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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. LukeFF

    New Beta 72863 up!

    But what card are you running with it? Detail settings? I do recall now that something changed after 10.4. It'd be nice to get this worked out so I don't have to look at crappy blurry textures and lo-res models.
  2. LukeFF

    Head Bob...how many use?

    Been there, done that. Head bobbing while running is not realistic.
  3. LukeFF

    New Beta 72863 up!

    Texture loading and LOD changing is still lousy for me. I have to stand practically 1-2 meters from an object in order for an object to not look blurry, and the same is true for the LODs of certain types of vegetation. Running an HD 5970 with the latest 10.8 drivers.
  4. LukeFF

    Recoil (again)

    I like the new recoil. I've noticed that, for instance, the AKM moves up and to the right a little after every shot, just like my Romanian WASR-10/63. IMO it doesn't really need much tweaking.
  5. LukeFF

    Using backpacks/rucksacks

    There's a tab at the bottom of the screen to open it. This will then show what items are in the pack.
  6. To add to the above: in certain cases textures will also not be loaded on infantry models.
  7. I'm noticing that the game is now having problems (where there wasn't one before) loading textures on Chernarus with the new 10.6 drivers. Using an HD 5970 here. The problem is mainly seen with building textures, but it also happens with e.g. the leaves on trees.
  8. The current animation when throwing a grenade is IMO way too abbreviated and doesn't accurately reflect the way a soldier is taught to throw a grenade. In reality, a soldier "points" with his non-throwing hand, as if he is throwing a football (Red Orchestra simulates this well). The added benefit to this is that the player will be better able to aim his throws, which is a bit difficult right now without the little aiming circle. The correct posture when throwing a grenade: http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/imgs/m67-grenade_4.jpg http://www.eagerarms.com/pictures/photo9_throwing_hand_grenades.jpg
  9. LukeFF

    Grenade Throwing Animation

    True. The current mode of having to cycle through the fire modes to get to one's grenades is a bit clunky. Yep, that's how it should be. I was going to suggest that the player could also hold his primary weapon in his left hand (as can be done in reality, especially when standing) but then that would look weird if the player is lugging around a big weapon like the M240. Best to just have the player sling his weapon when throwing a grenade.
  10. Ah, OK. Thanks for that clarification.
  11. Actually, it's the USMC that uses the M32, not the Army.