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Everything posted by nodlew

  1. The major problem I've had with the Zeu AI (my game patched to the latest) is that my squad members freeze up and will not respond to my commands. Until that gets corrected I can't use that mod at all. But I like the more aggressive and resourceful AI, to a point. Right now I'm back to GL4, which I have to say I like the best so far overall, but I've disabled some of the features that were giving me problems. I disabled the Reinforcements, and removed the Config pbo from the mod so that now the AI is not universally equipped with smoke and flares. Had to disable the blood, burning, and wounds features to, among other things, keep my own weapons from killing me and keep myself from bursting into flame every time I passed a burning vehicle. With some of the more glitchy things turned off, I'm getting a really nice game now. The missions are very challenging--the enemy engages from realistic ranges, fights aggressively, and behaves tactically. Robalo's mod is working beautifully. My last mission, my number 3 guy ran out of ammo, and when I checked him about a minute later, he had ammo again, for something. Excellent mod.
  2. domokun, that is extremely helpful information and thank you very much for taking the time to provide it for me. I'm searching for a good balance. Right now, the mods make the missions--pretty much all of them, retail and user-made--into basically suicide missions for my team. On night missions when I'm supposed to have the advantage of night optics, now the AI makes liberal use of flares and there is no place to hide. Stealth in general is out the window. One shot with a silenced weapon--even using the subsonic ammo, and every opfor on the map is instantly converging on my position. Escape and evasion tactics are futile--once they are alerted to my presence, there is no escape. They seem to have bat-radar. They can see and shoot me in the dark without night vision equipment. I can retreat and then set up ambushes, and kill them by the score, but eventually my guys start getting hit, or run out of ammo, and the oncoming waves of enemy overwhelm us. The missions are all set up to compensate for dumb and predictable ai by making the odds very steep. Improving the AI's tactics and causing them to attack en masse creates a no-win situation and it's getting tiresome. I'm going to try your formula--Zeus, ASR, and AI First Aid. Maybe that will improve things a bit.
  3. I have tried various AI mods and they all seem to have really nice aspects, then again they have stuff that I don't like, or stuff that makes certain missions impossible to complete. Right now I am using GL4 with the wound system from SLX added to it. Seems to work pretty well, but I have no idea what errors or conflicts are happening behind the scenes. So now, I will be tacking the ASR AI Skills mod on top of that. Is this kosher? Is there any thread where I can get some advice about mixing and matching AI mods?
  4. Thanks domkun, I'll try the new improved version.
  5. Hey there. I was interested in trying this mod, even joined the Dev forum where it is hosted in order to be able to download it. However, even logged in, when I click on the download link I get a 403 message that I am not entitled to access the page and download the file. What do I need to do? Learn the secret handshake? Answer the riddle of the Sphinx? The answer is, "It's a man." Now can I download the file?