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Posts posted by john111

  1. Is the updated Mcc out on Workshop yet?  It says Nov 4 is last one.


    Could there be a possibility to place the carrier a long way out to sea,almost off map?  Need to be able to do that for a mission.(2)  Can there be a timer that can be used to spwan stuff after a set time ?  Just a timer,no triggers,or zones,just sync to some moduel.Then planes takes off when timer reach 0.

    Also some way to make our own compositions for troop units and save them.Would be able to recruit new team members and make helos land be context tesitive point at. 

    To be able to use the Support Requester/Provider in zeus mode,and some sort of Ambience system for aircraft.Aircraft fly around and maybe get fire missions near the player.

    If there could be a possibility to make use of the Rescue helos by being able to load in (rather make the ai load in ) casuallties onto stretchers and make that work automatic.

  2. Does this work for AI,would be useful?  I would like this to be used for Ai aswell.


    If this can be made to work for helicopters,letting us set altitude and choice of weapons,and if I may make a suggestion,make us be able to draw a flight parth on the map and if possinle exlude a possible target,I would say this is Much better than Support Requester/Provider,this will be the go-to mod for Air Support,thank you.

  3. Any way to be able to fly any addon mods aircraft used as CAS in MCC ?  It would be great to be able to play as all available planes one could use from mods.....!   It would be great if I can designate a person as a pilot in advance and have them automatically teleported as a pilot and replace the pilot of the plane with a Playable one.Possible ,add a IR-strobe to mark the target intended. 

    Some way to place Vehicle in Vehicle throug Modules would be nice,if legal without the DLC.

    Some way to incorporate the Dynamic Loadout in a module for Advanced Helo CAS.

    To be able to use the Point in ACE 3 with ability to make rings diffirent colours to mark friendly/enemy position.

    To be able to turn any vehicle/Air into UGV/UBL.


    Composition Units.

    Make my own special compositions of units,give it a name and make it show up in zeus interface.Give Fireteams and Groups their own names.Make names have a Sign oand tadpole,visable to Team Leaders only in MP.

    Be able to make some enemies be invisable on the map,by order of type.Then make them visable again.


    Set altitude for enemy air units via slider from 5m-500m.Make them not use radar.

  4. Here is a few things I been looking for .1.Auto-Lock for missiles .2.Some way to use the"Ace 3 Point at" ring to show targets from Ground to Helicopter. Making this ring stay there for a set time in minutes,and use multible rings to show own troops and enemies.Diffirent colours. 3.To be able to set a Speed Bug to lock-down the speed at my liking.

    4.For Copilot to be able to place rings at targets,if desired,too. 5. Can we get the possibility to mark a flight path with Shift+mouse and get some sort of cues for a flight to that position,flight path markers,like tadpoles,rings or similar.

    Thanks for a great mod.

  5. Congrats on the relese!    Here is a idea,is there some way to make a radaraltimeter that can guide the AI in an effort to make them be able to fly very low and very fast ,sence flying up agains AAA-sites really can rip you to shredds.It would search for possible targets in path of plane ,then give arrows up/down ahead of time to make sure you don`t fly into the ground or at least a set altitude with a AP so you don`t fly into the ground ahead of time.


    Sence this is th F-18F - could we get a hi-rez moving map display? Would be very useful with this. Another thing I came up with,is a setting that prevents the Ai to fly any higher or lower than we order it.It could perhapps `compute`the speed ahead of time -if we can draw the planned heading path and altitudes on a tablet -and fly 2:nd plane in.


    Sometimes we need to be able to semi-guide dumb ordonace by ,lets say ,in advance use some better method to make sure we can fly right above the target only once.

    Auto-lock a target as a choice.Loft-drop stuff and such.

    Is any such system being worked on?  You know,a cheat-system to simplyfy things.

    A nice mod,thank you.

  6. On 5/3/2017 at 8:46 PM, Sniperwolf572 said:

    - Is there anyway to get control of the flir camera as the pilot?
    if not is there anyway I can get control of the zoom levels AND is there anyway I can tell the gunner to look where i am point my crosshairs OR better yet make the ai gunner follow my crosshair all the time?

    This would be very useful for SP-players.Also,we will need a FFV-position for the pilot,so he can throw the Ir-strobe,flare and what not.

  7. Came up with something ,what if a russian helicopter tactic could be employed in Arma-to make a helicopter: Loiter by setting a "360*" nose-pointed at a target while performing a circle that we can decide how far out the helo flies?   Not the same as S&D or regular Loiter .


    What if we can use the form 360 dg zone and couple that with a very precise landing INSIDE of it?   Use the Scroll Wheel,and pick biggest setting and add an invisable landing pad inside there?

    Atutomatically add IR-strobes in a square or triangle and make every Zeus-placed helo be incorporated into the Reserves/HC instanly.Be able to issue a fly-in heght that should be what we decide it will fly at when arriving.


    Tip: If you have the helo checking it`s set flight height at +- 2m/sec@every 2,5 sec ,it will fly very well. Make it check distance to every tree in forward flight path Time To Impact with it ,if it continues on this path,and issue a 4g pull-up if needed.Then it decends back down to set altitude again.

    Like a AP for helos. Like a Radar altimeter,if you like.

    Some one made something like it for A2.



  8. Came up with something ,what if a russian helicopter tactic could be employed in Arma-to make a helicopter Loiter by setting a "360*" nose-pointed at a target while performing a circle that we can decide how far out the helo flies?   Not the same as S&D or regular Loiter .

  9. I would like to suggest that FFV-positions be added to the Z-9.Lase capability and even an old fashion searchlight for actions when no NVG is available. Some paintjobs like in Gray/Green and black like some foreign costumers would make my day.Some Sneb rocket pods if a model could be found.

    If we can get fast roping ,and a cabin MG,I think it could replace Mh-6.


    Played with this helo a few days ago.Very effective ,coupled with a pair of attack choppers. Thanks for a great helicopter.And a great mod.


    Also ; Roof-mounted Gyro-stabilized gunturrets/Sights would be a great feature.


    Thank you.
