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About Bangomango

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Is there a way to have add actions to an empty object that are only accessible to one unit instead of all units?
  2. BIS could make a port of Take on Helicopter's Seattle with the limited building enterability you've been mentioning. However, BIS would need to improve pathfinding to make an urban conflict possible.
  3. I thought of that too, but I'd prefer to not delete and recreate. However, if there is no alternative, I will delete and recreate
  4. Is it possible to temporarily "disable" respawning at a marker? I am trying to make a "capture towns" multiplayer mission, where when a town is captured by a side (used seized by) a variable is set for who captured it (I am using this: *town name + "status"* = "*side (BLU and IND in this case)*" ). When a town is captured I want to have a respawn marker so that soldiers of the side that owns it can respawn there. I was thinking of having a respawn marker for both sides at each town, if it is possible to "deactivate" one (using BASE respawn). If there is a better way please tell me. Thank you! By the way, I am using the Town Construction Kit module in Desert for the towns
  5. Is there a way to change the background menu music and video? I'm tired of seeing the Khe Sanh and Takistan and want to see/hear the Arma 2 Demo's background menu video and music, which, in my opinion, was much better than the current ones.
  6. I wonder how BIS got those partially loaded magazines in Eagle Wing...I think I will unpack the campaign to find out.
  7. Is there any way to set the ammunition in a magazine, i.e. at the execution of a script, a unit gets an M16A4 with 10 rounds of ammo in the magazine? I'm not sure if there are any other threads on this. Thanks for any response.
  8. Is it possible to add submenus of actions with addAction? Like have an action "Make" that opens up to just the actions associated with it. Similar to this: Action menu -> "Make" action-> opens up submenu containing the actions "Satchel Charge" and "RGO Grenade".
  9. Bangomango

    Hint and numbers

    Thanks, works perfectly
  10. How would I get a number variable to appear on the screen the way strings come up when using the "hint" script?
  11. In the editor I have a civilian doctor with the name "Doctor". He has an action called "Check Doctor's health" which corresponds to my dochealth.sqs file. Here are the contents of the .sqs file: The "Doctor is in perfect health" works fine. However, when I am damaged and do the action, no hint pops up. Am I formating the number comparison wrong, where it can only have two sides, or am seperating the if/then statements incorrectly. Thanks.
  12. How do I get a helicopter to land and unload soldiers in a hot LZ without fling all over the place? It seems to always fly around the shooters and try to kill them when it gets near.