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Everything posted by DSB

  1. I met this terrible problem in the single mission Pathfinder, the mission failed because the time's out, that's because I spent more than half of mission time to wait for the AI driving the M2 to follow me! Then I did an experiment in Editor. I drived an armored or a car, and let some or an AI driving some vehicles to follow me in the map DESERT, no rock, no house, not any barriers, I drove straight in full speed, you know what? The AIs were lost! I found that they had really weird paths, what's wrong with them? They could follow me straight but they turned, Why?
  2. Yes, maybe I've played too much multiplay in ArmA1 and ArmA2 and just forgot it, and these days I'm playing single missions of OA made me notice it. I'm begging BIS to make some progresses on it.
  3. Yes, I've turned the combat mod to Safe, it's 7-4. The AI were just react slowly, couldn't figure out a path quickly even I was just in front of them. You can easily lose them. Haven't you met this problem in OA? If you did an experiment you would know it.