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Everything posted by v4friend

  1. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @Xerxes: Zeroing is one of the thrilling new features of the update :) When you start the Tracker, you should try to keep your face in a 'natural' position. If however, you still have to look up or down to much, maybe you could exaggerate your position in the opposite direction and press '=' to zero... (fyi: FTNoIR then stores the current head-pose values and subtracts these from all following values, thus zeroing your position). Takes a little tweaking I guess :cool:
  2. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @Erratic, What settings did you use? When tracking is 'laggy', at least it's not 'jittery'. You can make tracking faster by setting 'smoothing' to a low value (say 5) and by turning the 'EWMA-filter' down (low values for Red. factor). @Dwarden, Can anyone just post crashdumps, or do you have to register or something? I have made FTNoIR, so I have translated the Pascal (Delphi) code from Free-track to C++. I'd like to help you solve this little bug :-) O, one remark: to get things working, I 'once' changed the FreeTrackClient.dll. Although I think it became better by those changes, I have since improved the C++ code from FTNoIR, so it will also work with the original DLL. Just forgot to remove the added functions...
  3. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @Alef: Making the short-keys 'mappable' is indeed one of the 'future-enhancements' we want. I'm thinking about a practical way to program such a function. Ideas? About starting ArmA2: when I start ArmA2 it always shuts down once :eek:, on second start it works fine :confused: I've read that this also happens to some Free-track users. I guess it has something to do with the client-connection of ArmA2 to the Free-track DLL. Maybe the ArmA developers can do something about it? @Ebola: That's a difficult one :butbut: We cannot reproduce your problem (using Vista 32-bit) and have not yet received any feedback from others, experiencing the same... You say it's FaceTrackNoIR crashing? Does it also do that, when you don't start the Tracker, or when you start the Tracker with the FlightGear or PPjoy protocol? (Just trying to pinpoint the problem...) @DaveP: What software do you mean? V4
  4. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @Monkfish: Have you tried the faceAPI demo? If that works, FTNoIR will too. Maybe it sound dumb, but you might have to re-install or update your web-cam software? @Nithrakis: I don't really know about the CRT. You need .NET framework 3.5 (doesn't that cover CRT?), but the installation for that should be invoked by the setup of FTNoIR.
  5. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello ArmA-fans, After a period of testing and tweaking, we have now released the first update for FaceTrackNoIR. You can find it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/facetracknoir/files/ The update includes a few short-keys, to start/stop head-tracking while playing and a EWMA-filter has been implemented, to reduce jitter. Please try it and let us know what you think of it :cool: FaceTrackNoIR is now also compatible with PPJoy (virtual joystick) and together with GlovePIE it can be 'chained', so TrackIR games can now also use FaceTrackNoIR. Well, the older ones anyway. Please let us know, if you have successfully used FTNoIR with any game or flight-sim :) V4Friend
  6. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello ArmA gamers, If you can hold on for just a while: we are currently beta-testing a fix for the jitter! Looks promising if you ask me.
  7. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Well, that's a strange problem. Software doesn't usually change itself, so if it works and nothing changes, it keeps working... Usually in such a case, I ask my client: what has changed, after it worked?
  8. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Cpt.Minidou, That's why I made my remark about the noir-thing :-) Well, if the demo does the same, something must be wrong with your web-cam or the faceAPI installation. All I can advise you is to reinstall the software for both...
  9. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @M1n1d0u (hard name to type...), I thought you had it working before:confused: Have you tried the faceAPI demo, to check if that gives the same result? FaceTrackNoIR should show you (above the settings) which web-cam faceAPI will use (always the first WDM-input-device it finds). If that is correct, it should work... B.T.W.: I named my program FaceTrackNoIR because: it tracks your face instead of some LED's. The NoIR actually means two things: No-IR (obvious?) and 'noir' (well, I guess you all know it means 'black', Free-track is made by French guys, so I liked to put in something French as a tribute).
  10. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Z.agge, There are some things you can try. At first, I advise you (and everyone else for that matter), to start with some 'slow' settings. That means you should enter values smaller that 100 for the sensitivity-sliders, a smoothing-value of 10-20 and a Neutral-zone of about 5-10. Doing that will probably make head-tracking less responsive, but also less 'shaky'. Then you can try tweaking the settings, to improve responsiveness again... B.T.W. I'm working on a few improvements, to decrease jitter, make 'zero-ing' possible and to be able to start/stop headtracking while playing... @Kremator: Thanks! Positive feedback is really inspiring!
  11. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    @ Xerxes-17, Our intention was indeed to include all the files needed to run FaceTrackNoIR. The computers we tested it on (XP, Vista and 7) all worked with the first release. Feedback from other users suggests, that in some cases it is necessary to install the faceAPI from SeeingMachines first, to get it running. We will look into it and see if it is possible to prevent extra pre-requisites. Your feedback helps us, so keep posting :cool: @ Muahaha, We will make a list of nice-to-haves and see which of those have 'top-priority'. Implementation must be done in my spare time, but we will release updates in the near future, to make FaceTrackNoIR playable. Mind you, I have also tried it in FlightGear and most problems mentioned for ArmA don't apply there... P.S.: I guess there are so many different scenarios, that it may not be possible to create this one-size-fits-all installer. We will try though ;)
  12. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Maverick, Have you tried the headtracking demo from SeeingMachines http://www.seeingmachines.com/product/faceapi/downloads/? If I remember correctly, using the demo you can see the 'initial picture' the faceAPI takes on startup. Maybe you should change the position of your web cam? Perhaps we must consider implementing 'offsets' that are applied to the '0'-position. However we wanted to keep the number of settings small, because they tend to confuse people. m1n1d0u: shaking will be reduced if you set 'smoothing' higher...
  13. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello guys (and girls?), Thanks for giving me feedback. Some of you wonder if it's legit: it is! I've made it myself, to make headtracking available to those with a small purse ;) To reduce the jittering ingame, you may have to tweak the settings. For the sensitivity I would recommend settings around 100 (which actually means amplify movement by "1"). In FlightGear this settings seems too small: 300 works there... The smoothing slows down movement, because it adds up 'n' samples and takes an average of those. Too high a number makes headtracking 'laggy'. The neutral-zone put a band around the initial '0', so keeping your head in the initial position should keep the head still. When you press 'Start' in FaceTrackNoIR, you should try to keep your face in a neutral position :cool: I would like to remind you that this is just a first release. Using your feedback, we will try to improve! P.S.: Before switching to ArmA, minimize FaceTrackNoIR: it should reduce CPU-load. The faceAPI however is quite demanding...
  14. v4friend

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    A friend of mine plays ArmA2 with it all the time. I get my feedback from him. If I keep playing the game myself, I cannot write any software :-) So yes: it works in ArmA2, using the Free-track protocol...