Hey folks, I'm wondering if there are any ArmA II missions that throw the player/s into a combined arms experience, but with nothing or almost nothing to get them started. I guess the kind of experience I'm looking for would be like a blend of OFP Resistance and DayZ, either singleplayer or 1-4 player coop style.
I want to be forced to collect weapons and equipment, to pick and choose my battles and find ways to achieve the mission objectives with very, very limited resources. For instance, could I find some way to stop an OPFOR convoy with just a Lee Enfield and one satchel charge? Or should I attempt to ambush a small patrol first and try to acquire their RPG, but risk missing the convoy? That sort of thing... I'd very much prefer not to be able to steal tanks and helicopters from the enemy, since in principal my character wouldn't know what to do with them anyway.
Resistance is still the best singleplayer experience I've had with the ArmA franchise, and I really want to try and recapture some of that. And if I can share it with a friend or two that'd be even better.
I've basically been looking through ArmaHolic trying to find the kind of mission I'm interested in, but without any success. The closest I've come is SaOk's mission "Zub", which is great fun, dynamic, and endlessly repeatable; but it's kind of like the endgame mission/content to my ideal, imaginary campaign, and I just want to start at the beginning. :P