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Everything posted by v4friend

  1. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello ArmA 2 fans! It took some time, but now the first release of ' my' head-tracker is ready for testing: FaceTrackNoIR. It is a program that runs on Windows XP, Vista and 7 and uses the faceAPI from SeeingMachines. The major advantage over other head-trackers is, that you only need a simple web-cam and NO hats with LED's (or anything like that). All it needs is your face and some proper lighting... The first release is ready for downloading at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/facetracknoir/files/ It is made compatible with ArmA 2 (using Free-track protocol) and FlightGear. After installation (which requires .NET Framework 3.5 SP1) the head-tracker should work. It does require the patch, which enables Free-track support ... You must also enable Free-track in the ArmA settings! Of course, I am very curious to receive your feedback: it's the only way to improve software!
  2. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Dear ArmA and/or FaceTrackNoIR-users, I am happy to announce that v170 of FaceTrackNoIR was released yesterday. The new version contains a number of important improvements, which also benefit many ArmA-users (mind you, also Take on Helicopters and other Bohemia-games are included!). The most important new features: A new filter called Accela, providing great stability and yet maintain response; An IR-tracker called PointTracker. This was translated from the FreeTrack sources and is very useful for users, who already have an IR-headset; A new game-protocol called "FreeTrack 2.0", which supports all FreeTrack and TrackIR games, including all Bohemia-games. The problem of ArmA crashing on startup was solved. Users can now choose, which interface from FaceTrackNoIR to ArmA they want to use; All new features are listed on the website. You are welcome to try v170, please visit the FaceTrackNoIR website Wim Vriend FaceTrackNoIR Team Holland :bigglasses:
  3. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello ArmA-fans and all other interested folks, A while ago, version v160 of FaceTrackNoIR was released! The program was finally released as a full-installer, so users with new CPU's don't get Waterfall errors (and such). As always, you can download FaceTrackNoIR here P.S.: We are already working on the next improvements. Please show your support by donating, to keep the project alive and kicking
  4. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi kllrt, What CPU do you have? The demo uses the latest version of faceAPI and FaceTrackNoIR 1.5 does not, so that could be the problem. Update 1.6 will support the latest faceAPI (1.6 is 'under construction', but hey: it's holiday in Holland!). You can use 'Server/Client', to run the face-tracker on a 2nd PC. I don't get much feedback on that feature though, so it would be nice if you could... Please ask any questions you have?
  5. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @Aspire: Then it seems there is a problem with your setup. Could you try the faceAPI demo from SeeingMachines? @F2k Sel: I would recommend a PS3Eye. It has saved the day for a lot of users already!
  6. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi larsiano, That for your P.R. :). I found the article on the homepage, but couldn't get access to your linked page. Do you have to be member for that? ---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ---------- Hello Egosa-U, Actually the faceAPI demo (not the faceAPI itself!) is not required for most users, only for those with the 'waterfall error' or similar IPP-runtime errors. If you have those errors (like BennyBoy), you must un-install the IPP-runtime first (via the Control Panel/Software), before installing the faceAPI demo. BTW.: I forgot to mention: The petition for headtracking support in DCS-games (like Blackshark, A-10C) was very successful! They released the headtracking API and I have released the interface for FaceTrackNoIR last week... Thanks everyone!
  7. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @Sensenmann, Until yesterday I had no idea how to solve this, but a user has reported fixing this on his PC. This man solved the problem by removing a codec-pack (from shark007.net) from his PC. It's strange, but I also recall a similar problem with Nero codecs, when experimenting with OpenCV. So maybe you can check your PC for installed codecs and try removing them? I'd like to hear the outcome... @Signers: thanks for signing. @AllOthers: please sign the petition. It's for a better future in head-tracking!
  8. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello (lucky) ArmA users, As many of you may know, (free) head-tracking support in ArmA did not come easily. After the ArmA users held a petition and 500+ votes were gathered, Bohemia decided to implement FreeTrack support. Your fellow DCS-users (you know, of Blackshark and others) are not so lucky: the ED-developers say they cannot implement alternative head-tracker support, because NaturalPoint 'forbids'. Yesterday James Ireland started a petition to convince ED that many users like free head-tracking. My question is simple: could you please help and sign the petition too? It costs you nothing but a few minutes and no e-mail addresses are exposed (unless you want to). The more developers support alternatives, the more will follow! Thanks in advance :bounce3:
  9. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi ubermachtig, Nice to hear that you are so enthusiastic . And thanks for your feedback! I am aware that there are many beautiful ways to attract attention nowadays, and we are using some of them. I guess you have read our entire website? We have also posted in several forums, like DutchFS, SimHQ, FreeFalcon, AVSIM etc. It does take a lot of time to offer support to all users, so I'm actually glad that the program spreads 'gradually' (about 150 downloads a day...). It's only a bit of a pity that less than 1 percent of all these downloaders care enough, to donate... If you have any ideas or want to help us in any way, just send a PM? Groeten, Wim
  10. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    It's always nice if people can figure it out without help... Way to go!
  11. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @jubu: As I remember, there was not much to install about Webcamax. If you even get the same error with it installed, then apparently something else is very wrong. I don't know how to help you at this stage... @j_frost: Well, facetracking just requires a lot of CPU-power. I don't think it matters too much, which program you use. However, we may be able to make the tracker better 'configurable', so you might trade off accuracy for performance... We're just starting with OpenCV, but it looks promising!
  12. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi Jubu and Kashwasha, Sorry to hear that it's still not working. The latest update still includes the same faceAPI version, so I guess it was to be expected... :( Last week I was fiddling with OpenCV (I'm working on using 'our own' facetracker in FaceTrackNoIR, besides the faceAPI) and found something strange: my PS3Eye did not work with OpenCV. After some debugging I found that a folder (DSFilter) installed by Nero (you know, the DVD-burning suite) blocked the camera somehow. After renaming the folder, my PS3Eye works fine with OpenCV. Maybe something similar is happening to you? Another thing you might try is using a 'virtual webcam'. I have once tried WebCamMax (unfortunately only the demo is free, but there might be other softwares like it...). It did find my camera and FaceTrackNoIR works with WebCamMax. Good Luck!
  13. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello ArmA gamers and other interested people, The fifth update of FaceTrackNoIR was released yesterday (http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/information_links/download.htm). Again, we have spent quite a lot of blood, sweat and tears ( :p ) to improve the program. Please try it and have even more fun flying... eh, I mean flying, driving and gaming! Wim P.S.: The website of FaceTrackNoIR was completely re-designed. Please take a look and tell us what you think of it?
  14. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Helios, That looks like a regular 'monster-machine' :eek: It would indeed be nice to get FaceTrackNoIR working, I suppose... It's very strange that the faceAPI demo works, but FaceTrackNoIR does not :(. Have you also un-installed the demo again? It could be that the demo is using a newer version of faceAPI and that that would solve things. I have tried compiling the upcoming update with the latest version, but that doesn't work (yet). Unfortunately SeeingMachines won't help me, because I'm 'just' using the non-commercial version (and the program has 'only' been downloaded over 13.000 times...). I will try compiling with the newest version again soon. If you send me a PM with a mail-address, I might send you an 'alpha' of that?
  15. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi BurningPunk, Sorry I didn't reply to your previous post. To be honest: I don't have a clue :( It's obvious that something must have changed between the time it worked and 'now'. Perhaps you have updated DirectX or W7 and something went terribly wrong there? I know that one user here and another on the sas1946 forum received the same error. Until now, neither of them has found a solution, I'm afraid. I'll try the WWW again, to see if anything similar can be found...
  16. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Jsmuk, Thanks for your feedback too :). Indeed, I think you have to tweak the settings (especially the curves) to make the movements to your liking. I would start with slower settings first and then gradually make things faster. You can also try to get one DOF right first (Yaw and Pitch are probably the most important) and then do the others 'one at a time'?
  17. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello PvPscene, Well, I'm glad you got it working and were able to test it in ArmA. I admit: it takes some 'getting used to' when playing. We are still trying to improve filtering etc., so it will be more playable in the future :cool: Thanks for your feedback!
  18. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello PvPscene, It looks like you've done everything right. I think it must be a problem in ArmA, or in the control-settings of ArmA. :cylon: In the Controls-section you find the button Controllers. There you must enable FreeTrack (but you already did that, right? Can't hurt the toggle the bit down/up once, to be sure...) then in the Controls section itself, you must define FreeTrack for 'Look left (analog)' etc.
  19. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi dnh473: Someone I know pretty well described the procedure here. Update 4 will then go to about 50 fps. In the next update, the speed will go up another notch...
  20. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello dnh473, I would recommend the PS3Eye: it was designed for gaming and I think it also works fine in darker conditions. I have a lamp above&behind my monitor. It does not shine directly in my face, which I think is just right...
  21. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Guys and Girls! (I guess that covers everyone :D ), I've missed some of the recent posts in the thread: somehow I don't receive notifications any more :confused: . I would like to wish you all the best for 2011! I'm glad most of you like the program and especially the pricing of it. I would like to ask you all to consider donating, because it's really time consuming to make, improve and support a project like this. @TRexian and Mosh: the EWMA-whatever is meant to reduce the jitter. It was implemented especially for ArmA users... It should not influence program stability. @Bucic: have you tried the faceAPI demo? Can you run that, or do you get the same error?
  22. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi gxxshock, That's bad :mad:, but not completely unexplainable: version 1 used the C++ runtime libraries from Visual Studio 2008. However, to solve a couple of memory-problems (including the R6030-error), I have downgraded to Visual Studio 2005 (which faceAPI was built with!). So v130 uses an older version of C++ :o You are the first to report this problem however. Have you searched the web for similar problems?
  23. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello NightWarp, For ArmA2, you should use the FreeTrack protocol (as you already discovered). In ArmA2 you must then enable FreeTrack in the controller section. What 'loop' do you mean?
  24. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello ArmA-fans and (hopefully) FaceTrackNoIR-users, After quite a bit of work, I have now released update 4 of FaceTrackNoIR . The new version includes: * configurable curves; * support for Microsoft FS2002, 2004 and FSX; * auto-start-tracking feature; * improved stability; * and some other tweaks; As usual it can be downloaded here: http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/information_links/download.htm P.S.: For any of you who like FaceTrackNoIR: It is now also possible to show your appreciation and support development by donating :)
  25. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello armapaddy,Thanks! The next update will be released shortly: just need to finish some small items :cool: I'll post here, when it's available.