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Everything posted by Specialist

  1. Specialist

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    I will be waiting until I can can a boxed retail copy, I have never purchased any game online and I dont plan to.
  2. I will be buying it tomorrow if its in stores in the UK! Also, are the British units in that we saw on ANN News? Or were they just teasing?
  3. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    Yes they are the new SCAR variants that were added into ACE in one of the recent updates. I will add the new G36 variants in the next update and will work on the IEDs Thanks for all the feedback everyone :)
  4. Specialist

    [SP/COOP]Election Day

    Hey, Im going to look into the ending because the mission will end when there are no insurgents left in the target area, I think a few may get stuck in some of the streets or buildings because the Baghdad streets can be like a maze :D
  5. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    lol sorry :rolleyes: I will add it in the next update :)
  6. Specialist

    [SP/COOP]Election Day

    You need the latest African Foliage & IED Objects that are required for Baghdad, that fixed the problem for other people. It should be fine, its a simple mission anyway, so you can add whatever you want to it ;) I will be adding more scripts and features in the next update.
  7. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    You need the latest African Foliage & IED Objects that are required for Baghdad, that fixed the problem for other people.
  8. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    They dont come equipped with SCARs, you have to select your teams gear in the briefing screen before the mission starts.
  9. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    Version 1.1 released
  10. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, Its a very hard mission and this is how it should be played, going block by block slowly clearing the streets, The video I released lasted for 7 minutes and I hardly got past the first street. Just take your time and dont rush the Firefights. Keep your eyes open, there are snipers on rooftops and when you see a suspicious car parked up or a dead dog in the street, or even a pile of rubbish that doesnt look quite right, just avoid it ;)
  11. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    7 Minutes of Mission Footage released
  12. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    You can get it here on Armaholic Scroll down to where it says Mirror, its hosted by 'Kellys Heroes'
  13. Specialist

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    You need the latest African Foliage & IED Objects that are required for Baghdad.
  14. Specialist

    Isla Duala

    Thanks alot for the update PS. You may want to update the main post, it still says 1.6
  15. Specialist

    Ovaron Island

    lol got a new mission in mind? :p Great work on the Island Also, I think it would be better with fictitious names instead of real ones.
  16. Specialist

    SEAL Team Six 4

    You need to create the folder called "Campaigns" in your main ArmA II folder. Just finished the campaign today, Great job on it
  17. Specialist

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    :lurk: It looks amazing so far, keep up the great work guys
  18. Specialist

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    I have ArmA II but I will just enjoy the Vanilla Arrowhead for a while :)
  19. Specialist

    Ovaron Island

    Looks good, Im going to download
  20. Its not misleading at all, Operation Arrowhead is a standalone game and you dont need ArmA II to play it offline or online, its peoples choice if they want to host games with a mix of both and im pretty sure there will be Vanilla Arrowhead servers too.
  21. Specialist

    Isla Duala

    Great news! Duala is one of my favorite maps
  22. Specialist

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Me too, I would pay for that and like I said before, I would only pay for Britsh units & equipment/Vehicles. Im not interested in any other armed forces enough that I would pay for DLC including them. I think most people would only pay for DLC if it includes their own country. (Im from the UK)
  23. Specialist

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    That sunset is beautiful MattXR
  24. Thanks, Im going to take a look
  25. Looking forward to these units & weapons, its good to see your still working on them