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About Rudkin

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  1. Absolute hero, cheers for the help everyone
  2. Tried rangefinder issues with all mods selected in right order, with only those mods. I'm all upto date according to the six updater. The issue is both on MP and in the editor. Just got a message that might help; :"OUTDATED: USERCONFIG\ACE\ACE_CLIENTSIDE_CONFIG.HPP, ACE_SERVERCONFIG.HPP, ACE_TRACKING.HPP, ACE_KEYS.HPP" bearing in mind the only editing i've done is to add my profile to ace so I can put goggles on - will it be a case of me having to re-install ace? I'm assuming there's only so much you can do if there's only a handful of people experiencing the problem
  3. Re; Rangefinder issues, i've tried with both laser dsignator and vector nite. After reloading and turning laser on, it's just staying on constantly. Posted on devheaven as I know i'm not the only one with the issue
  4. Having some issues with the rangefinder and laser designator. I have batteries in inventory and i'm following all instructions to the letter, the laser points, but I get no readout at all. Confirmed the problem with one other who was getting bearing but no range.