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Everything posted by kireta21

  1. kireta21

    Dogs of War - Killed at Start

    Could you add some details? Butchered how? Do they start dead, get killed by frendlies etc? Which side you're playing?
  2. I remember there was mission in demo, where you're supposed to do air patrol with AH-6 Little Bird. Not quite easy, but hell of a fun mission. Question is: if I download OA demo and copy mission to full game will it work?
  3. Indeed, I somehow missed it. Probably should do something about mess in my SP mission directory.
  4. System similar to Gamebryo's "essential" status might work. If important NPC gets killed, he could be automatically revived wounded/incapacitated via script. While such NPC would be essentialy immortal, it won't give player any advantage like allowdamage=0 or setcaptive=1 would give. In fact, from player's point of view it would work similar to BIS first aid module [edit] Found it, it was Broken Arrow campaign
  5. I have sentiment for many pre-2000 games, but there's only a few I actually still play from time to time Fallout 1 & 2 Delta Force 1 & 2 Quake II Shogo MAD Duke Nukem II Civilization II
  6. If AI gets stuck, usually it's enough to suspend mission and load it, forcing AI to recalculate path. If AI gets too good at spotting you may need to reduce visibility range (and yes, this affect AI's spotting range, a lot), probably because AI improvements in 1.60 patch screwed missions ballance a bit, and a lot if you use AI mods. While playing alternative mission (Elimination) I couldn't even get close to villa, because almost everytime I got one-shot-killed from 400m+.
  7. kireta21

    Military Humor

    You would be suprised how common it is. In fact "painting grass green" in Poland means exactly acting near-paranoid when preparing for inspection/VIP visit :biggrin_o:
  8. Syria is in real mess now, there's hardly anyone "right" there. On the one hand anti-gov include not only protesters, but also good part of pissed people, who felt "it's the time" to pick up their guns and fight back. Not because they want democracy or freedom, but because their hatred for goverment got strong enough to put their lifes on line. A the same time you have goverment forces killing people indiscriminately, armed or not, just to show them who's the boss here, simply because they have no idea how to deal with situation, and because that's how things always worked in Middle East. The worst thing is, no matter who wins, same things will happen: Tortues, executions with or without mock process, entire towns forced out of their homes just because they did support wrong side. The ususal.
  9. kireta21

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @nettrucker Might be fault of ACE, I hardly play without it. Besides, it's called "danger close" for a reason ;)
  10. kireta21

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Agree on that, personally I can't imagine someone can get scared seeing 250MB file nowadays, even with my cheap ass conection it would be downloaded in like 30-40min. Also I noticed in nightfight cutscene danger-close artillery fire is killing American troopers more effectively than Takistani soldiers. Is this intentional, or it got weird on my playthrough :D?
  11. kireta21

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Or make 2 versions, with and without music/custom sounds.
  12. kireta21

    NLAW ammo to take more size

    EVERYONE like the way launchers work in ACE or INKO. Except BIS aparently.
  13. kireta21

    The AK-12

    Safety/fire selector is mirrored on left side as well, so it's not a problem. Didn't you think it's weird to place it just above thumb on RIGHT side of rifle instead LEFT side:p?
  14. kireta21

    The AK-12

    I think that's exactly the point. 5.56mm variant, 7.62x51 instead of Russian 7.62x54, lots of rails for cool, western threading for muzzle brakes. All of these to make rifle atractive for foreign customers rather than Russian Army. Also note Russian Army isn't exactly swimming in money to replace perfectly working AK-74/AK-74M with their tacticool variant. Even US didn't replace majority of M4s with M4A1, mostly issuing only RIS adding modkits. Also, while glorified AK-107 was significant engineering improvement it was commercial disaster for Izhmash. Lots of money put into design, even more into advertising and no significant buyer. If you consider how big is market for tacticool AK accessories this seem like great idea to take big part of this cake to Izhmash.
  15. kireta21

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Good point. While ACE Javelin is no longer vanilla-compatible it still uses vanilla classname. It could still work though if would replace only stand-alone missiles (which dissapear when picked up anyway) with more disposable tubes. CLU could be added if there's none in launcher box/vehicle cargo. Dunno 'bout that, personally I'm having a blast playing numerous vanilla and usermade campaigns and missions with ACE mod enabled. Which is main reason why I pointed this problem. Also fact is missions made for ACE are quite scarce, missionmakers prefer to make missions in vanilla so people can chose replacement mods/total conversion mod they prefer.
  16. kireta21

    Weapons List.

    A2+OA+ACE2+ACEX http://browser.dev-heaven.net/cfg_weapons/classlist?version=59&commit=Change&options[group_by]=weap_type&options[custom_type]=&options[faction]= If you want different list (let's say without A2 or ACEX) just change CfgWeapons field
  17. kireta21

    Can your PC max out ArmA 2?

    Tested on elevated area with forest, AA 5, Viewdistamce 5000m, everything else maxed out. My 600€ rig managed 40fps on Utes and 30fps on Chernarus. With 10000m viewdistance 10 fps less on both, and terrain detail automatically reduced to normal (dunno how to turn it off).
  18. kireta21

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Or maybe make ACE script to do that on mission start, so we could avoid editing missions at all.
  19. kireta21

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Just idea, but why not add script on mission load to check for Javelin missiles in containers (crates, vehicles, backpacks), remove them, and add additional (now disposable) launcher tubes instead? Same could be done with CLU, just add same number of CLU's as initial number of launchers. Not sure if doable though, never beign doing any serious scripting.
  20. kireta21

    ACE for OA 1.13

    One question about Javelin in ACE2. As far as I understand launcher/missile in inventory was replaced by launcher/CLU. But whenever I try to pick those from launchercrate only laucher is added, and instead of CLU there's only a blank magazine in player inventory which dissapear after 1 sec anyway. Is this bug, or maybe it's by design, and tied to another ACE feature I'm just not aware?
  21. kireta21

    Depleted Uranium (DU)

    DU also deals better with reactive armor, due to way it breaks. DU penetrators are sometimes described as "self-sharpening", although this refers strictly to tank-fired APFSDS rounds AFAIK.
  22. kireta21

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    Agree, new AI IS amazing, especially when playing with ASR AI due to group link feature. There was a simple mission where you're supposed to destroy convoy. Got mines, satchels, RPGs, easy. First mines killed tanks. Last one wasn't burning, so decided to finish it off with satchels. I checked newly created scrapyard for activity, but there was none, so I figured out tankers died inside. WRONG. Crewmen were hiding behind large rocks and terrain slopes ap.100m from tanks and opened fire at us. Hasty retreat, but hell, job's done right? Took good defensive position down the road. Limited visibility, they won't notice us untill it'll be too late. Second part of convoy was 2 HMMWVs and trucks. First HMMWV was put out of commision by satchel, crew bailed out and started blasting, while hiding behind wrecked car. Few seconds later they were behind large rocks. Infantry and second HMMWV moved from behind hill almost at the same time. They came from 2 directions and were effectively supressing us while mr.50 was doing actual killing. After loosing 4 men in ~5s someone managed to put RPG in that HMMWV and guess what? Infantry RETREATED. They hid behind terrain and didin't move much, limiting themself to ocasional potshots in our direction. Later I noticed movement on left, HMMWV crewmen moved all the way to our flank using terrain as cover. Then men in front of us attacked, from 2 directions AT THE SAME TIME. Our perfect defensive position became out trap. And became our grave. Game Over. None of this was scripted.
  23. kireta21

    BAF or PMC?

    As for campaigns BAF has 4 mission long campaign and a lot of single missions (8?). There's no real storyline, just a few suprisingly hot days at FOB in T-stan. Unfortunately you can't play it in coop, or at least I didn't found way to play it in coop. PMC campaign is story driven, more action, less sandbox, (or rather no sandbox, with expeption of maybe 3 missions). Build for 2 players coop campaign is about Hollywood-style Tier-one operators ;) who took job they never should. Longer than BAF, maybe even as long as Arrowhead, not bad for DLC. I would go for BAF, good extension of Arrowhead, more user-made missions, and even whole well made coop-compatible campaign.
  24. kireta21

    no choppers

    If you mean helis from ArmA2 (USMC and Russian ones), you have to either buy ArmA2 for full CO (ArmA2 + OA). Or you may try to combine OA with ArmA2 Free to create "lite" variant of CO, without SP content and with reduced visual quality see this topic.