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Dynamic Echo

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Everything posted by Dynamic Echo

  1. Dynamic Echo

    Mission PBO location question.

    All I needed to do was change the association then install Kegety's PBO program as Admin, that allowed me to extract and pack pbos. If you aren't having any luck try Eliteness. (Eliteness requires you to download both the DePBO file (latest) and the Eliteness file (latest) from that list)
  2. Dynamic Echo

    Mission PBO location question.

    I can't believe I missed that in the intel section, thanks. Just so people know, I'm on 7 64bit and both ArmA2 and OA are retail copies.
  3. Dynamic Echo

    Mission PBO location question.

    Aye that worked and it made a mission pbo. Had to run as administrator, but that is hardly abnormal. I still need to know where missions I press export for are going, as there is a serious clogging issue with my scenarios list. Thanks very much for the help though kylania. Additionally, how would one set the name appearing on the scenario list (I noted that with many custom missions this is not the same as the file name). Edit: I think of myself as relatively tech savvy but that went straight over my head, sorry.
  4. Dynamic Echo

    Mission PBO location question.

    No such directory for me, all that installing Arrowhead did to the ArmA 2 directory was add 'expansion' and possibly Common and dta. None of these contain mission subfolders nor mission pbos. I also searched the ArmA 2 directory for the mission name, no dice. Yet it is definitely working fine in scenarios. Also I had this problem with vanilla ArmA 2. Is there a way I can manually compile a pbo from the user mission data, as that is what a pbo contains anyway? (I did try with Eliteness and pboview, but nothing doing)
  5. Dynamic Echo

    Mission PBO location question.

    That is exactly my point, I save as a single player mission, it shows up in scenarios but there is no corresponding pbo in C:\WhereverYouInstalledIt\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Missions (No separate directory for Arrowhead, all installed to ArmA 2 for me). Thanks for confirming that what I gleaned was correct though.
  6. Dynamic Echo

    Crashes: Wait to buy?

    I haven't had any crashes with any of the computers I've run it on. The occasional bug, yes, but no crashes.
  7. Dynamic Echo

    Need some insight with chopper flying...

    Rudder is used when at low speeds to turn the aircraft (with helis and VTOLS you can turn on a sixpence at low speeds).Basically only useful when taking off/landing a chopper and when taxiing an aircraft. I personally prefer analogue throttle as it lets me control my landing better, but it is up to you.
  8. Dynamic Echo

    Need some insight with chopper flying...

    Put bank left/right and nose up/down on one stick and turn left/right on another. Use a trigger for the analogue throttle command. Be aware you will have to be holding the trigger in about halfway before the throttle kicks in. Just practice, try just holding a hover, then when you can do that try moving then holding a hover, keep going like that; when I first played it I managed to land immediately after takeoff, upside down. Now I'm reasonable competent with either k/b or gamepad.
  9. Dynamic Echo

    Considering Purchasing

    As people have said a quad core (preferably an i7 900 series) would be ideal, but you can get decent frame rates with a dual and a reasonable graphics card. My laptop (specs in sig) has a dual core and a mainline (ie. not intended directly for gaming) graphics card but I'm getting a good 35-40 fps on the Operation Arrowhead benchmark at 1600x900 with low-medium graphics settings and a 2 click draw distance. The preferred graphics cards I would say are: Ati: HD 5850, HD5870 Nvidia: GTX460, GTX 470 or GTX 480 If you go with an i7920 with a 5870 (as I have) then you'll probably be able to pretty much max it out with a reasonable visible distance and good frame rates. But that will be expensive. If you're looking to go with that machine and a £100 graphics card then low is probably going to be where your settings will be, and you absolutely will not get a good enough card for much less than £100. Realistically, £180 is nearer the mark, with things like this or preferably this, though it is more expensive. It won't get the same frame rates but a 5770 could probably do the job, though you'd want the GDDR5 version rather than the DDR3, something like this.
  10. Dynamic Echo

    Buying a new PC for ArmA II

    I would recommend going for (these are options if you are going Alienware): i7 920 6GB DDR3 RAM HD5870 500GBx2 RAID0 HDDs Or better, obviously. Not going to be cheap though...
  11. Dynamic Echo

    Considering Purchasing

    Yeah that is fine but get a GTX460 if you're going Nvidia, otherwise you'll only have to upgrade down the line. If you don't mind going Ati (no reason not to really), then get a 5870 if you can. If possible though you should get an i5, though that i3 should suffice. Have fun. But yes, this should be in that aforementioned thread.
  12. I consider 30fps to be totally acceptable in all but the very fastest online games, ie. CSS. Elsewhere, it is a bonus to get 60 but, hell, even 21 is totally playable. Maximising your resolution, however, is pretty much non-negotiable, you HAVE to, especially in games like ArmA where spotting targets at range is important.
  13. Dynamic Echo

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Basically there are new pictures of all of the weapons and vehicles, which is nice.
  14. Dynamic Echo

    Arrowhead E08: Benchmark

    OK, I've done a quick benchmark, but I'm still fiddling with settings so this is far from final: Visibility: 2506 Texture Detail: Very High Video Memory: Very High Anisotropic Filtering: Very High Antialiasing: Low Terrain Detail: Very High Objects Detail: Very High Shadows Detail: Very High Postprocess Effects: Normal Interface Size: Normal Aspect Ratio: 16:10 Interface Resolution: 1680x1050 3D Resolution: 1680x1050 (100%) EO8 Benchmark Avg. FPS: 45 My specs are the primary PC in my sig, I'll do some more benchmarks for this rig and my laptop later, but for now, StarCraft 2!.
  15. Dynamic Echo

    what new has been done / improved since 2001?

    You want to see broken driving? The APB beta had it in spades, and reportedly on release too. When you are steering for a corner more than a block away in the hope of drifting round it you know something is wrong, especially when there is (literally, I measured it) 1.5 second delay between input and response.
  16. Dynamic Echo

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    I'm basically ambidextrous, I can use a mouse pretty much just as effectively with either (right has the edge I think), I can write almost as well with my left as my right and I am equally effective with a rifle firing left or right handed, though I prefer my right for pistols. For ArmA is just use default controls, though I've mapped some extra mouse buttons to adjusting zeroing.
  17. Dynamic Echo

    ArmA 2 on PlayStation 3

    Oh they might get it working decently...given years of development time spent purely on optimisation, but by then the next generation of consoles would be out. So waiting for the PS4/Xbox 720 would probably be the best bet for them. Also would give them time to figure out a viable control scheme, which would be extremely painful.
  18. Dynamic Echo

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    ArmA frame rates are miraculous and nebulous things. For example, I was playing a part of the OA campaign, with all settings very high (I was getting 45-60 fps most of the time)and a view distance of 2.5km, but it was a stressing moment and I went down to 19fps, so I turned everything to lowest possible, apart from view distance which I kept and you know what? My frames per second went down to 12. So I scaled the graphics back up and the framerate returned to high teens. Lord knows what is going on with it.
  19. A word of warning - my conversion of Cobra's code is a bit...rough - the Su-34s come in, but they seem to spawn very close to the player, then they fly off for a while (about a minute, normally), then return at a very low altitude which invariably causes them to fly into the nearest hill. Also they don't seem to want to shoot anything - though they did pop flares when I put some AA down. Needs work, basically, but Cobra's A-10s work fine.
  20. If one wanted to make an Opfor CAS mission using Su-34s, would something like this do? Or have I screwed it up? _OpforHQ = createCenter east; _GroupCASOpfor = CreateGroup East; _veh1 = createVehicle ["Su34", [(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 0], [], 3000, "FLY"]; _Pilot1 = _GroupCASOpfor createUnit ["RU_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _pilot1 moveInDriver _veh1; _veh1 setpos [getPos _veh1 select 0, getPos _veh1 select 1, 250]; _veh1 FlyInHeight 250; _veh2 = createVehicle ["Su34", [(getpos _veh1) select 0,(getpos _veh1) select 1, 0], [], 50, "FLY"]; _Pilot2 = _GroupCASOpfor createUnit ["RU_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _pilot2 moveInDriver _veh2; _veh2 setpos [getPos _veh2 select 0, getPos _veh2 select 1, 260]; _veh2 FlyInHeight 260; {_x setSkill 1; _x setrank "CAPTAIN"} foreach units _GroupCAS; _wp1 = _GroupCASOpfor addwaypoint [position player, 0]; _wp1 setwaypointtype "SAD"; _wp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 100; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; And if I wanted to have them coming in just a little off from the player (enemy jets going directly over your head can be a little worrying), would I replace 'position player, 0' with '(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 300' on the addwaypoint line? Thanks for any help.
  21. Dynamic Echo

    Undercover Units

    How easy would it be to set it up so that the OpFor units will become hostile when fired upon/if the player takes an offensive action, as I tried that and it works well, but if you fire at them they just sit there and take it :D
  22. On second thoughts, I was wrong - I would like to know as well though :D
  23. Dynamic Echo

    Install RIGHT now - 1 question -

    Install to ArmA 2 folder and it will automatically combine.
  24. Dynamic Echo

    hello new help

    - nice vid showing basics, hope it helps :D
  25. I have the exact same drop in frames when I move with or without shadows on, ie. 2 frames. Then again that is only with normal shadows as my laptop doesn't like anything higher than that. I'll try with my main in a bit.