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Everything posted by paulpjholcomb

  1. So, do you guys have suggestions for specific parts for the entire computer? I don't know much about choosing parts, but I'm pretty sure I could put it all together. Thank you for your assistance, Paul
  2. I definitely do want to get a gaming PC, but I do not know much about building a computer. However, I am willing to try to learn. My main reasons for wanting a gaming PC are: games with tons of re-playability due to mods, mission editors, etc, maturity level is generally much higher on PCs, generally better games, and the ArmA series. Seriously, Arma II in itself is a reason to buy a PC.
  3. Hey guys, since there is a lack of good, tactical games on consoles, I am wondering what you guys think about me ceasing to buy Xbox 360 games and save up for a gaming PC. How much would one that would last for a long time cost? Thank you, Paul