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Everything posted by giallustio

  1. giallustio

    Really Simple Script Question

    You have to give a name to a chopper (Name_Chopper) and put inside the init field of each para: this moveInCargo Name_Chopper; If para are in the same group put this in the init field of the team leader: {_x moveincargo Name_Chopper} foreach units group this; Posted together :)
  2. I don't have too much time to read all, but WaitUntil code is wrong, try this: waitUntil {(getMarkerPos "beach") distance _boat <5}; _a = execVM "beach.sqf";
  3. I get this error when i try to launch buldozer: Buldozer working dir not found, buldozer launch failed My system preferences: Path to relatime viewer working dir: p:\ Command to launch realtime viewer (Buldozer): "P:\arma2oa.exe" -window -buldozer OS: Win7 this get me crazy :mad:
  4. giallustio

    Buldozer working dir not found

    Visitor3... Fixed! If you use Win7 don't run buldozer as administator
  5. giallustio

    Buldozer working dir not found

    It doesn't work...
  6. giallustio

    Buldozer working dir not found

    I fixed my problem only for few hours... I tried to launch buldozer from Visitor3 again and i got the same error...Need help
  7. giallustio

    Real Warfare Soundmod

    Hi Konrad! I love your sound mod!! Are you working on frag and M203 sound? Keep up the good work! ;)
  8. giallustio

    Objects spawned from a crate

    Yes!:) _crate removeAction _id; And setDir is a number value, but only one, not two ;) _camo1 setDir (getDir _crate);
  9. You can disable it in the server config too
  10. giallustio

    Objects spawned from a crate

    Put this in the init crate field: act = this addAction ["Act_Name","Script_Name.sqf"]; Script_Name.sqf: _crate = _this select 0; _pos_crate = getpos _crate; _camo1 = "LAND_CAMONET_NATO" createVehicle [(_pos_crate select 0),(_pos_crate select 1),(_pos_crate select 2)];
  11. In condition field: !Alive unit2 Name_of_Heli flyinheight height; Without [] And set chopper's status to "Flying"
  12. Good job Maxjoiner! Waiting for the release!
  13. giallustio

    =BTC= Armament System

    MP problems resolved! :) I'm very close to the first release!
  14. giallustio

    =BTC= Armament System

    Yes sure! Unfortunately i can't add only 1 missile via script, i have to change config to do that. Maybe i'll release one script version and one mod version!
  15. giallustio

    =BTC= Armament System

    Thank you guys! @Kremator Not at the first release. Now i'm working on MP compatibility. I've to add only the missiles class name and it could work with GLTMyke's missilebox too!
  16. giallustio

    Create flying helicopters?

    Yes sure! createvehicle command spawn only an empty vehicle ;)
  17. giallustio

    Create flying helicopters?

    _veh = createVehicle ["AH1Z", [position], [], 0, "FLY"];
  18. I created this one! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12356 it's very simple to install! ;)
  19. Condition: !Alive bob Act: Type: END 1 This works fine for me in SP and MP. From my sqm: class Item7 { position[]={5491.2988,59.340042,4227.8433}; a=0; b=0; activationBy="WEST"; interruptable=1; type="END1"; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="!Alive bob"; class Effects { }; };
  20. giallustio

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    All works fine with the new no ace version! Thank you sanders! This is my favourite sound mod!
  21. giallustio

    God Mode

    Sorry FPDR I didn't read "OFP", my fault.
  22. giallustio

    God Mode

    In the init of the unit put this: this allowdamage false;
  23. giallustio

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    Already done...But... Anders_s_gear requires addon ace_c_men_sounds which files do i have to remove?