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Everything posted by john111

  1. john111

    Arctic Fox Defense Solutions: FOB Deployment Specialist

    Is this the end? Will someone else be able to continue this ?
  2. Are you happy with the tests of the mod? What are the planes in first release?
  3. Could you make a MP version,with lightbar for us too? Is needed....
  4. john111

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Is there a way to make some sort of auto-routing of patrols, like a police car going on patrol at an airbase? That checks what type of car it is,and makes it drive a patrol itself and some sort of menu item,to make it return to you ,when you want it to show up? You just place it on the map,near a town,a base and it drives on it`s own.
  5. When will the planes be relesed? Want them soo bad....Keep up the good work!
  6. Is this on Workshop? Can we get it there,if not? Neat update system....I`m wrong ,is there several keys in this? Where do they go?
  7. Could you make some AA-defences to protect harbours,like Goalkeeper,Mantis as stand-alone items?
  8. john111

    Arctic Fox Defense Solutions: FOB Deployment Specialist

    Any more news on this mod? Would love to see some small/medium stuff relesed as stand-alone.
  9. Anything more planned for this?
  10. Can you make a far more advanced radar for us?We need that...is this stand-alone modded chopper? Btw,could we get a seat for a soldier sitting on the snub wings? (Exist in RL). Could we get FFV seats in Ghosthawk?
  11. When do we get to play with the new aircraft carriers? Want them bad....
  12. Will you incorporate 360* defence,as in Advanced Command System? Even if that could be used at same time,I want it to be up to x3 times larger and be able to make them hide from sight. Some way to use a cammo-net,putting it very low to the ground,like a Sniper-hide,almost. What about making a helicopter sling-load something? Fly a Search-pattern,with a search light.? Hoist someone?
  13. john111

    Eagle's Addon Studios

    Can you make a 90`s style Willys Jeep MP with rotating red/blue light for us,please? Would be very useful for roadblocks and similar.
  14. Thinking of the Stinger;Would it be to prefer,that it has a 2 sec lock-on time and sense it`s a IR-homing missile,it will give no sound to warn the target? Like in Real Life. Btw,when will we see the old-style face mask for the F-14 driver?HGP-55+ facemask/oxygen. Is there a way to add a VHF-homing instrument,to be able to locate aircrew on the ground? We may also need some sort of search-light. If you need a cool FX-file for the gun,talk to Armscore mod.The A-109 gun is awsome.
  15. john111

    CH-46 Knight

    Make sure the port gun has a limited arc of fire! The top window in the cockpit is tainted dark blue,the rotorblades are drooping way more than you may belive. This helicopter is Anti-submarine Warfare in some countries-if you want to ,maybe talk to Swedish Armed forces mod :https://www.facebook.com/samstudios.se/?ref=eyJzaWQiOiIwLjI4OTgxODU5NzA2NTI1IiwicXMiOiJKVFZDSlRJeVUwRk5KVEl3VTNSMVpHbHZjeVV5TWlVMVJBIiwiZ3YiOiIyOWY0YWRiNjY3MmUzMGEwY2MwNmQwNGU0MTNiYTAxZWM4Mzg4NTJmIn0 They got a working Sonar system.
  16. john111

    ADuke's Kiowa Pack

    A​ co-production with Dezkit and his Bell 206? I really would like to see a Bell 406 X in A3.
  17. Can you add a Bell 407X version for us,please? Would be awsome...preferably with 30% lower sound level.
  18. john111

    CH-46 Knight

    Some people in Swedish Armed Forces Mod might like if you helped them with Splinter Cell Cammo on this,just a thought. Is this getting incorporated into Zeus interface? Would be very useful . Looks Great! Keep it up! thnx for the effort to get more hellis into Arma 3! Btw,could you make this much more armoured-up than a average helicopter? thank you.
  19. I`m all for an A-6 too,been missing it, there all ready are a few A-10`s in-game.
  20. Looks very cool! Want it...
  21. john111

    CH-46 Knight

    If you would add a VHF-Homer instrument ,and a Emergency Location Beacon (looks like a small ,handheld radio),we could acctually have a use of a SAR-version of this helicopter. Maybe,add a script for a version with the use of MCC,auto-place it in a mission if beacon is used and make it fly to location.
  22. Please include Israeli 2-seater Cammo for F-16.Instructor functionallity ,too?
  23. Sk-60 is out? Where is it ,its not in 0.5.7 what I`ve seen .
  24. Could this have a Gun pipper and the `dumb bomb`tad-pole always on,please? When zoomed in,we could more easy see the ground and put it on target. Could you make the jet more slow to respond to input from steering-or-...make the flaps work more efficient,to make it more stable,or "weighted down" .Like A.10 with flaps+speed brake. Looks nice! Will you add ultra-low flight profile to the AGM-84? GPS-co-cordinates for non-LGB`s are the best way to go about it. BTW,we would most likely need a .dat-file for X-52,X-65,X-55 joystick to be able to use this with enough efficiency. We probably need the "user action buttons" programmed for us. If you would do that for us...great. If not,many won`t use the lase,too complicated....maybe ,they never use these buttons. Could we get a way to set a route in Map,and make the Ai fly this? Like the C-130 Spooky in MCC mod,but follow my WP? Just my 2 cent,thanks for a great plane!