods but it seems like they all have some minor problems. Anyone know of any that completely work?
  12. Avira antivirus does not like the download link: Privacy policy Back to safetyHIDE ADVANCED This server could not prove that it is jsrs-studios.com; its security certificate is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Proceed to jsrs-studios.com (unsafe)
  13. mcarma

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    My Avira antivirus doesn't like this URL: http://jsrs-studios.com/1.%20JSRS-Studios%20Downloads/JSRS4%20-%20APEX%201.2.rar
  14. I shall give it a try. Thanks.
  15. Where is the download like for this mod? Also are these two add-ons needed? And what is the difference between them? PIP Optics for Project ASTFOR RHS ACE
  16. Not exactly a scientific approach, but does offer some insight to overclocking benefits.
  17. mcarma

    [SP/CO6) Ghost Recon: Island Thunder 2 Campaign

    Will you missions automatically install the required add-ons? If not, can it? I am looking forward to all your work lightspeed_aust, and your buddies.
  18. mcarma

    New engine?

    I hope that one of these days they have an update to improve performance.
  19. mcarma

    Battlefield 1

    In Half-Life you had a crowbar, in this game you have a shovel, lol.
  20. I have never had that much sway while shooting in real life, even after running. And the AI kills ya with only one bullet.
  21. I see that different control setups can be used, but I don't see a way to save our control setup.
  22. I cannot heal myself nor teammates. Definitely doing something wrong or one or more keys don't work.
  23. the wheel does not show anything