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Posts posted by giallustio

  1. Well...Maybe it's better to do an example.

    Your position is X:2000m Y:500m

    Your target is X: 2400m Y: 700m

    So in the dialog you have to put

    N 200

    E 400

    Another example:

    Your position is X:2000m Y:500m

    Your target is X: 1800m Y: 200m

    So in the dialog you have to put

    S 300

    W 200

    Let me know if you don't understand :)

    I have some new feature in the version 1.4, stay focused ;)

  2. I edited in the revive_init from line 98 to 110 in this way to get it work:

    		R3F_REV_FNCT_peut_reanimer =
    		if (R3F_REV_CFG_all_medics_can_revive && getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf player) >> "attendant") == 1) then {true}
    			if (player in R3F_REV_CFG_list_of_slots_who_can_revive) then {true}
    				if (({player isKindOf _x} count R3F_REV_CFG_list_of_classnames_who_can_revive) > 0) then {true}
    				else {false};

    Hope it helps :)

  3. Version 1.3 (official)

    - Fixed COIN module

    - Fixed R3F error in ACE version

    - Added Artillery Operator

    - Added Artillery request menu

    - Added Rally point for ACE version

    - Added house patrols

    - Maybe something else :)


    Tell me if you find any bug, so i can fix it!

    Let me know if you have some good idea to improve the mission!

    Any feedback is appreciated!

    Have fun guys!

  4. Edit:

    Problem fixed. Sorry guys, adding vanilla ammoboxes i got an error...I don't know why, but i think i used a name too long in the description.

    If you wanna modify the mission and customize the costruction menu, don't use a long description name.

    You can find the vanilla ammo box under:

    "Magazine USMC (V)" and "Magazine US (V)"

    Download link:


  5. Try this function, i'm using it in my Advance & Secure coop mission:

    BTC_type_pilots           = "Ins_Soldier_Pilot";
    BTC_type_para  = ["Ins_Soldier_1","Ins_Soldier_2","Ins_Soldier_GL","Ins_Soldier_MG","Ins_Soldier_Medic","Ins_Soldier_AT","Ins_Soldier_Sab","Ins_Soldier_AR"];
    BTC_type_heli_transport   = ["Mi24_P","Mi17_Ins"];
    BTC_spawn_rinf_para = 
    _side        = _this select 0;
    _spawn_zones = _this select 1;//array
    _veh_type    = _this select 2;
    _land        = _this select 3;	
    _dest        = _this select 4;
    _zone_array  = _spawn_zones select (round (random ((count _spawn_zones) - 1)));
    _zone = _zone_array;
    switch (typeName _zone_array) do
    	case "ARRAY" :{_zone = _zone_array;};
    	case "STRING":{_zone = getMarkerPos _zone_array;};
    	case "OBJECT":{_zone = position _zone_array;};
    _group_p = createGroup _side;
    _group_t = createGroup _side;
    if (_veh_type == "") then {_veh_type = BTC_type_heli_transport select (round (random ((count BTC_type_heli_transport) - 1)));};
    _heli = createVehicle [_veh_type, _zone, [], 0, "FLY"];
    _gunner    = _heli emptyPositions "gunner";
    _commander = _heli emptyPositions "commander";
    _cargo     = (_heli emptyPositions "cargo") - 1;
    BTC_type_pilots createUnit [_zone, _group_p, "this moveinDriver _heli;this assignAsDriver _heli;this flyInHeight 100;"];
    if (_gunner > 0) then {BTC_type_pilots createUnit [_zone, _group_p, "this moveinGunner _heli;this assignAsGunner _heli;"];};
    if (_commander > 0) then {BTC_type_pilots createUnit [_zone, _group_p, "this moveinCommander _heli;this assignAsCommander _heli;"];};
    for "_i" from 0 to _cargo do
    	_unit_type = BTC_type_para select (round (random ((count BTC_type_para) - 1)));
    	_unit_type createUnit [_zone, _group_t, "this moveinCargo _heli;this assignAsCargo _heli;"];
    if !(isClass(configFile >> "cfgPatches" >> "asr_ai_main")) then {{_x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", BTC_AI_skill];} foreach units _group_t;};
    if (_land == "RANDOM") then {_land_random = ["","LAND"] select (round (random ((count ["","LAND"]) - 1)));_land = _land_random;};
    if (_land == "LAND") then
    	_wp_land_1 = _group_p addWaypoint [_dest, 60];
    	_wp_land_1 setWaypointType "MOVE";
    	WaitUntil {isNull driver _heli || !Alive _heli || _heli distance _dest < 200};
    	_heli land "GET OUT";
    	WaitUntil {isNull driver _heli || !Alive _heli || getPos _heli select 2 < 4};
    	{unassignVehicle _x} forEach units _group_t;commandGetOut units _group_t;
    	_wp_land_3 = _group_p addWaypoint [_zone, 60];
    	_wp_land_3 setWaypointType "MOVE";
    	_wp_land = _group_t addWaypoint [_dest, 60];
    	_wp_land setWaypointType "SAD";
    	_wp_land setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
    	_wp_land setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE";
    	_wp_land setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    	_wp_land setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
    	WaitUntil {_heli distance _dest < 500};
    	_wp = _group_p addWaypoint [_dest, 60];
    	_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    	_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
    	_wp = _group_p addWaypoint [_zone, 60];
    	_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    	_heli flyInHeight 100;
    	WaitUntil {_heli distance _dest < 200};
    		if !(_x isKindOf BTC_type_pilots) then 
    			unassignvehicle _x;
    			_x action ["EJECT", _heli];
    			sleep 1;
    	} foreach units _group_t;
    	_wp_land = _group_t addWaypoint [_dest, 60];
    	_wp_land setWaypointType "SAD";
    	_wp_land setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
    	_wp_land setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE";
    	_wp_land setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    	_wp_land setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
    WaitUntil {sleep 1; _heli distance _zone < 400 || !Alive _heli || isNull driver _heli};
    {deleteVehicle _x;} foreach units _group_p;
    deleteVehicle _heli;

  6. Very good thing, simplier then TFOR, Domi or MSO and can be played with fewer people then mentioned ones. Also, as out teammate proved, it's easy to port to the other island - and that's great.

    Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it and i need it for improve the code.

    As you said, it's very easy to port on another island, just modify the mission.sqm file.

    But, there's two things which I seriously dislike and think it should be improved.

    First: all of the enemy units are moving, like they are... I don't know. But it's shouldn't be like that. I'd imagine it should go like that

    - 1 bigger unit defending* the given objective (a village for example)

    - 1 bigger unit available as "QRF" ("GUARD" waypoint)

    - 1 smaller unit available as "QRF" (same as above)

    - 2 smaller units defending* the given objective (within bigger radius then the bigger unit, but also close to the objective.)

    - few smaller units as patrols

    I could add the "big defending group" and make random "GUARD" or "PATROL" wp for the others.

    I'll test it in the next version.

    Personally i play the mission with the ASR_AI, so AI groups use radio and move together.

    (adjustable enemy strenght would be good, there's some script for it on armaholic afair, or you can do it through the mp params)

    AI strenght it's already based on players number, i'll tweak it in the next version.

    *UPSMON would be good for it, but I think it can be achieved by waypoints and editor commands too

    I like very much UPSMON but it's a lot of stress for the server, especially for this kind of mission.

    Now everything is moving and I guess You can hardly say they are "defending" something, plus it looks a little stupid, like a big migration.

    It's a little stupid how the AI defend too :D just stand up in the middle of the road...I don't know :)

    Also, the units seems to be set in "fire at will" mode, but WITHOUT "engage at will". Which makes them shoot, but only between moving senslessly back and forth. They hardly or even never assault you or retreat.

    I used the BIS patrol function, but i already replaced that with mine custom function.

    Second thing: ACE version should also have standard A2/OA ammoboxes (apart from ACE ones), because the ACE ammunition boxes have only like... 16 extra mags?

    I'll add them in the next version :)

    Also, it would be lovely if You would make a Duala version, with rebels, for example.

    It' already available a Duala version, but with no Molatian army yet.
