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About mati140

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  1. Thanks, that's exactly what I've been looking for. EDIT: Arrrgggh, it seems I messed up sth. "player execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf";" didn't work for me, editor is showing error. Are you sure it works with 1.8?
  2. Thanks Demonized, you really helped me. Thanks for blaming me after the first post in this thread. What did I do to you? I think the thread can be closed now. There's no sense to keep it open. EDIT: Problem solved. Moderator, close the thread plz.
  3. Hi guys, I heave some question about HALO in ACE 2 1.8. Well, when you bail out from a plane with MC-5 parachute the HALO script starts, which allows to change position in air, etc. Is there any command to execute this script with, like with the stock BIS HALO script?
  4. @Demonized: OA missions aren't encrypted. I'm trying to make my content, which I paid for, working with ACE, which it doesn't support otherwise. You're not moderator and I didn't ask you for advice. The question is actualy if the stock HALO script which IS usable in custom missions and which use is legal is usable with "ACE_ParachutePack" OR if there's a way to start ACE HALO script which starts when bailing out of a plane manually. @Sickboy: OK, I'll ask there as well. Edit: @Demonized: So if u're not sure of sth then don't say it.
  5. Hello guys. I'm modifying stock OA "Jackal" mission. I'm trying to make it ACE compatible - I mean: use R-5 parachute instead of T-10, which is default and is used by stock HALO script. I tried adding R-5 to inventory (add Weapon "ACE_ParachutePack") but though it got into inventory it was usable only after (!) landing wiht T-10 parachute and HALO script end. I tried disabling HALO script and spawning player at proper altitude but then I was simply falling down wiht no control and... standing like on the ground. Any idea how to make it working?
  6. Got the muther******! I found lingor incompatible with... now fasten your seatbelts... A319mpa & A320mpa form Philip Taylor (converted to AA2 by Konyo). Once disabled, everything has started to work. Thanks for help guys! PS: Where did you get F/A-18 IceBreakr?
  7. Thanks, I'll try. Any idea what does the message mean?
  8. Hello, I seem to have a big problem with your awesome island. Well, when I load the map to editor then it shows the following message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgModels.default'. all the time and whenever I try to save or start mission. I'm using also lingor units and everything is used togeather with ACE. Any idea what's wrong with my install? Big thanks!
  9. Hello, I've just made a mission with AI controled F-35Bs and I tried forcing them land verticaly near airport. I used method with placing helipad and using land command. It worked for Ospray but Lightning just lands like fixed wing aircraft on runway, taxis, takes off and starts circling. I've searched for it but I found nothing. Is there any way to make this beauty land verticaly, controled by AI? :confused: