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About pvthudson01

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  • Interests
    Miniatures, wargaming
  1. Oh ok sweet I wasnt sure that was even possible. Thanks for the information
  2. Hello all I am fairly new to ARMA II and have Arrowhead and British Expansion as well. When you go to make a mission that is called SINGLE MISSION >> MY MISSIONS >>NEW MISSION or what not is that a random mission that I pick and just load up to play? Or how does that work? I pick a template of say "COMBAT" and then it shows a screen with some editing I can do like weather and such Do I have to add units myself or can I just launch that and go? Or is there a way to make random quick start missions?
  3. oops I guess I am talking about "MY MISSIONS" SINGLE PLAYER MISSIONS MY MISSIONS What is the purpose of My Missions and can they be saved? Also I rephrased my original post sorry for the confusion. I cannot get the screenshots in game to come out
  4. Hmm nope that is the wrong editor. I am talking about Operation Arrowhead. Single Player. I will post a screenshot when I get home tonight
  5. Editor I am talking about is the one in the Single Player menu when you launch the game. You can do the campaign, a scenario, a visual test and there is a mission editor button there I do that and set the parameters, the weather, pick two squads to fight, and in the map editor all I can do is move the insertion points and the people around by left clicking and dragging There is no save option, only the option to preview my mission and test it.
  6. I see there is a full fledged editor, and one in the single player game under single missions called MY MISSIONS My question is can Missions made with the MY MISSIONS be saved them and runas a hosted Multiplayer game and have people join a map I made? In MY MISSIONS I am also limited to what seems like two units (one on each side) and cannot add more than that?
  7. pvthudson01

    Super bloomy.

    This is what I did to fix mine
  8. Just got the game a few days ago. Complicated but I will deal I have a few idiotic questions: If I get in a vehicle in the passenger side, how the heck do I take over the driver seat? The control options under Vehicle list nothing about swapping spots How do I heal myself in a normal single player game if I am hit?