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About myles

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  1. Well basiclly what i want to do is kill the guy and i have to move a certian area. I know how to put the trigger on to have a guy killed but how do i make it that when i kill the guy i then unlock the ability to finish the mission by moving to a certian area?
  2. Whenever i try to put people in bulidings they always spawn on the roof how do you put them inside the building?
  3. still dont understand give more detail about how i make the trigger to work on the guy and what do i do
  4. Im just wondering how you can make the objective that you must kill a ertian unit and also how can you end the mission when you got the bjective you want completed thanks in advance!
  5. myles

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Music dosent suit it at all
  6. Ok and 1 more quistion can you make the civis tell the OPFOR if they see blufor?
  7. In a mission can you make the civis favour the OPFOR instead of Blufor as i wana mek a kinda afghainsitan mission. and also if you kill civis will they turn against you