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Everything posted by b00tsy

  1. b00tsy

    Does anyone else want an easier editor?

    The ArmA editor compared to other editors is non-intuitive, limited (if you don't include your own scripting) and extremely time consuming. Basically without manual scripting there is not much you can do with it besides placing units and waypoints and placing objects. The only thing that makes editor a bit easier is the extra modules with are basically pre-packed scripts to make 'stuff' work. Even the modules are not that 'simple' for new players nor intuitive, but at least it's something. I personally really hoped that BI took some effort in creating a more intuitive and 'ready to go' editor that requires much less manual scripting and previewing your progress constantly. You still can't setup multiple re-spawn points for different sides (last time I checked), customize gear of units and vehicles and no customize option for ammo boxes, no 3D editor, no drag/drop system for objects on the map (like other editors) yada yada. Plus that creating SP missions is not the same as MP, things that might work in SP may not work at all or weirdly in MP. So without learning the script language the editor is pretty much useless for players and they have to depend on templates and even then still run in all kinds of issues. Editing in ArmA is really for the people that wants to take the effort and time to learn the scripting language and spend 100+ hours reading guides, wiki, forums and ask a lot of questions... then eventually you get the hang of it and you can do/create what you have in your mind. And then having the fact that ArmA thrives on community made content you would think that the editor would be a priority project instead of better looking clouds and PiP and other shinnies that are added (shinnies sells the game better, I know). What I miss the most with working on missions is the feeling of creativity, it feels more like doing math with the current editor and the scripting that comes with it.
  2. b00tsy

    Where is everyone?

    Most user made missions have been created with the stable build so hence the majority of stable release servers.
  3. There is something named 'single player' mode, it magically solves all hacking issues, go try it out. I don't get people that only think 'multi player' exists and is the whole game they bought. I remember a time where there was not even such a thing called 'multi player' in games. guess I am getting old.
  4. b00tsy

    [Coop_04] Birds down (pinned down)

    Yep there are plenty of ammo crates in the building, the difficulty is in surviving the attack for 30 minutes.
  5. Birds Down v.1.0 COOP 04 Stratis ArmA 3 Alpha preview1 preview2 preview3 Introduction: This mission is a typical 'pinned down' scenario where you have to hold position in a tight situation till help arrives. This is a short scenario that takes 30 minutes or less to complete. The mission: You are 2 attack-chopper teams that are both shot down by Iranian AA defences on the coast of Stratis. You have contacted HQ and asked for an immediate extraction. Unfortunately they have ordered you to hold position and sit tight. They will not be able to extract you till they have taken out the AA defences in the surrounding area. Luckily there is a fortified building nearby where you can take cover and hide out till the transport helicopter arrives. The Iranian forces are aware of your location and they are closing in on your position as we speak. You need to take cover in the building and prevent that you are overrun by the Iranians. If they are able to breach the building then that will be a cruel and instant end of your team. Prevent them from entering the building at all cost! Win/Lose: You will win the mission if you are able to hold your position in the building for 30 minutes and prevent that any Iranian unit will enter the building or kill all Iranians within the 30 minutes. You will fail the mission if any Iranian AI enters the building. Features: * Customized location including non standard editor objects * Custom fortified building (limited alpha content) * Garbage collecting * Random attack waves * Custom sounds & music * Custom win/lose outro * Updates on AI movement * Intro briefing * Unit cache (Opfor AI will not be rendered beyond a certain range) to optimize performance * Respawn version & No respawn version Notes: I normally don't make these kind of short scenario's, but with the current limited alpha content this seems like a nice scenario to create and play with the current alpha content. The AI attack waves are mostly random. It is possible that you will not be attacked for a couple of minutes, be attacked at once from 3 sides and by multiple groups, or that the attacks are evenly spreaded out. In worst case you will really have to bite the dust and endure a lot of suppressive fire from the AI. In lucky conditions they will come in 3 at a time and are easy to take out if you play with 4 players. At the start of the mission you have a few minutes to cutomize your gear at the ammo boxes. I have added a basic briefing intro (no video) and will make a better one at a later time. This scenario needs to be played by at least 2 players as it contains 2 separate pilot teams. I will probably add some more features in the mission if the community likes this scenario setup (otherwise I wont bother). If you have any feedback then let me know on the BIS forum. Update v.1.1: * Fixed grabage collecting (cleaning up dead bodies), Nice performance now. * Fixed Win ending if all Opfor has been killed * Opfor will now pop smoke in the beginning * Fixed a few typo's * Adjusted AI skills Have fun, B00tsy Download v.1.1 Armaholic mirror: - Birds Down Co-04[ALPHA]
  6. b00tsy

    Today's patch changelog

    Also the difference between running and sprint is almost nothing, sprint is almost the same running.
  7. b00tsy

    Today's patch changelog

    Can anyone confirm that it is not possible to load a saved mission in the editor after the update? I tried to load a mission that I was working on just yesterday, but the mission list is blank now, as if I haven't have any missions in the 'my documents/missions' folder, while there are a dozen missions in that folder. Edit: nevermind I see now that the update changed default profile.
  8. This post contains almost all (alpha) objects and buildings that are not by default selectable in the editor. I have also added Wildlife and effects. It took me a few hours, but at least it's now easy to copy/paste on the go. Please note that only the ruined buildings that don't have an intact version are placed in the 'ruins' section. The rest of the ruined buildings are added in the list of normal buildings together with the intact versions. Wrecks: Land_UWreck_MV22_F Land_Wreck_BRDM2_F "Land_Wreck_Commanche_F Land_Wreck_Traw2_F Land_Wreck_Traw Land_UWreck_FishingBoat_F Land_Wreck_Car2_F Land_Wreck_Car3_F Land_Wreck_Car_F Land_Wreck_Offroad2_F Land_Wreck_Offroad_F Land_Wreck_Truck_dropside_F Land_Wreck_Truck_F Effects: test_EmptyObjectForFireBig test_EmptyObjectForBubbles test_EmptyObjectForSmoke ThingEffectFeather FxWindLeaf1 FxWindLeaf2 FxWindLeaf3 FxWindGrass1 FxWindGrass2 Wildlife: ButterFly_random Bird Cicada DragonFly HoneyBee HouseFly Insect Kestrel_Random_F Mosquito SeaGull Tuna_F Turtle_F CatShark_F Objects: ArrowDesk_L_F ArrowDesk_R_F ArrowMarker_L_F ArrowMarker_R_F Land_Razorwire_F FirePlace_burning_F Land_Bench_F Land_Bricks_V1_F Land_Bricks_V2_F Land_Bricks_V3_F Land_Bricks_V4_F Land_Cages_F Land_Calvary_01_V1_F //minature church Land_CampingChair_V1_F Land_CampingChair_V2_F Land_CampingTable_F Land_CampingTable_small_F Land_CanisterPlastic_F Land_HumanSkeleton_F Land_HumanSkull_F Land_JunkPile_F Land_MetalBarrel_empty_F Land_MetalBarrel_F Land_Pallet_F Land_Pallet_vertical_F Land_Pallets_F Land_Pipes_large_F "Land_Pipes_small_F Land_RedWhitePole_F Land_Sun_chair_F Land_Sunshade_F Land_Tyre_F Land_Tyres_F ** Land_RowBoat_V1_F Land_RowBoat_V2_F Land_RowBoat_V3_F **containers** Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F Land_Cargo20_china_sign_V1_F Land_Cargo20_military_F Land_Cargo40_military_F **container addon** Land_cargo_addon01_V1_F Land_cargo_addon01_V2_F Land_cargo_addon02_V2_F ** Land_CashDesk_F **-garbage** Land_Garbage_line_F Land_Garbage_square3_F Land_Garbage_square5_F Land_GarbageBags_F Land_GarbageWashingMachine_F **Lighting** Land_LampDecor_F Land_LampHalogen_F Land_LampHarbour_F Land_LampShabby_F Land_NavigLight Land_runway_edgelight ** Ruins: Land_Addon_01_V1_ruins_F Land_Addon_02_V1_ruins_F Land_Addon_03_V1_ruins_F Land_Addon_04_V1_ruins_F Land_Addon_03mid_V1_ruins_F Land_Airport_Tower_dam_F Land_Airport_Tower_F Land_Airport_Tower_ruins_F Land_Barracks_ruins_F Land_Garage_V1_ruins_F Land_House_Big_01_V1_ruins_F Land_House_Big_02_V1_ruins_F Land_House_Small_01_V1_ruins_F Land_House_Small_02_V1_ruins_F Land_House_Small_03_V1_ruins_F Land_Shop_01_V1_ruins_F Land_Shop_02_V1_ruins_F Land_Stone_HouseBig_V1_ruins_F Land_Stone_HouseSmall_V1_ruins_F Land_Stone_Shed_V1_ruins_F ** CraterLong_small CraterLong Buildings: Land_BC_Court_F Land_BC_Basket_F Land_BellTower_01_V1_F Land_Bunker_F Land_d_Stone_Shed_V1_F (damaged) Land_dp_smallFactory_F Land_dp_transformer_F Land_HighVoltageTower_F Land_MilOffices_V1_F Land_MolonLabe_F [b]**[/b] Land_dp_bigTank_F Land_dp_bigTank_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Chapel_Small_V1_F Land_Chapel_Small_V1_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_dp_smallTank_F Land_dp_smallTank_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_FuelStation_Build_F Land_FuelStation_Build_ruins_F Land_FuelStation_Feed_F Land_FuelStation_Shed_F Land_FuelStation_Shed_ruins_F Land_FuelStation_Sign_F ** Land_i_Addon_03_V1_F Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F Land_i_Addon_04_V1_F [b]**[/b] Land_i_Barracks_V1_dam_F Land_i_Barracks_V1_F Land_i_Barracks_V2_dam_F Land_i_Barracks_V2_F [b]**[/b] Land_i_Garage_V1_dam_F Land_i_Garage_V1_F [b]**[/b] Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_dam_F Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_dam_F Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_F Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_F Land_i_House_Small_01_V1_F Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_dam_F Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_F Land_i_House_Small_02_V1_dam_F Land_i_House_Small_02_V1_F Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_dam_F Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F ** Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F Land_i_Shop_01_V1_dam_F Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F and_i_Shop_02_V1_dam_F Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F [b]**[/b] Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_dam_F Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_F Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V1_dam_F Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V1_F Land_i_Stone_Shed_V1_dam_F Land_i_Stone_Shed_V1_F ** Land_IndPipe1_20m_F Land_IndPipe1_90degL_F Land_IndPipe1_90degR_F Land_IndPipe1_ground_F Land_IndPipe1_Uup_F Land_IndPipe1_valve_F [b]**[/b] Land_LightHouse_F Land_Lighthouse_small_F Land_Lighthouse_small_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Metal_Shed_F Land_Metal_Shed_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Pavement_narrow_F Land_Pavement_wide_F [b]**[/b] Land_Slum_House01_F Land_Slum_House01_ruins_F Land_Slum_House02_F Land_Slum_House02_ruins_F Land_Slum_House03_F Land_Slum_House03_ruins_F Land_Slums01_8m Land_Slums01_pole Land_Slums02_4m Land_Slums02_pole [b]**[/b] Land_spp_Transformer_F Land_spp_Transformer_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_TBox_F Land_TBox_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_u_Addon_01_V1_dam_F Land_u_Addon_01_V1_F Land_u_Addon_02_V1_F Land_u_House_Small_01_V1_dam_F Land_u_House_Small_01_V1_F Land_u_House_Small_02_V1_dam_F Land_u_House_Small_02_V1_F [b]**[/b] Land_Unfinished_Building_01_F Land_Unfinished_Building_01_ruins_F [b]**Pier**[/b] Land_nav_pier_m_F Land_Pier_addon Land_Pier_Box_F Land_Pier_F Land_Pier_small_F Land_PierLadder_F Land_Pillar_Pier_F [b]**Radar**[/b] Land_Radar_F Land_Radar_ruins_F Land_Radar_Small_F Land_Radar_Small_ruins_F ** Land_ReservoirTank_Airport_F Land_ReservoirTank_Airport_ruins_F [b]**Runway**[/b] Land_Runway_PAPI Land_Runway_PAPI_2 Land_Runway_PAPI_3 Land_Runway_PAPI_4 [b]**[/b] Land_Shed_Big_F Land_Shed_Big_ruins_F Land_Shed_Small_F Land_Shed_Small_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_TTowerBig_1_F Land_TTowerBig_1_ruins_F Land_TTowerBig_2_F Land_TTowerBig_2_ruins_F ** [b] **military buildings**[/b] Land_Cargo_House_V1_F Land_Cargo_House_V1_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Cargo_House_V2_F Land_Cargo_House_V2_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_ruins_F [b]**[/b] Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_ruins_F [b]**Communication tower**[/b] Land_Communication_anchor_F Land_Communication_F [b]**Hangar**[/b] Land_TentHangar_V1_dam_F Land_TentHangar_V1_F Land_TentHangar_V1_ruins_F Coral: land_bw_SetBig_Brains_F land_bw_SetBig_corals_F land_bw_SetBig_TubeG_F land_bw_SetBig_TubeY_F land_bw_SetSmall_Brains_F land_bw_SetSmall_TubeG_F land_bw_SetSmall_TubeY_F Canal: Land_Canal_Wall_10m_F Land_Canal_Wall_D_center_F Land_Canal_Wall_D_left_F Land_Canal_Wall_D_right_F Land_Canal_Wall_Stairs_F Land_Canal_WallSmall_10m_F Walls: Land_City2_4m_F Land_City2_8m_F Land_City2_8mD_F Land_City_4m_F Land_City_8m_F Land_City_8mD_F Land_City_Pillar_F [b]**[/b] Land_Concrete_SmallWall_4m_F Land_Concrete_SmallWall_8m_F [b]**[/b] Land_Crash_barrier_F [b]**[/b] Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F Land_Mil_WallBig_Corner_F [b]**[/b] Land_Mil_WiredFence_F Land_Mil_WiredFence_Gate_F Land_Mil_WiredFenceD_F [b]**[/b] Land_Mound01_8m_F Land_Mound02_8m_F [b]**[/b] Land_New_WiredFence_10m_Dam_F Land_New_WiredFence_10m_F Land_New_WiredFence_5m_F Land_New_WiredFence_pole_F [b]**[/b] Land_Pipe_fence_4m_F Land_Pipe_fence_4mNoLC_F [b]**[/b] Land_Sea_Wall_F (rock formation) [b]**[/b] Land_SportGround_fence_F [b]**[/b] Land_Stone_4m_F Land_Stone_8m_F Land_Stone_8mD_F Land_Stone_Gate_F Land_Stone_pillar_F [b]**[/b] Land_Wall_Tin_4_2 Land_Wall_Tin_Pole [b]**[/b] Land_Wired_Fence_4m_F Land_Wired_Fence_8m_F [b]**[/b] Your welcome :)
  9. It is spelled 'vive la revolution'. And I agree capitalism/corporatism is the cancer of this world and results in a hand full of people having extreme wealth, power and influence over the masses that are nothing more then livestock and workhorses for the few. It will be a global revolution or WW3.
  10. b00tsy

    [Coop_04] Birds down (pinned down)

    Added the no respawn just for you, as I know your opinion about it :)
  11. Ha totally overlooked that when I read the OP. Thats the problem alright :)
  12. b00tsy

    [Coop_04] Birds down (pinned down)

    Yeah that is a very nice location, perfect for this type of scenario! ---------- Post added at 05:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ---------- I have uploaded an update with a few fixes and tweaks. The garbage collector was not working properly. Now it will clean up dead bodies with every attack wave (great performance). Also the mission did not end properly in the case if you killed all opfor, fixed that. And I have added and tweaked a few minor things. See update details and download link in the opening post.
  13. Not all animations work on all units if I remember right. The problem that you have is (I think) that there is no wait time to finish the animation, it begins and ends at the same time. Aslo try it with SwitchMove if PlayMove is not working. This is what I did in a mission: Place a unit and set a move waypoint of a couple of meters away, add an other move waypoint almost on top of the first waypoint with in the OnAct ( UnitName switchmove "LHD_krajPaluby"; ) (in my example) and set the second move waypoint on a timer (the time it takes to fully play the animation) and then add an extra cycle waypoint to loop the animation.
  14. This one from ArmA2 still works: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10102&highlight=CACHE Only thing that does not work is special waypoint conditions, for example letting AI hold at a waypoint till a trigger activates and a condition is met (this && !alive). It does not read anything you put in the waypoint. But it works fine with simple waypoint cycles.
  15. b00tsy

    User Mission Request Thread

    I never have a problem with respawn missions, just because it has it does not mean you can not play realistically and not die. Does it really mentally change that much for you if you know you can have a 2nd chance when you die? I think large player missions for public servers sorta got to have respawn otherwise nobody will play it, smaller coop missions is a different story of course (my missions usually have both versions). Anyway, anybody interested in a small coop scenario where you have to dig in at a location where you get pinned down and have to try to survive an assault (waves) till help arrives? Found a perfect spot for it on Stratis that nobody have used yet :) And as a response to this (closed) thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152008-No-kill-stealth-missions Yes there are stealth missions already. Check out my mission 'Silent Justice' on the forum or on armaholic.
  16. Since I little while I am noticing some AI issues when playing a custom mission in AO. The first issue is that when I let my men overwatch a position (sniper rifles) some or all of them choose to use the side arm and try to take out enemes with a pistol from 500 meter range...while they have a sniper rifle for long range shots. It can't be right that the AI prefers to use a pistol when they carry a long range rifle or any other rifle. The second issue is that the team mates sometimes become unresponsive to my commands after they switched to the side arm when proned. Well they do listen, but they can not move. I found out by switching to the AI units that they were holding the side arm. When I use the weapon switch drop down I saw the side arm as selectable while he was already holding the side arm in his hands. After manually switching all the weapons of the AI to rifles (dropdown correctly displayed) they could move again and were acting on my commands again. In the mission I was playing I had to switch to my AI units every 10 minutes and fix the side arm issue so that they could move again. Anyone else experienced these problems? If yes, has the bug been reported yet?
  17. I have never used the MP editor for my MP missions, whats the difference besides MP preview? ---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ---------- The simple way would be to add an other trigger and set it to opfor 'not present' and then in the onact let the marker change colour or change the markerAlpha of the AO marker. And add the new task/objective to the same trigger. onAct: "markerName" setmarkercolor "ColorGreen"; onAct: "markername" setMarkerAlpha 0; Edit to add: that if you want to make a Domi like marker setup you can place all the AO markers on the map already and in the init file set all the markers to invisible (the markeralpha). So when you start the mission there will be no markers visible. And then in the game make the marker(s) visible of the active objective(s). Of course you can also all do it through a script that creates the marker in real time, but thats the harder way.
  18. b00tsy

    Co05_SP Silent Justice Stratis

    Thanks glad you enjoyed it :>
  19. Silent Justice - Stratis 1.3 (alpha) Coop-05 SP 6Mb The mission: This is a stealth spec-ops mission where you have to rescue NATO hostages from the Iranian forces. It is a variant of the original Silent Justice mission on the Chernarus map in ArmA 2. A NATO chopper that was transporting a high ranking NATO officer was shot down over the coast of Stratis. The Iranians have captured both the pilot and the officer. NATO has officially requested the help of your division and of course they has chosen your team to rescue them as you are the best elite Spec-Ops team there is! We currently have intel on one possible location of where they might are being held hostage. A base at the border of the town Agia Marina is under control of the Iranians and thats most likely the place of where they are keep ing the hostages. Your team needs to head out there and assess the situation ASAP. Infiltrate the base and check the buildings for hostages. Contact HQ when you have completed your objective. Remember, your team is the best damn thing the army has to offer, we are counting on you! Features: * Video intro * Custom music & sounds * Random foot patrols in the town + random amount * Respawn version and no respawn (bird) * Opfor will pop smoke * Opfor reinforcements * Custom loadout * Chopper extraction Mission tips & gameplay: As there are no objective objects in the editor yet some of the objectives are partially imaginary now. You will pick up notes at objective locations that are not physically there cos there are no objects for it yet. The notes are purely meant to let you progress through the mission and may at a later time (beta) be replaced with real notes that you have to pick up. If it happens that a hostage died then you will have to walk over the body to recieve the note and recieve a mission update. This is a stealth mission! Keep your team silent and stealthy as much as possible (don't be a rambo). It is possible to take out patrols and individual AI without alerting other AI. Get your team in good tactical positions with clear sight of the AI. Once the team is in a good position then open fire the whole team and take out as much AI in the first 10 seconds as possible (surprise assault). The scope on your rifle can be used against AI near artificial lighting. Without scoping make sure you are in 200 meter range to effectively take out targets. You can get more first aid kits at vehicles. Update notes v.1.3: * Fixed all the classnames (mission got broken due to new class names with the last update) * Added a few tactical markers (helpers) * Fixed the last grammar errors * Removed the evening version due to lighting issues (night only now) * Added back a 'no respawn' version * AI partols are more random * Improved chopper extraction (may still not always work- alpha) * Tweaked some triggers and sounds If you have any feedback or notice problems then do let me know! Have fun, B00tsy Download v.1.3 armaholic mirror 1.3
  20. Been browsing the config editor a bit and found some nice stuff for a mission I am working on. Might as well share my findings :) Wrecks: Land_UWreck_MV22_F Land_Wreck_BRDM2_F "Land_Wreck_Commanche_F Land_Wreck_Traw2_F Land_Wreck_Traw Effects: test_EmptyObjectForFireBig test_EmptyObjectForBubbles test_EmptyObjectForSmoke ThingEffectFeather Fish: Tuna_F Turtle_F ---------- Post added at 09:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ---------- See my post.
  21. b00tsy

    Co05_SP Silent Justice Stratis

    I tested it just now till the ending and it works again without problems :)
  22. b00tsy

    Co05_SP Silent Justice Stratis

    Hi guys. The 1.2 version got broken due to the last alpha update that had changes in some ClassNames. Not to worry, I have fixed the error so the mission is playable again. While I was at it I have added a few more things and made some tweaks and changes to the mission. * I have removed the evening version, because it was impossible to use the scope. * It is now a night version only making the scope usable again against AI near artificial lighting + that it is full moon. * When you start up the mission you will still get a class name error, but you can click it away and play the mission. * Also the chopper extraction should have a better chance of success, but it is still a bit buggy in the alpha (I have added an alternative ending if extraction fails). * Added back a No Respawn version. There are still a few minor issues: The respawn version does not spawn back the silencer and the backpack (you will have to loot it back - or not die!) Not all players will always see hints and hear background music, triggers are still a bit glitchy in the alpha. All the update details and new download link you can find in the opening post.
  23. Without a mike you can have fun on public servers and play in SP and mess around with the editor. You can not join clans and play on private servers without a mic, with maybe a few exceptions. And on some public servers you are not allowed to do certain stuff without a mike.
  24. b00tsy

    Co05_SP Silent Justice Stratis

    Yeah it was already pointed out to me thanks :) The download link here is updated, on armaholic it is missing the '.stratis'. Will get fixed there with the next update.
  25. b00tsy

    Co05_SP Silent Justice Stratis

    You are using the Alpha Dev build. This mission is created on the 'stable' alpha release. In the Dev build they have changed some class names. They actually should update the official alpha version, because all missions created with the stable build and has an Ifrit vehicle in it will cause this error on the Dev build.