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Posts posted by giallustio
Amazing work :)
The bipod has no effect on the recoil right?
- Player: AAAA! I see insurgent!!! Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! Ha-Ha! He is dead!
- I: Damn you...
Amazing :D
Maybe it's too weighty, try with the trasport box ;)
civ addAction ["follow", "script.sqf", [], 1,false, true, "", "isNil ""Followaction"""];
[Person1] joinSilent player;Followaction = true;publicVariable "Followaction";
still searching for a solution.@Giallustio
yea sure i know how to remove the action when the civ joined the player, but thats not the question. the question is, does the server know that the civilian has to join the player who executed the action on him, cause there are about 20 player´s in MP.
Well...The answer is yes, the server knows :D
What i was trying to tell u it's:
If you add the action to the civilian (for example in the init.sqf) each player has it. But if one player fires the action and you remove the action from the civilian another player can use the action because (as Demonized told you) the addAction command is local.
So make sure to remove the action as i told you. ;)
When you remove an element from an array it's better set it to 0 and then remove it...
_array = [a,b,c]; _array set [1,0]; _array = _array - [0];
In this way you can remove nested array also.
Anyway the sxp2high's code is perfect ;)
You should put a candition in your action and when the civilian join your group use a publicvariable to remove the action
Figurati :) Grazie a te per le isole ;)
I don't test them IceBreakr, so if you find any bugs let me know ;)
No atm sorry...We're starting a new campaign based on this mission and my free time is about...0... :)
You can add it by your self...I try to help you:
A very easy way it's to add an action to the flag, so in the init_player.sqf add something like this:
if (rank player == "CAPTAIN") then { _flag = nearestObject [bTC_start_location_selected, "FlagCarrierCore"]; _container = _flag addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Buy rifleman $ 100") + "</t>","=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],{"US_Soldier_EP1" createUnit [getPos player, group player, ""];}],0,false,false,"","BTC_money > 100"]; };
A more "elegant" idea (what basically i'll do) it's to add a little dialog ;)
I hope it helps you :) Have fun!
I crash every time i try to aim with the grenade launcher...Is that a known bug?
Thank you for the feedback! :)
Did you download the last version? Because i fixed this problem in the preovius update...Let me know ;)
Congrats on the release!
Wow great work thanksThank you :D
Thank you Foxhound :)
Excellent mate .... been looking out for it ... but didnt want to bug you :)Actually i got some bug on PM so i decided to release it ;)
Released version 0.1
Sorry for the late but i totally forgot about that script :cool:
I didn't remeber what's the state of the script, i gave it a quick try on the editor and worked great!
Let me know if you find any bugs or have some good idea to improve the script!
Any feedback is appreciated!
Have fun!
Version 1.5 released
- Added Duala & Lingor non-ACE version (Sorry IB i don't have time to test them)
- Added IEDs
- Added civilian & IEDs param
- Minor fixes
Tell me if you find any bug, so i can fix it!
Let me know if you have some good idea to improve the mission and what you think about the new version!
Any feedback is appreciated!
Have fun guys!
Probably i need more time ;)
I'll try to add them in the next vesion ;)
Good! Testing new version 1.5!
Are you sure? Because i tested on a dedi and it works...When you load the game remember to set on "Yes" the =BTC= Logistic param, the save game don't save the ammoboxes inside vehicles atm (it will be possible in the version 1.5). You can't change param like the date, type of units, money...
Hope you get it works :)
Try the attachTo command...Maybe not so elegant, but should do the trick :)
Thank you for the report :)
Try to re-download the pack, i tweaked some lines and should work :)
Sorry but i changed the "position type" to add the feature for move the fob and i forgot to update the save game functions :)
Version 1.4
- Added opfor version
- Added RPG 18 doesn't need ammo (vanilla version)
- Added action "move to rally point" to the flag
- Added action "create container" and "delete container" to the flag (only SL)
- Added move FOB feature
- Added =BTC= Logistic script to ACE version
- Removed RE from vanilla version
- etc etc :)
To move the fob use the action "create container" at the flag. Then lift the container and choose your new fob location (more then 300 mt from prevoius fob). When you're ready use the action "mount fob" at the container. SL can't create a new conteiner if one has been created and it's "alive", use the action "delete container" to delete the old container.
Tell me if you find any bug, so i can fix it!
Let me know if you have some good idea to improve the mission and what you think about the new version!
Any feedback is appreciated!
Have fun guys!
In game use the radio alpha option, then copy the code from
////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////Created by =BTC= Giallustio /////version 1.0 /////Visit us at: /////http://www.blacktemplars.altervista.org/ /////////////--------SAVING--------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
/////////////------END ARRAY------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
and paste in the file "=BTC=_load_game.sqf" inside the folder "=BTC=_load_game".
For the next step i use "cpbo", so right click on the folder and "create PBO" option.
Upload the pbo on the server and load the pbo like a mod. So you should have in the server exe something like this -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@=BTC=_load_game;
You can change param like revive, view distance but the important stuff like money, city captured and start location will be set by the server from the previous save game.
I'm working on a new version and i'll add some information in the briefing ASAP.
P:UKF Weapons Pack for OA/CO - V2.00+
Thank you for your reply :)
So without ACE the bipod has no effect on recoil :) got it :)