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About Cragvis

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. After installing the new patch, the game wont launch. I keep getting this error when I try to run the game: The game worked fine before this patch. I updated my drivers too and still, nothing. I have a q6600 quad core 2.4ghz CPU geforce 8800gts 650mb card 6gb ram windows 7 64bit version
  2. Cragvis

    RPG type mission that saves?

    Yea, ive been keeping track of citylife, but it seems like it will never come out.
  3. Cragvis

    RPG type mission that saves?

    Thats a crying shame.
  4. Cragvis

    RPG type mission that saves?

    That would be epic if you could have SQL queries in mission files that saves data to your own MYSQL server, and even have logins. I would KILL for an arma 2 mmo type of game. WWII online is just way too outdated.
  5. I have seen and heard of some other rpg type of missions before, like aussie life and city life. My question is, is there any type of game like that for arma 2, that SAVES your progress, so you can come back and have all that you earned still? Basically turning arma 2 into some sort of MMO?
  6. Cragvis

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    I love arma 2! Thanks BIS! The only true real war game IMO.
  7. Cragvis

    New Beta Build 71726 is up

    I agree. I love challenging and realistic games, and so many other developers give in to mainstream pressure and dumb down their games. BIS makes games for the intellectual gamer. Bless them!
  8. Cragvis

    New Beta Build 71726 is up

    That would be facelifts, nosejobs and liposuction ;)
  9. Cragvis

    New Beta Build 71726 is up

    Arma 2 is a like a super hot, but super crazy deranged girlfriend. You totally want her, but shes soo messed up in the head. And every patch we get is like a therapy session for her and she slowly gets better and better.
  10. Yes you can. Get to the menu that lets you command your dudes. At the bottom choose communication. then choose the one option they give you, and then you should see artillery transport You only get 1 artillery in the mission though. So make sure youre in map view when you choose it and it asks where to shoot.
  11. Cragvis

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    win 7 64bit here and the game is now unplayable, it will CTD like we all have said randomly. I dont remember it happening when the game came out so it has to be the patch. Sucks cause I cant play it now short of uninstalling and reinstalling.
  12. Cragvis

    Saving game causes CTD

    Hope there will be a patch soon. I reallly like the game, but its unplayable for me now.
  13. Ok, so I am trying to finish the manhatton single player mission. I can not. Every time the game tries to autosave, or even if I manually try to save, the game crashes to desktop, however the game is still running in the background and I have to end its process. When it saves, I get the saving message on the screen, but right when it should switch back to the game, boom, gone. Any idea why this is happening?