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Everything posted by pbishop

  1. pbishop

    Bohemia Interactive's future ARMA 3!

    I think to allow the arma player count to grow and make it easier for the end users like us, it would be really but really generous of them to host all the mods and make some sort of in game function to get the server mods and load them directly within the game then having to figure out versions and having to close the game,download, restart, etc... 40 min later... still doesnt work.... close... bla bla bla. Or even an in game browser that can install mods and load them without restarting. Making it easier for new people to join and making it easier to play on servers that use mods is a major step in the right direction. Wether its a patch in arma 2 or in a possible arma 3, it would reduce some of the mess and make it easier for new and old to get right into the action. Not everyone out there (ie. most people i know) is very good at computer skills, but are very good players. It took me forever to join, and even now i have problems with versions and etc.... If i would have no patience, I wouldnt be playing now, and wouldnt have gotten to know the real arma. So... in conclusion, arma 3... make me some friends, lol.
  2. pbishop

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    This thread is yet another great demonstration of "community" and "respect" that has been evolving on the forums lately. :ok:
  3. Try this, tested and working, could be cleaned up but this was just a quick test to see if it worked. Place the following in the init line of the huey. Huey name is h1. g2 = h1 turretunit [1]; g1 = h1 turretunit [0]; g1 setpos [0,0,100]; moveout g2; deletevehicle g1; g2 setpos [0,0,100]; deletevehicle g2; For some reason turret [1] position is limited in how you can manipulate the unit. You have to get him out first before you can delete the unit. Result is a huey with a pilot and co-pilot and no gunners. I imagine it works with other helicopters, but did not test it. Update Tried the CH47 For each gunnerposition you must give the moveout command in order to delete the unit. Therefor, before you setpos you must moveout to get it to function properly. Example: g1 = h1 turretunit [0]; moveout g1; g1 setpos [0,0,100]; deletevehicle g1; g2 = h1 turretunit [1]; moveout g2; g2 setpos [0,0,100]; deletevehicle g2; g3 = h1 turretunit [2]; moveout g3; g3 setpos [0,0,100]; deletevehicle g3;
  4. Voted No. I currently have the steam version of arma 2/OA and its a pain in the you know what. To run mods and combined ops at the same time requires a great deal of patience. I would of bought the boxed version if there were any left. I would simply suggest send more boxed copies to Canada.
  5. pbishop

    DLC - Canadian Forces

    Its a shame. I just think they are still pissed about what we did to their women during WW2. Crying shame, lol. CANADA, home of the world's largest aircraft carrier. Newfoundland, lol. Now there is a vehicle i'd like to try in arma.
  6. pbishop

    Fallujah City

    Thanks for taking the time to make this map. The size of the city is just impressive and outstanding. For a beta I must say that you are doing really well and have a really nice map going. I always appreciate someone like you taking the time to make something like this for my enjoyment. As others throw ideas around, I think sometimes it is wise just to appreciate the amount of work that must have gone into this. Great work bud.