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Everything posted by Nielsen

  1. Nielsen

    Still no 3d scopes?

    -QFT Stressing this once more. I really think that the visual obstruction created by the Red dots frame (especially Eotech) is destroying any joy in those sights. In Arma 2 I have completely dropped using aim points. This is such a shame. The problem is obviously smaller with thin framed holo sights, as displayed in the recent gameplay footage. But I would really like this feature fixed. The red dots loose all their meaning if they provide less accuracy and SA than ironsights.:( EDIT: Playing Airsoft myself, Eo-tech is my favorite sight. I would really love for it to have the same utility ingame as irl.
  2. Nielsen

    Still no 3d scopes?

    I am putting my faith in RTT. But seeing as it is not yet implemented, I feel it is worth pressing the issue. This is the only thing I noticed in the video that was not positive. Well that and that gravity seemed low, but that seems like an obvious fix.
  3. Nielsen

    Feedback to E3 Interview and Ingame Scenes

    O-M-G! :don3: ... I cant wait for this!
  4. Nielsen

    SimCopter anyone?

    Yeah SimTower was great!
  5. Nielsen

    common wealth pack.

    That seems to miss the point on purpose. Thats not very nice. Afaik 'commonwealth' can be used to refer to other state coalitions, not just "the" british commonwealth. I think it is obvious this is what the OP was talking about. Also, you may be right about the countries, but again it seems obvious what the OP was talking about. He wants units from different nationalities in the game. If you were not provoking, and really just missed the point, I'll make it clear. The OP wants IDF units in game (representing Israel). Second, he wants Swedish troops - yeah he spelled it wrong, so what. I'm sure most people understood what he was talking about. Finally, he wants african troops. Africa may not be a country, but I assume he was talking about African Union troops. IMO that makes perfect sense. To the OP: I think that this is a bit too much work for something that the community have allready done. It would be really cool, but I think it is a bit over the top, so I'm not really in favour.
  6. Nielsen

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    My top 3 off the top of my head is: - Better AI - Better animations (ragdoll) - Dotsights that are realistic in use (i.e. I want the aimpoint/Eotech tube/frame to turn transparent when I aim through the sight because of the depth vision - like in real life) instead of obstructing my view and thereby decreasing SA. I'll stress the last one, as the others seems to be on the list :)
  7. Nielsen

    Plan ahead- do something about ragdolls now

    I must say that I am also quite positive about ragdoll. I'm looking forward to seeing how this will work in Arma3. Imho it is certainly better than the current anims, which often seems out of place to me.
  8. If the grasscutters wont cut it for you, could'nt you just put a logic and get nearObjects and delete them.. Like: Of course that would remove roads and houses too, but in some situations it might do the trick.
  9. Nielsen

    Day & Weather Script

    Nice.. Gonna give this one a spin. Thanks!
  10. Yeah good work, and get well soon. Hope to see an update when youre back on your feet.
  11. Nielsen

    ArmA2:OA Beta Patch Build 77706

    This is an awesome changelog! Thanks especially for those AI tweaks!
  12. I'm pretty sure the fake chance is the percentage chance of a fake return on each scan. What I meant was, that I still seemed to be getting to many fake returns, and that some of them was way further from my player than my scan radius would allow.
  13. Love the RC3... I think it is awesome that you stay with it! ***EDIT*** Scratch that. I started from scratch again, and made it work step by step from the takistan demo mission... I noticed one thing though. When the triggerman detonates the IED the detector goes balistic, like described above. I poked the scripts and realized that this was missing in the edited version of James' script. When I put that in there, it all worked like a charm. Just thought I would let you know. ***EDIT** Also, when I allow fake returns, I get more than I bargained for, and some of them are displayed way further out than my scan limit. I know it has been brought up, but it seems like it is still an issue.
  14. Yay! Was hoping you would release it tonight. Thanks. Checking it out right away. :computer: EDIT: Tested it, and I am loooving it :) Only thing to report atm is a scripterror. ...Other than that it seems to work very nice. Thanks for the update!
  15. Awesome.. Everything sounds great. Cant wait to see the model and the next version. This is getting to be a classic fast :)
  16. Thanks for the update. Some more thoughts for you. I would rather that it was optional. For mission building purposes, it could have rather significant impact, so I think it should be controlable for the mission maker. I must have missed something. I thought that all you had to do was push the button when the number was even? I must say I kinda liked the remote detonation. Even with the option to disarm or set a charge, I would much rather not go near it if avoidable. The remote detonation is extra interesting when using this script with another (like James'), cause it aint safe to get near the IED. Also, the remote det explosion was way cool :D. Just saying. Does it still delete the IED object? I really like that this script deletes the object. That is a great way to make it work with other sripts. Especially James' cause when the object is removed the triggerman cannot detonate. But if the script does not delete the object, then we would still get blown up when going near it. I kinda dislike this option. I really think that the addactions are messy, especially if it is something that stays on. The remote detonation option, and the defuse option are okay, as they only appear when needed. But having another constant action would imo be messy. I would much rather that you could bring up the scanner, and have a "scan" button on it! That way no problem with the intervals, and the script would be less ressource heavy. Also, that would make the player more engaged in the IED hunt, than just driving around waiting for the scanner to go "beep". I kinda like the idea that it is a more active than passive thing. I realize that makes for some more complex dialog stuff, but it would be much more immersive imo. That is an awesome idea that has some real cool potential. However it allmost sounds like a script in itself. I think that these features should at least be hold seperate. I really like the IED construction idea, and I would surely go setup some roadside bombs with this, but the two shouldnt both be active imo. I dont want my opfor IED creater running around with a high tech scanner. Similarly I dont want my bluefor engineer to go Mcgyver and start jerryrigging satchels. Looking forward to v1.5 :)
  17. @albertors: That is awesome man. I really like the feel of the disarm function! Two thumbs up. Cant wait to see how this script turns out. A bit more constructive feedback: 1. I think the defuse option should be added to the object regardless of the option of remote detonation. Would be cool if you could allways disarm manually. Actually I think there is really no need for a "Manual Disarm required" dialog unless it is to let the player know, that all attempts to remote detonate are futile. The action to disarm should imo be added to the given object as soon as possible in the script. Not sure how it works now, as I havent looked into the script a lot, but maybe within a given timeframe you would have a random chance of remote detonation with each scan. When the time is up you get the "manual disarm required" image. 2. When the object is dead the scanner still picks it up as an IED. When you try to disarm, you get no number inputs. You can on the other hand still remote detonate it. One way I think would be cool to go about it, is to have the script continously check the object damage, and if the object dies, then have it delete itself like with the remote detonation. Maybe with explosion too, but that might boost the IED effect when a triggerman sets it off. I realize that would prolly add some nasty loops, but it would be real nice to also be able to shell the IED from a distance, if it is in a safe location to do so. I realize that it is not as flashy as disarming it, but it would add alot to an IED script imho. 3. About the "fake IED's".: When my scanner register an anomaly/fake IED I dont allways get the "location aproximation" marker. 4. I know the accuracy depends on the speed. Is it intentional that I get no returns when standing still? 5. I like the beeping sound :D, but I think it should be optional. 6. As it is quite early I might have slow response time, but I think the disarm is a bit hard and random. I only succeeded in disarming it once. I think the numbers should be spit out with an interval of maybe 0.25-0.35 sec. That way I think people can make it most of the time but they have to stay on their toes. Then throw in a random chance that it will dip to 0.2 or something to spice it up, and make it harder at times. As engineer you have to feel confident that you can disarm it, but it has to involve concentration and there has to be a risk for it to be fun. 7. I like how it gives you just enough time to get away when you fail. If it doesnt, I think that the "unstable time" should vary slightly. But having run from it in the desert af few times, the timing seems quite nice. I really had to run for my life :)
  18. @Acelondoner: I'm not sure what is wrong. The "Reezo_IED_detector_objects = [];" seems fine as long as you remember to initialize the script on the detector the other way. And if the error was in the description you would CTD.
  19. @Acelondoner: No problem. Hmm. Sounds like implementation failure. I would start from scratch with the implementation of this script, and follow the instructions very carefully. Just put an object down as IED in the editor, and add the correct line. Then make sure to put the right line in the init field of the player unit. That should work. Have you changed anything in the scripts, or are the files not located at the standard path?... If you are not, then try starting Arma2 with the parameter -showScriptErrors. That might give you some usefull info. @albertors: Great :)
  20. @Albertos: Yeah no biggie.. And I agree, no need to make another dialog for that. @Das Attorney: Great idea..
  21. No problem. I figured it wouldnt take me more than a few minutes. I had a look at it, and it seems simple enough. However I just realized that you only wanted engineers to be able to detect, so some kindof check is needed I think (like Kremator suggested). I dont know a/the overall type of engineer like "tank". "Engineer" does not seem to work. But you can however easily make it right for a specific type of engineer. Lets say you are playing a mission with US Army (OA) units. Open the recruit.sqf script in the "bon_recruit_units" folder. At line 45 where it says: Insert the red line. That should do it I think. If you are not playing with OA US units, then just find the typename for the correct engineer. E.g. if playing regular Arma 2 you would use "USMC_SoldierS_Engineer". And make sure to adjust the numbers in the execVM array for your prefered settings for the IED detection script. @Albertos: Just to be clear, the problem is not when you remote detonate, but when my triggerman detonates the IED. If the triggerman detonates so the IED no longer exists, then the remote option stays on. I think it would be SO awesome with an object for the script, however I have nothing to offer but my hype in that department. I have zero experience with creating models/addons. About the dialogs. I have only just recently thought about diving into dialogs myself, so I propably cant help you there. I got a lot of inspiration from Hoz' script though. But I sadly dont know of any tutorials on the subject. I think I understand what you mean about the disarm now. Sounds cool. Looking forward to the next version. Sent you a pm btw.