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Everything posted by masonkiller

  1. masonkiller


    So is there any chance that the tank game crash error will be fixed?
  2. masonkiller


    I've downloaded the latest one and this is still happening to me. Even with a completely clean install of ARMA2 it still freezes. I lined up around 15 abrams tanks versus 15 Type 99's and 96's. Without the mod, such a tank battle may lag slightly but generally run alright. But here it freezes the game the instant the firing starts. I don't know if its the Chinese tanks firing that causes the freeze, or Chinese tanks getting hit that causes the freeze. I imagine it happens on one of the two though.
  3. I have one big fear about DayZ. I really, REALLY hope Bohemia don't get it in their heads to start pointing the ARMA series towards less realistic stuff like DayZ. Nothing wrong with having a mod like this, but considering they're adding support for it in the official patches and whatnot, I just hope they don't see all these new players and then suddenly ARMA4 comes out as another Call of Duty. I always am a little paranoid when in a more "niche" market like MilSim games, which simply will never pull the sort of profits Call of Duty gets, that the company will "sell out" and abandon everything that made them great. Far fetched? Just look at how Ubisoft eviscerated the Rainbow Six series, turning it from a very unique realistic First Person Shooter, into another generic piece of crap. And then the small community of people who wanted to continue the series as it was originally made were screwed over when Ubisoft refused to give them the source code for modding. Makes me cry, makes me cry....
  4. masonkiller


    Do you mean this one? http://115.com/file/dno3rbti And it wont let me, I press the blue download button and nothing happens
  5. Okay so this is another frustrating part of the ARMA2 AI that I want to get around in my missions. I tend to use ACE, but even then, if you have two large objects to take cover behind separated by a big open field, and a group is going to move under fire between the two, is there any trick in the mission editor or in SQF (I have a couple years working with both) to force the group to sprint across the field without going prone or kneeling and especially without stopping? I have yet to find a way. Just setting the waypoint to "CARELESS" doesn't work. They will still switch to a different AI behaviour and start taking cover and firing back.
  6. masonkiller


    Do you mean from the Chinese site? I can't it wont let me. It has that whole thing where you have to contribute to do stuff like that, but sadly I am still only in Beginning Chinese I.
  7. masonkiller

    CLY Face Viewer

    I have no mouse wheel and have little experience with sqs, what do?
  8. masonkiller


    I know I'm probably talking to myself here now, but I think the download from Armaholic is corrupted. I can't seem prevent crashes and type errors from showing up in the .rpt
  9. masonkiller


    Whenever I play an ACE battle with Type 99's and/or 96's my game crashes after the shooting starts. I tried running it without any other mods and it still crashed after the shooting started. I kept seeing In the report file, so I went into each file and entered in the missing ";"'s. After re-PBO-ing them with cPBO the errors were worse, I kept getting the in-game error I saw earlier in this thread that the mod makers had uploaded some fixed Type 99's, but the links are all broken. Is there any way to fix this freezing/crashing issue? Is anybody else having this issue?
  10. I'm making a little script to simulate a minefield by causing explosions to randomly go off and kill each person who walks onto the trigger. The trigger init: mf = [thisList] execVM "minefield1.sqf"; And the script itself: sleep 10; _triggeractivatorlist = _this select 0; while {(damage _x) < 1} do { sleep random 15; _mineexplosion = "Grenade" createVehicle (getPos _x); } foreach _triggeractivatorlist;
  11. I don't get it? I've gone over those two pages many many times.
  12. masonkiller

    Ai thread

    Much of the general theme in this thread is speed. The AI thinks slowly, even on really fast PC's. It's a coding issue not a hardware one methinks. In my humble opinion I think AI speed should be top priority. No matter what mods I try (such as SLX) and how much experience I give them, I can still place an alert high-experience squad in Strelka and saunter through and take them all out 85 percent of the time. It just feels.... easy. And rather unrealistic. That would be highly improbable in the real world, even for an expert soldier with lightning fast reflexes. On the opposite end of the spectrum you have games like Rainbow Six: Raven Shield where you come around a corner and the enemy AI sees you, aims straight at your head, and fires all within a period of a third of a second. If you peek around a corner and there is a bad guy standing right there facing you, there should be bullets flying at you in under a second. Real humans have very fast reaction times. Not as fast as R6, but fast nonetheless. I'd like to see that. Speed shouldn't just be for the offensive either, soldiers should react quickly under fire, and this has been mentioned many, many times. I just hope that after some patch at some point, when I sneak up behind a squad of enemy AI, right as I start firing some drop to the ground and some sprint for cover, immediately returning fire. :)
  13. masonkiller

    Bohemia Interactive's future ARMA 3!

    I hope they DON'T make an ARMA 3 for a good four years or so. ARMA 2 has so much room for improvement without a whole new game. I'd rather have BI focus on improving ARMA 2 (especially the AI) then making ARMA 3.
  14. masonkiller

    Tank commander separate view

    I know this is an older thread but I'm bumping it in hopes of finding a non-broken link for this
  15. masonkiller

    Artillery Aiming?

    Thanks a lot guys you're a big help to a newbie scripter! :)
  16. Is there a way, within an sqf script, to have the artillery take aim at a position (in format [x,y,z] of course) so when it fires the rounds come down from above? I've tried lookAt but you have to make the gun point up and then its guess and check to try to get the rounds to land anywhere within a mile of the target. I'm trying to make a small "from scratch" script that has artillery fire at a predesignated spot after being triggered. I would know how to do the rest if I just could figure this part out. So maybe if I knew what the artillery module uses for the first step of a fire mission when the guns take aim I could use that for my script. Any help or advice you guys can give I would greatly appreciate! :)
  17. masonkiller

    Artillery Aiming?

    Yeah I've used the artillery module before but its not exactly what I'm looking for but thanks. I've decided to opt for what Demonized said about faking it. So I mainly want to know about if there is a way to do a createVehicle and have it spawn with an initial acceleration and possibly direction.
  18. masonkiller

    Artillery Aiming?

    I'm just surprised BI doesn't have a command to use that aims the weapons Oh and while I have you, how do I get the laser designator position to work in a script? I tried _ArtyArea = position laserTarget player; but the script doesn't run ---------- Post added at 01:34 ---------- Previous post was at 00:22 ---------- What I've been doing is using createVehicle and setting the z position at about 7500-9000. That way the artillery rounds were coming down pretty fast. Is there a way to have the rounds "pre-accelerated" so they are moving quick right when they are spawned?
  19. masonkiller

    Artillery Aiming?

    So he has an actual script in there that calculates trajectory and whatnot?
  20. Is there a script one can put in the conditions section of a trigger to set it off if a specific unit is present? Wow this feels pretty hard to explain. What I mean is something that works just like "BLUFOR Present" or "OPFOR Present" except it only is triggered if one specific unit steps inside the boundaries. For example say I have a example_unit_1, is there a way to set the trigger so that it is only triggered if example_unit_1 is within the triggers' boundaries? I imagine it's a relatively simple script.
  21. THANK YOU SO MUCH I was looking all over for those things! :bounce3:
  22. Haha mostly messing around in the editor. I want to make the AI dogfights last longer so I'd like to be able to give them more ammo.
  23. Ok I've got the classnames list text file and I depbo'd the base_w pbo to look at the stringtable.csv, however I can't seem to get the Magazine classname for the 6xANM2 on the P-51. I've tried I44_6XANM2 I44_6X_AN_M2 I44_6x400Rd_ANM2 etc etc and nothing works. Where do I find the rest of the working classnames? (Classnames.txt does not cover them all)