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Posts posted by giallustio

  1. Well in most cases even raising your eye-level a few cm can make a huge difference in your ability to see and remaining in the classic prone position allows you to remain relatively concealed and drop up and down quickly. Moving into the on-back prone position while staying low in a quick or dignified manner would probably be impossible in all your gear and the position itself has all the drawbacks of prone (hard to move out of, not ready to move) while sacrificing the benefits (concealment). So if at all possible adding the ability to bob-up in the prone like the crouch would be a massive step forward and really make much the prone stance much more viable and realistic.

    I agree with you!

  2. You have to know how to script a little...

    Here a quick example: (i'm not at my PC so i can't test it, just to let u know how to do, you can improve this a lot :))


    _chopper  = _this select 0;
    _pos = _this select 1;
    _dest = _this select 2;
    _chopper doMove _pos;
    WaitUntil {_chopper distance _pos < 10};
    _chopper flyInHeight (BTC_fast_rope_h - 2);
    WaitUntil {((getPos _chopper) select 2) <= (BTC_fast_rope_h + 1)};
    doStop _chopper;
    _chopper setVariable ["BTC_rope",1,true];
    _chopper vehicleChat "Ropes deployed!";
    _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position Player];
    _trigger setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
    _trigger setTriggerText "Ready";
    _trigger setTriggerActivation ["JULIET","PRESENT", false];
    _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","BTC_in_position = true;",""];
    WaitUntil {!isNil "BTC_in_position"};
    _chopper doMove _dest;

    [name_chopper,getMarkerPos "ins",getMarkerPos "away"] execVM "BTC_insertion.sqf";

  3. =BTC= Fast Rope


    This script allow you to use the fast roping feature without any addons.

    The pilot of the chopper can deploy the ropes, if there are AI units in the cargo they'll disembark, but you have to set it to 1 in the config.

    When the pilot deploy the ropes, an action appears to all the players in the cargo, so they can use ropes to disembark.

    At the moment this feature it's available for UH-60M and MH-60S only.

    Known issues:

    - could be some problem in MP about the animations.


    Copy "=BTC=_fast_roping" folder in your mission folder.

    Add in the init.sqf:

    _fast_roping = [] execVM "=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_fast_roping_init.sqf";

    If you spawn a chopper during a mission you have to add to it all the actions needed.

    However a demo mission is included.




    My clan:

    = BlackTemplarsClan =

  4. Again m8...

    Add in the init.sqf:

    _logistic = execVM "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Logistic_Init.sqf";

    Add in the description.ext:


    #include "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_Hud.h"

    To add it to the "When diplomacy fails" mission, open the mission, copy the =BTC=_Logistic folder inside the mission, add the two lines of code and repack the mission.
