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About Shiftehh

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  1. Shiftehh

    Graphical Bugs (Trees/bushes)

    Just to let you know I fixed mine. I downloaded the latest Direct X from their site, and I reverted the video card drivers back to the original. Works fine now :)
  2. Shiftehh

    Serious Vegetation Issue

    Yeah I did search but couldn't find anything, quite funny that there was one topic with the same problems just beneath mine. Oh well shall switch to that one :P
  3. Shiftehh

    Graphical Bugs (Trees/bushes)

    Yeah I have the ATi 4800 series and get the same problem. Obviously something to do with the latest drivers or just the cards in general?
  4. So I recently installed ArmA off steam but I immediately ran into a serious graphics issue with the vegetation, most of it is really, really bright, in stark contrast to everything else, and as you say, fly past it on the training mission, different bushes keep disappearing and reappearing as you pass by it, its absolutely horrible. Picture of what I mean: I'm using a ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series with latest drivers. Any ideas?