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About cpt-craig

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    Private First Class

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  1. cpt-craig

    7erra's Editing Extensions

    Thank you for the quick fix, I can confirm that the debug menu has reappeared on my end!
  2. cpt-craig

    7erra's Editing Extensions

    Hi, firstly I would like to say that I have been really enjoying using this mod, especially the new config viewer. However, whenever I have this mod active it hides the vanilla Debug Console for me and only shows the new one off to the right. Weirdly, sometimes, a couple of the elements of the old console are still visible, notably the previous and next statement keys. Have I done something wrong here? As it is I do not think I can access things like the GUI editor with the mod active, which is obviously a bit of a shame. https://imgur.com/a/eJy7Hnb
  3. Hi, I've been working on a script that spawns a UAV (an AL-6) from the communications menu, sends it to the location the player selected, lands it so they can take stuff from it, waits for a couple of minutes and then sends it back to where it started so it can be deleted. See the WIP code below: _caller = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _drone = [getMarkerPos "droneSpawnMkr", 0, "B_UAV_06_F", (side _caller)] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; systemChat format ["%1 called for support at %2",_caller,_pos]; //Disable player meddling with UAV _caller disableUAVConnectability [(_drone select 0),true]; (_drone select 0) enableWeaponDisassembly false; //Send the drone to the location the player selected and land _wpArrive = (_drone select 2) addWaypoint [_pos, 30]; _wpArrive setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wpArrive setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wpArrive setWaypointStatements ["true","(vehicle this) land 'LAND'"]; waitUntil {isTouchingGround (_drone select 0)}; if (!alive (_drone select 0)) exitWith {systemChat "Your Pelican has been destroyed"}; systemChat "touchdown!"; (_drone select 0) engineOn true; //Drone departs _wpDepart = (_drone select 2) addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "droneSpawnMkr"), -1]; _wpDepart setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wpDepart setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; //Delete drone _wpDepart setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle (vehicle this);{deleteVehicle _x} forEach thislist; deleteGroup (group this);"]; waitUntil {isNull (_drone select 0)}; systemChat "drone DELETED"; So this was all going really well, the drone spawns, it goes to the player and it lands... but then it refuses to do anything after that. Right now I am attempting to do this all with waypoints, but I have also tried with doMove. No matter what I do, the drone lands, turns off its engine and then stays at that location forever. The weird thing is that I tried replacing the drone with an AH-9 and the script functioned as exactly as I expected. This lead me to try a quick test where I plopped down an AH-9, an AL-6, an AR-2 and a MQ-12. I gave them each a waypoint with: (vehicle this) land "LAND"; in the activation field and then a normal unaltered move waypoint... only the AH-9 actually took off after the landing was completed, all the drones stayed exactly where they landed and disregarded the follow-up waypoint. Is there some known issue with using drones and the "Land" command? I've browsed the forums for anything about this, and I have come up blank. The wiki also does not mention anything about drones and land behaving differently. For now I will try replacing the drone's "crew" when it needs to leave, but any insight into this issue would be appreciated. I hope I have just missed something obvious here and that I won't need a hacky work-around to get this to work correctly. Thank you for your help.
  4. Hello everyone, I am making a mission using Global Mobilisation stuff and I am trying to start a mission where you come across a leaflet drop during a patrol. I am confident saying that I am okay with scripting a normal leaflet drop from a vanilla drone, however, since it is the cold war, drones wouldn't really suit the time period. In an ideal world, I'd like to have leaflets that drop from a mortar shell but I imagine I'd have to fake it somehow with an empty weapon or something. I'm only just starting to learn Arma scripting, so if anyone knows how I might start to do this, I would be very thankful.
  5. cheers sounds like a good idea, but when I try and unpbo warfare_e there is only one file there and it is unreadable? any ideas?
  6. hmmm, I'm not sure if benny's version works of the standard scripts, I'll look into it. For now I am gonna try and create a custom Faction script in order to try and allow the units to be created. Nope didn't work, I am having a load of trouble with this and I cannot even get the default US army units to spawn from the barracks.
  7. Hey I appreciate this has probably already been asked but I cannot seem to find an answer anywhere on this forum. My problem is I am trying to switch out the units from the warfare mission provided with BAF units, I have swapped all the weapons over no problem but I cannot despite how hard I try change the units. I am using the warfare examples hidden in the Warfare PBOs and I go to switch a unit by changing this piece of code to this piece of code and when I go into warfare in the editor the entry has been removed from the units list. I believe there is some kind of problem with scripts/common/config/Config_Factions as BAF isn't listed under there (this file is located inside the Warfare PBO also). If anyone has any idea what i might have to include in order to use BAF troops that would be REALLY REALLY helpful. I've included the text from the Factions file to help anyone who thinks they might know a solution,
  8. cpt-craig

    Music in Multiplayer

    Thanks very much guys the problem is sorted and I can now successfully hold back 200+ enemies with just 2 players and 6 AI :p all to the fantastic soundtrack of black hawk down. P.S I'm not sure on the legal issues of using music from films and stuff so i don't intend on releasing it yet.
  9. cpt-craig

    Music in Multiplayer

    is that to go into a script file?
  10. cpt-craig

    Music in Multiplayer

    Sorry I tried that and it just comes up with a blank error box when I press ok, when condition is "this" or "true"
  11. cpt-craig

    Music in Multiplayer

    thanks everyone thats really helpful, I'll just give that a try. Triggers don't seem to accept it and i'm not sure exactly what should I put in the On Act line?
  12. Hey sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn't find anything in the search. My brother and I have been making a mission and I put in some music to add to the atmosphere (i'm hosting btw). I can hear the music when we're playing the mission together but he can't. We're using the standard playmusic "title" spiel but it doesn't work over the LAN. We've also tried it just over effects. Any links or ideas would be appreciated.
  13. cpt-craig

    Check weapons in box

    its designed for use in a single player mission so it should be alright
  14. cpt-craig

    Check weapons in box

    ok, is there a way of remotely accessing a gear/ammobox/placeholder thing so you could store your tags in it and remove them, simulating a backpack? Okay doesn't matter I found a way by editing your original script to make one so you can "add it to backpack" in the same way that Murrays editing guide uses. this is kind of important because you can only ussually carry one set of dog tags at a time but with this you can "carry" as many as you need and get ONE set out to "deposit" to the ammo box. its not super simple to use in vast quantities but you won't encounter them in vast quantities :). An example mission of my system thanks be to Big Dawg KS for his help. http://www.filefront.com/16864229/Dogtags%20by%20Cpt-craig.7z
  15. cpt-craig

    Check weapons in box

    Thanks works brilliantly, btw if you wanna know what its for its for my mission I'm working on where youre stranded and have to help NAPA fight the Chkzd and every officer Chkzd officer is carrying a set of dog tags and if you bring back enough then it unlocks more weapons in the ammo box