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Posts posted by yourry

  1. Is someone trying zeus module with the new Eden editor in multiplayer?
    When I create a new mission from Eden, the Zeus module does not work. The player who takes the Zeus slot stuck on the mission loading page.
    I do not know if it's a bug or error on my part.
    Strange, everything works in 2D and 3D version of it does not work.

    Here is what I do by step:

    1. I place a blue unit.
    2. I place Zeus (virtual unit), I name zeus_unit and tells him that it is the player.
    3. I pass the blue unit playable
    4. I place the Game Master module I filled the box by owner zeus_unit and forced the active interface.

    I backup and file the mission on my dedicated server.
    Everything works f the mission is create with the 2D editor., I took Zeus and I play the mission.

    With the 3D editor, I do exactly the same thing and the mission no longer works in multiplayer.
    The preview works well with 2D and 3D.
    I do not understand.
    If it helps, here are the two missions (2D and 3D) with client and server .rpt every time :


    (sorry, I think I posted in the wrong section)

  2. Here is a screen of information extDB2.dll:





    I confirm that no BattlEye, everything works fine:



    extDB2: Version: 66
    extDB2: https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB2
    extDB2: Windows Version
    Message: All development for extDB2 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server
    Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB2 Development
    Message: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2SUEFTGABTAM2
    Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added.
    Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated.
    Message: Torndeco: 20/02/15

    extDB2: Found extdb-conf.ini
    extDB2: Detected 8 Cores, Setting up 6 Worker Threads

    [17:04:23:331801 +02:00] [Thread 7752] extDB2: Database Type: SQLite
    [17:04:23:335801 +02:00] [Thread 7752] extDB2: Database Session Pool Started
    [17:04:23:338801 +02:00] [Thread 7752] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Loading Template Filename: C:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@extDB2\extDB\sql_custom_v2\arma3_roj_dev_db_custom.ini
    [17:04:23:338801 +02:00] [Thread 7752] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available
    [17:04:38:654677 +02:00] [Thread 7752] extDB2: Stopping ...


    And with BattlEye, the problem returns:



    Windows informations :




    It is a version completely legal that I bought.
    After it is not very serious since in multiplayer it works. It's just a shame that it does not work solo because there still are players who play solo.
    If you need more information, do not hesitate.

    Thank you anyway, you are a leader !



  3. note: listNbox was fixed in the Performance binary (profiling branch) ...



    which is imho important for BeCTI users ;)



    I confirm that this is problematic.

    The drag and drop no longer works on the BECTI "class RscListNBox" that inherits from CT_LISTNBOX = 102.

    Dawarden, I not understand the update. It is no longer possible to make a drag and drop if using class RscListNBox?

    For example, on the wiki:


    I do a test with the "class RscListNBox" the link above and drag and drop is not working.

    What is the class to use for drag and drop?
    Thanks for your help.

  4. The next version has an improved AI raptor.

    In the testes, definitely be discreet (crawl) not to be seen and be chased ...

    The AI of raptors is radically different from that of conventional units and all skill commands do not work on it. The AI is 100% homemade.

    After moving about raptors in houses, you should know that one reaches the limits of the game engine.

    If interested, I can pass the test version of what I do test to check that everything is working properly ...

  5. Public current version already allows the use of raptors as you want.

    We need only read the documentation on the wiki (http://www.roj.fr/en/wiki/les-deux-gameplay-du-mod/le-gameplay-coop/)

    It is necessary that the mission has a code ligne and file for raptors is a inteligence.

    I work on the latest update. I hope to come out soon.

    You can also follow the mod on the site


    By cons must know that raptors are not quite as classic game soldier. I'm not sure the waypoint function properly.

    It is the engine that makes the game you have to manage the dinos as Agents (createAgent) and not as units (createUnit).

  6. To enjoy the mod you have several choices.

    Either you play one of the missions that are proposed in the pack (ROJ_Mission_Survival.Stratis.pbo example).

    Either you open the editor directly and play as you please.

    To learn how to include missions to your game, I invite you to read the many tutorial.

    Finally, note that a small help is available on our website:


    I still work on it but you can find help on how to properly operate the dinos.

    Hope this is helpful.

  7. I wanted to know if there was a way to apply the position on a player who used the stance command.

    SetStance the command does not exist.

    I tried the following:

    _stance = "CROUCH";
    //player playMove _stance; //--- Not working !
    _anim 	= (_stance call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimGetParams) select 0;
    player switchMove _anim; 

    But I have this error :

    ["Animation set not recognized!",_unit,_animset] call BIS_fnc_error;

    The function seems not suitable for my case I not use it correctly.

    Do you clench how I can do?

    Thank you

  8. An excerpt from the log:

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 615662119] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Trace: UniqueID: 9816 Input: playerCheckSave:12345

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 615662119] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Error DataException: SQL Statement invalid: SQL error or missing database: no such function: IF

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 615662119] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Wiping Statements + Session

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 615662119] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Error Exception: UniqueID: 9816 SQL: playerCheckSave:12345

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 959710652] extDB2: Extension Input from Server: 4:9816

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 959710652] extDB2: Extension Input from Server: 1:679518:playerInfoInsertOnDB:12345:=[TTK]= Yourry:PlayerUID:Name

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 615662119] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Trace: UniqueID: 0 Input: playerInfoInsertOnDB:12345:=[TTK]= Yourry:PlayerUID:Name

    [21:32:10 +02:00] [Thread 615662119] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Trace: UniqueID: 0 Result: [1,[]]

    [21:33:09 +02:00] [Thread 959710652] extDB2: Stopping ...

    I did not notice but the log is written that when the game is stopped ?

    Another problem is when I go to look for information in the DB:

    [21:28:09 +02:00] [Thread 3598687997] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Trace: UniqueID: 9848 Input: playerGetInfo:12345:Name

    I have the following return (correct):

    [21:28:09 +02:00] [Thread 3598687997] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Trace: UniqueID: 9848 Result: [1,[[=[TTK]= Yourry]]]

    The concern is that = [TTK] = Yourry is not between "" and it makes crash .sqf

    I'm sorry to bother you as much. I'm really a beginner.

  9. Thank you for the help, I begin to understand.

    I took the example on your git. I want to know if the player is known in the DB.

    So I have the following code sql_custom:

    Prepared Statement Cache = false
    SQL1_1 = SELECT IF ((SELECT 1 FROM players_save WHERE PlayerUID = ?), 'true', 'false');
    Number of Inputs = 1
    SQL1_INPUTS = 1

    .Sqf next query is as follows :

    _result = [format["playerCheckSave:%1", _uid], 2, true] call extDB_fnc_async;

    I have the following returns:

    19:26:42 "extDB2: Protocol Error: [0,"Error Data Exception"]"

  10. I encounter some difficulties to write the sql_custom.

    For example, at the first connection of the player I would write his name (Name) and iud (PlayerUID) in the DB:


    SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO players_save ($CUSTOM_1$,$CUSTOM_2$) VALUES (?,?);
    Number of Inputs = 4
    Number of Custom Inputs = 2
    SQL1_INPUTS = 3, 4


    _result = [format["playerInfoInsertOnDB:%1:%2:%3:%4", "PlayerUID", "Name", _playerUID, _playerName], 1, true] call extDB_fnc_async;

    I tested this and it works:

    SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO players_save (PlayerUID, Name) VALUES (?,?);
    Number of Inputs = 2

    _result = [format["playerInfoInsertOnDB:%1:%2", _playerUID, _playerName], 1, false] call extDB_fnc_async;

    The latter method works but I want something more flexible where I can in the code .sqf asked columns.

    I think it is this "$CUSTOM_1$" history that I have not yet understood.

    Another question, if I change my sql_custom, it seems that we must restart the game. Is that true?

    To save time, do what I can redo the init extDB2 process?

