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Posts posted by RozekPoland

  1. WenP5til.jpg

    A 2n update on HUD Evolution that is part of tI0YPH7.png

    (total overhaul of OFP/ACWA Heads-up display)


    1. Black background for HUD elements (UnitInfo-related displays, GroupDir, Radio Chat, Commanding Bar, Action Menu, Radio Menu)
    2. Vertical position of Action Menu dependant on display of Commanding Bar
    3. Introduction of Action Menu symbols
      • The symbols are ASCII Characters which OFP/ACWA engine displays as text. Available actions were grouped and appointed a unique symbol. The purpose of the symbols is to make recognition of available actions easier & faster for player. The feature has beneficial effects for regular gameplay and proves priceless for in-game life-death situations where time is crucial.
    4. Introduction of Dark Mode for Map Screen which reduces eye-strain
      • OFP/ACWA map theme and its components are solid white what causes eye-strain during longer gameplay (or while playing at night). To mitigate the issue the map background, the instruments (Notepad, GPS, Radio Menu) and some of the icons were re-textured & re-configured for dark theme.
    5. Introduction of Safe-Zone Indicator for Map Screen
      • The black square contour close to the edges of the Map is to indicate the area which is safe from auto-scrolling of the Map.



    Team Member VS Team Leader

    D0uSt2ol.png 8RslNiXl.png



    Tank Commander




    Dark Mode for Map Screen


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  2. 4gHkjAHh.jpg

    Animate (rotation) bug




    The animate (rotation) bug is a OFP/ACWA engine issue which causes deformation of object's geometries once animate command is used on it. The bug applies to Geometry, ViewGeometry and (under specific circumstances*) FireGeometry.


    For a thorough (and easier) understanding of the issue I have recorded a video which reproduces the bug in-game.

    In the video you can see that once the object gets animated, a part of its geometries becomes non-functional. As a result the AI unit can see the player through the non-functional part of the wall, as well as, the player can walk through that part of the wall. Additionally, the same bug-reproduction launched with disabled V-sync resulted in the AI unit being able to fire through the non-functional part of the animated object. Once the object gets de-animated to its original state, it becomes fully functional.



    Factors which affect deformation of object's geometries:

    • angle of rotation - angle1
      • deformation increases with object being rotated farther away from its original position
      • rotation of 180 degrees (π) triggers the maximal deformation of object's geometries
    • size, shape and complexity of object's geometries
      • the greater the object, the risk of deformation increases
      • incorrect length-breadth-height ratio of object might be correlated
    • memory point(s) - axis
      • the farther the memory point(s) are from the model components, the risk of deformation increases
      • memory point(s) located beyond bounds of object's geometries might be the critical reason of deformation
      • deformation might be accelerated by axis which consists of only one memory point

    Deformation might not apply to all of object's geometries as it is highly model-specific.


    *if V-sync (Vertical synchronization) is disabled

    • Like 1

  3. d3d8to9


    "This is a pseudo-driver module that intends to improve compatibility and stability in games using Direct3D 8 for rendering by converting all API calls and low-level shaders to equivalent Direct3D 9 ones."



    I have done some testing to find out if there is any performance boost using D3D8TO9. For this purpose I used OFPMark 2 by @toadlife (DIRECT LINK) which is the most reliable benchmark in terms of performance. The tests were repeated a number of times to make sure the results are reliable. To maximize the outcome of the test, the benchmark was launched with V-sync (vertical synchronization) disabled. Tested on ACWA (1.99) with no add-ons or mods and with no change in any of the game settings.





    V-sync: OFF

    (5152.36) : (7641.14)



    The performance boost is noticeable. Performance was boosted at approximately 48%! Worth noting the difference in Test Four and Test Five which are the most demanding. Keep in mind the results may differ depending on machine and its settings.

    I would like to ask you to do the tests on your machines and share your results here in this thread to find out if d3d8to9 is the ultimate performance booster.



    As a side note, I have noticed that D3D8TO9 removes/fixes the two cursors issue for OFP (1.96). It was fixed in ACWA (1.99).


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  4. DestrBuild 1.2 update has been released.


    • Changelog:
      • Added: Animated collapsing of buildings.
        • The feature is ACWA (1.99) exclusive.
      • Added: Sounds of building collapsing.
        • The feature is ACWA (1.99) exclusive.
      • Tweaked: Positioning of smoke clouds.
      • Fixed: Blocked doors in Panelak3.p3d.
      • Updated: notes.txt.

  5. DestrBuild 1.1 update has been released.


    • Changelog:
      • Added: Customized smoke clouds for destructible buildings.
      • Fixed: Possible CTD.
      • Improved: Models of ruins auto-centered.
      • Tweaked: Positioning of some ruins.
      • Improved: Conditions in scripts.
      • Updated: notes.txt.


  6. kHcr670.png


    Due to numerous inquiries related to downloading problems, we would like to inform that the ftp server which stores the whole OFP.info 2.0 content (addons, mods etc.) is a separate entity and do not belong to the creators of ofpr.info.paradoxstudio.uk. As a result, we are unable to provide you any information about the ftp server downtime, its maintenance and other of its technical aspects.


  7. MipgRQo.jpg


    DestrBuild is a OFP/ACWA modification which introduces destructible buildings. Thanks to DestrBuild, destroyed buildings are transformed into ruins. DestrBuild features a set of models of ruins which are customized to fit into size and position of each of destructible buildings. Moreover, DestrBuild provides animated collapsing of buildings (ACWA-exclusive feature).


    The modification introduces classes of destructible buildings and ruins which are available in Mission Editor, accordingly (Empty \ >>DestrBuild) and (Empty \ >>DestrBuild (ruins)).


    DestrBuild was tested on both 1.96 and 1.99 versions of the game. The modification is multiplayer-compatible.





    Known issues:

    1. If a place, where a destroyed destructible building is located, gets under heavy fire, the destroyed building may rise up from the ground for two seconds.
    2. Open/Close door actions were removed from destructible buildings. As a result, doors in destructible buildings are wide open.
    3. Climbing Ladder Up/Down actions may still show up & work even when a destructible building was destroyed.
    4. Furniture was removed from destructible buildings.
    5. DestrBuild does not work on OFP (1.96) non-dedicated server. It can be fixed by placing a GameLogic named server in a mission.



    DestrBuild is based on Arma Licensed Data Pack.
    1. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Licensed_Data_Pack#Cold_War_Crisis
    2. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Licensed_Data_Pack#Arma:_Armed_Assault


    DestrBuild falls under the Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA).



    DestrBuild makes use of indexof.sqf by General Barron.


    Thanks to @faguss for scripting support.

    Thanks to @damotr for providing a solution.



    • Like 4

  8. XgGzMFN.jpg


    TreeFix is a OFP/ACWA addon which provides a solution for one of the oldest OFP/Arma series bug - "the fallen tree bug". Thanks to TreeFix, fallen trees provide concealment & cover. By default, TreeFix provides limited geometry for fallen trees (View Geometry & Fire Geometry). You can enable all three geometries (Geo, ViewGeo & FireGeo) for fallen trees by placing TreeFix gamelogic in a mission or by a statement TREEFIX_FULLGEO=true.


    The addon introduces tree classes which are available in editor (Empty \ >>TreeFix). It also adds a gamelogic (Game Logic \ >>TreeFix - FULLGEO).


    TreeFix was tested on both 1.96 and 1.99 versions of the game. The addon is multiplayer-compatible.





    Known issues:

    1. Increased island loading time.
    2. Increased saving/loading time.
    3. Framerate drops/stuttering.
    4. Fallen trees may not provide as much concealment & cover as their size would suggests.
    5. Some geometries may not be precisely aligned with fallen trees.
    6. TreeFix does not work on OFP (1.96) non-dedicated server. It can be fixed by placing a GameLogic named server in a mission.
    7. Under specific circumstances a fallen tree may hover/levitate above ground. The issue applies to ACWA (1.99) only.




    TreeFix is based on Arma Licensed Data Pack.


    TreeFix falls under the Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA).



    Thanks to @damotr for providing a solution.


    • Sad 1

  9. WPkZHCBl.jpg

    Change OFP/ACWA in-game fonts globally via CfgFonts


    In the config of OFP (1.96) and ACWA (1.99) there is class CfgFonts. For ACWA it is as follows:

    class CfgFonts
    	class Korean
    		TahomaB24 = "hfont16";
    		TahomaB36 = "hfont16";
    		TahomaB48 = "hfont16";
    		CourierNewB64 = "hfont16";
    		Garamond64 = "hfont16";
    		SteelfishB64 = "hfont32";
    		SteelfishB128 = "hfont32_16";
    		AudreysHandB48 = "hfont16";
    		AudreysHandI48 = "hfont16";
    	class Czech
    		TahomaB24 = "CZ_TahomaB24";
    		TahomaB36 = "CZ_TahomaB36";
    		TahomaB48 = "CZ_TahomaB48";
    		CourierNewB64 = "CZ_CourierNewB64";
    		AudreysHandB48 = "CZ_AudreysHandB48";
    		AudreysHandI48 = "CZ_AudreysHandI48";
    		Garamond64 = "CZ_Garamond64";
    		SteelfishB128 = "CZ_SteelfishB128";
    		SteelfishB64 = "CZ_SteelfishB64";
    		SteelfishB64CE = "CZ_SteelfishB64CE";

    This part of the config can be utilized to change fonts globally without editing the resource file.


    ACWA uses English language as default. In order to change the fonts for this language one can add the following code to CfgFonts.

    	class English

    It is a starting point for further changes.

    As an example let's change SteelfishB64 font entry with SteelfishB128.

    		// SteelfishB64="SteelfishB64";


    The result of such a change is:



    SteelfishB64 vs SteelfishB128




    Readability of the text in-game has been improved.



    By default the game engine uses font files included in DTA\Fonts.pbo (and respectively in modfolder(s)). Their names in CfgFonts have to correspond to font filenames. It possible to load a font from an addon file.




    CfgFonts can also be used for introducing new fonts in-game, for example, for a language the game doesn't feature. My native tongue is Polish. In order to introduce Polish fonts to the game I have to add an appropriate class to CfgFonts. As an interesting side note, the fonts for Czech language (ACWA originally features) also feature Polish diacritics. In this case all I have to do is to add this code to CfgFonts.

    	class Polish:Czech{};


    Next, I have to open ColdWarAssault.cfg and edit the line by changing English to Polish.


    This way I can keep the game globally compatible and introduce new fonts or even new languages.



    If you would like to convert new fonts to the game you should take a look at @faguss' CONVERT_FXY tool.

    • Like 1

  10. 3GCJ2Gyl.jpg

    An update on HUD Evolution that is part of tI0YPH7.png

    (total overhaul of OFP/ACWA Heads-up display)



    1. Action Menu is located in bottom-right corner. It can display up to 50 rows.
    2. Commanding Bar is shifted to bottom-left corner of the screen.
    3. Vertical position of Radio Chat is dependent on being a leader of a group of units. By default, Radio Chat is located in bottom-left corner. If player is a group leader commanding other units then Radio Chat is raised above Commanding Bar.
    4. Vertical position of GroupDir is aligned with vertical position of Radio Chat
    5. New HUD for Parachute.

    0NtuBSXl.jpg     GO9F7M6l.jpg



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