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Posts posted by giallustio

  1. Hey LJ...We played a PvP game with 90+ players, ACE and JSRS and i got these kind of errors:

    2536x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_smoke\reload.wss'
    1926x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_grenade\reload.wss'
    1112x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_sa61\reload.wss'
    654x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m40\bolt.wss'
    294x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_gp25\gp25_reload.wss'
    237x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_dshk\reload.wss'
    40x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_ak107\ak107_reload.wss'
    38x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_ak74\ak74_reload.wss'
    23x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_ags\reload.wss'
    21x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m40\reload.wss'
    20x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_pkt\reload.wss'
    18x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m2hmg\reload.wss'
    15x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_mk19\reload.wss'
    14x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_pk\reload.wss'
    9x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m4a1\reload.wss'
    3x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m60\reload.wss'
    3x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m4aim\reload.wss'
    3x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_strela\reload.wss'

    These lines in about 2 hours of game...Hope it helps to improve your fantastic work! Keep it up ;)

  2. Giallusio - loving this script. I'm going to implement it into my mashed mission. Here is a question - AI aircraft, and how to change THEIR loadout. What I would need is the ability to change the loadout of an AI chopper/aircraft while it is in a certain area (bigger than the HeliH presently). Is this possible?

    What do u mean? I think you can use a radio alpha and add a check like "IF (is there any aircraft close to the H) THEN {openDialog};"...It's a little bit pointless for me because i don't play with AI but you can customize as you like, i can give you an help :)

    Next, are you planning on adding any other weapons? Can the system pick up information in CfgClasses as to weapons already on the server/client, and use those on the hardpoints?

    Well...To add a weapon to the dialog you have to add the weapon classname in the BTC_aircraft_Armament, so for example i want to add the "Mk82BombLauncher_6" to the second slot of the A10:

    	_slot_1_1 = lbAdd [6661,"MaverickLauncher"];
    _slot_1_2 = lbAdd [6661,"FFARLauncher_14"];
    _slot_1_3 = lbAdd [6661,"SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z"];
    _slot_1_4 = lbAdd [6661,"Mk82BombLauncher_6"];
           _slot_1_5 = lbAdd [6661,""];
    lbSetCurSel [6661,_slot_1_1];

    What about OPFOR aircraft/helis ?

    To be honest it's a hell of work and i don't know the opfor chopper enough...You can use the existing files and adapt'em to the opfor aircrafts...

    The main thing is that i don't have time and i'm working on a lot of projects at the moment. (New island, fast-roping script, MP campaign, PVP campaing etc etc)

  3. Hi guys!

    I searched the forum to find a solution but no one worked.

    I installed the new BI tools, opened Visitor 3, loaded my project and every time i tryed to load an OA object i got an error about the p3d.

    I also tryed to change the buldozer.exe with the OA exe and didn't work...

    I need help! :D

  4. Thank you very much :)

    Using your config i'm getting an error:

    ErrorMessage: File btc_river\config.cpp, line 24: .BTC_river: Undefined base class 'Takistan'

    class CfgWorlds
    class CAWorld;
    class Takistan: CAWorld
    	class Grid;
    	class DefaultClutter;
    class BTC_river: Takistan


    Fixed :) Missing {

    By the way when i load my island into the game i can't see the textures...

    And i can't load OA objects in visitor...I read that the new BI tools fixed this problem, so what i'm doing wrong :P

    Visitor is so frustrating :P
