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Everything posted by coopr

  1. coopr

    VBS2 to ArmA2 Feature Wishlist

    Oh yea totally forgot about those tools! Would be awesome! But I don't think those tools where made by bis. I remember that I read some slides from a few different studios who made those tools on the vbs2 website showcase their features. Don't these tools would be able to work for arma2 already? Or are map files in arma2 not the same as in vbs? can imagine that it maybe not requires much work to get it work for arma2. Those tools are able to read map files right? So when you convert a map and it uses arma2 models instead of vbs2 buildings trees etc, it would work?
  2. coopr

    VBS2 to ArmA2 Feature Wishlist

    *Walking in moving vehicles or on moving ships *Render to texture
  3. coopr

    Chinook Exits

    So you wouldn't be able to jump out a low very slow flying or hovering chinook? If they let you spawn inside a chopper you should be able to walk in it aswell. Because else your going to get wierd situations.
  4. coopr

    Chinook Exits

    Has nothing to do with walking in vehicles?? okay..
  5. coopr

    Chinook Exits

    This feature would indeed probably will not work with ai and why should it be? They can get in vehicles. But if it doesn't work with ai it shouldn't be implemented? I don't call that a valid reason. I would love to be able to walk in vehicles like it is in vbs2.
  6. Awesome would be great to have a working I44 domination. What version are from xeno are you using? Gl can't wait to test it out!
  7. I would love to see a domination version of the i44 mod.. the missions are great never the less but sometime people are just in need of some plane simple domination.. is their anyone who can convert the xeno domination with OA equipment to I44?? would be so awesome!!
  8. Thats what the suggestion is about... make this also happen in arma2.
  9. What is a poor tactical choice of entering a house trough a door.. you can't go true windows in arma2 or mantle up some small roof. Blowing a wall out of the building could be to dangerous if there are hostages inside. So what do you do? lasermark the place and drop a gbu on top? It would definatly improve the game..
  10. Yea didn't really noticed any thing like that on vehicles. But planes.... the spitfire and the hurricane seem to be fine you can even shoot the wings of in mid air. But try that on the german planes or p51d and c47 doesn't seem to work. Takes all your ammo to get the them smoking wonder how much it would need to actually take it down?
  11. Try that in pvp no matter how fast you can you use that key y.ou still end dead in the doorway
  12. coopr

    Chinook Exits

    I would love to have the ability to walk in or on vehicles/boats. This would add the possibility for mod developers to create for example moving fightcarriers or battleships thats a thing arma sadly lacks some nice naval warfare.
  13. Great mod!! really enjoy it! A played a few scrims on the forgottenhonor pvp campaign. Few things would be great to get fixed. *Suspensions on all vehicles *Crosshair fixes on all the planes And can you guys make that flying c47 a bit more destructable that thing has to take so many hits before it goes down no matter where you shoot, when chasing it down.. same for the p51d
  14. And probably a lot more test sessions before public release :D ;)
  15. coopr

    Officializing addons\mods

    But why would they add a sync tool to arma? Sync tools in my opinion work with games who don't have huge mod files. For example half life where maps are like 7mb? I don't mind to wait on that. But if you have to look at a in game download screen who is downloading 3gb. I rather get a decent error message where I can get the file and choose a fast mirror or torrent to get the mod.
  16. coopr

    Officializing addons\mods

    I won't see that happen and in my eyes unnecessary. If they would just give servers the possibility to send clients a decent error report when they miss a mod. Small simple text would be fine."you can not join this sever because you miss the following mod: (cvar mod) (cvar mod website)
  17. coopr

    Next patch wish list

    I think your on the wrong forum m8. Try the just cause 2 forums maybe you'll have more luck there.
  18. coopr

    Next patch wish list

    Why should there be voted on cit to see real impact. Like bis cares how much people voted. The most wanted list hasn't changed for years. And on most of these voted features I haven't seen to much developer activity. Besides probably 5% of the arma2 community is registered on that website
  19. coopr

    ArmA 3 Online

    +1 :cool:
  20. coopr

    Next patch wish list

    Maybe you should read the changelog lol? And compare the ai fixes and features to The non related ai features and fixes? And what is unrealistic and funny about my suggestions? The whole ai thing is funny and unrealistic. And only slows further development down in my opinion. If we get flashlights and lasers on weapons which every human player can use with out a problem. The devs have to code another 2 weeks because people are whining why there idiot ai teammate doesn't use them. Soon after that people start to whine that ai is giving there position away because they always have there flashlights on and yet another 2 weeks of code. Etc etc etc etc just a simple and stupid example but I think the reasons why we see so less new features coming in patches.
  21. coopr

    Arma 2's Great Physics Engine!

    When you would post that BUG on cit they will make it a feature request. Because the way physics work right now is totally realistic and desired effect. Especially the flipping over rocks took the devs al long time to implement. Don't think you would see that changed in a short while ;)
  22. coopr

    Next patch wish list

    Seen enough ai fixes and features in patches. It's time bis starts to pick on some non ai feature requests and fixes. You people never seem to get happy about ai I'm getting tired about it. One day we have a request ai is to easy. The next patch we have a new request to make ai back easy because they are to difficult after the last patch. What I'm trying to Say is they will never ever will be as smart and unpredictable as human players.
  23. coopr

    Next patch wish list

    - No ai improvements - first and third person hands on weapons/steering wheels and joysticks - sub component damage on vehicles and planes - realistic armor penetration - physics improvements(no flipping tanks on rocks) - implementing api for better communication with other apps - render to texture - fix lod neckholes - 6 dof head movement - server admin reserved slot - user friendly add-on missing messages - auto map/mission rotating without returning back to lobby at end of missions(pvp) - ability to log chat messages (server) - add more multiplayer filters favourite ping under etc - fix bug where players can see true wall when kneeling and look down at wall