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Everything posted by liquidsteel50

  1. liquidsteel50

    out of memory error

    for people having the out of memory error ,ya might try this. set the video memory in game to low, it stopped me from getting them.
  2. arma 2 ends with a freaking nuke {maybe} killing all of them
  3. I finally finished the arma 2 camp with tons of out of memory errors and ctd, then immediatly went to oa ,didnt restart game or anything . same executable and played for 3 hours and not one error or crash. WTF
  4. 8 gig of memory and i get a stupid memory error,, i know do a freakin search 1st, bullshi-fix the damn error:mad:
  5. liquidsteel50

    live stream of Gulf oil leak

    like i said watch this 60 minuits interview with the guy who was on the rig.other than the moron that moved the joystick when the blowout preventer was under pressure and damaged the annular it was all bps fault as they were loosing a million bucks a day.the interview explains it all GREED http://www.fancast.com/tv/60-Minutes/97707/1496069406/60-Minutes%2C-05.16.10/videos for some reason the 2nd posting of the link doesnt work follow the link in my post on 1st page to 60 miuits webpage
  6. liquidsteel50

    live stream of Gulf oil leak

    ya really want to get pi$$ed off ,watch this 60 minuit interview with the head electronics guy that was on the rig http://www.fancast.com/tv/60-Minutes/97707/1496069406/60-Minutes%2C-05.16.10/videos