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Everything posted by viper[cww]

  1. viper[cww]

    When did they add diver model and blood trails?

    Blood trails were in ArmA 2 as well, or was that just with ACE? Divers have been present since first public release, ala diving scenario.
  2. viper[cww]

    global banned on arma 2 going over to arma 3

    That part of my previous post, means kiss goodbye to the steam account using Arma 3, not a full on steam account ban.
  3. viper[cww]

    Soldiers appearance. Important!

    Was it "I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle" by any chance? ;)
  4. viper[cww]

    Breakable vehicle parts

    +1 Make a ticket on this. It could remove the use of a black/charred model aswell. I'd rather see disabled/crippled vehicles then black sooty ones all day long. Anything is possible with this engine, it's just whether people are willing to put the time into implementing it.
  5. viper[cww]

    Vault,Dive,roll for movement?

    I saw the whole video, thought it was the same one as the mod that allows for jumping, just with extra animations unlocked. Looks a lot like the anims smookie made for A2.
  6. viper[cww]

    Vault,Dive,roll for movement?

    It's on the forums here somewhere, those were animations already in the game but hidden, they were found and made to be used.
  7. viper[cww]

    global banned on arma 2 going over to arma 3

    There is no way to trace your new account as far as I know, so yes there will be no auto ban, until you are caught cheating, which will happen. So easiest way to not get banned is to not cheat (no idea why script kiddies cheat anyway, the game isn't hard at all, alls your doing is ruining others fun and also your own).
  8. viper[cww]

    Soldiers appearance. Important!

    How is that impossible? I know plenty of men who have a flat chest, which is normal; the abnormal thing is to have a muscular chest as it requires you to keep damaging it to rebuild the tissue which is then scarred, hence the size change. The chest shown in the pic is perfect as that's what most soldiers have, less size but more definition under the minor pectoralis. Wait a minute? so what's the issue? Unless you like to run around in underwear all the time, is his bulge big enough for you too?
  9. viper[cww]

    global banned on arma 2 going over to arma 3

    Well if you deserved to be globally banned on ArmA 2 then I would say yes, you should be globally banned on Arma 3. But probably not since you'll be running a new key. If you get Globally banned on that key though, kiss goodbye to your steam account. ;)
  10. viper[cww]

    Beta - release date?

    June is the cut off time for alpha, so around then.
  11. viper[cww]

    Convince me.

    Pretty sure it was the guy on the lone totem pole that brought up DayZ and not the apparent "fanboys".....
  12. viper[cww]

    Horrible Games

    Since when was their TvT Dom? It's always been a COOP gamemode, sounds like your talking about Warfare.
  13. viper[cww]

    So if I get the alpha

    The prices are 1:1:1. It is not fair to charge €24.99 to euro's and $24.99 to american's as one region would be getting the better deal (in this case the U.S), for me (UK) the standard edition is £19.99 which is equal to €24.99 and $32.99. Do you get where we're coming from?
  14. It's a great idea, but aslong as it can cut off rendering either island from a certain distance. As I don't want Altis to be rendered when I'm playing on Stratis only. AFAIK the models etc are still using up cpu utilization even if out of view distance, could be wrong though.
  15. viper[cww]

    So if I get the alpha

    Bohemia Interactive is based in the Czech Republic which is part of the EU. So the standard unit of pricing is set to show as the €, you can switch it with the drop down as seen in Harzach's post above. No idea why they haven't got an auto-detect based on visitors region, as they used to. The prices are set to the current exchange rate. Check and see for yourself, tax is included in the price. You don't add it based off another currency. Smh
  16. viper[cww]

    Convince me.

    Close to three years in development then halting full development because of DayZ (and other issues) and missing two release dates is not rushing it out. The engine is completely updated to the standards seen in ToH, the game is in very early alpha stage, in purchasing the alpha you are becoming an off-site tester. The game has no security implemented at all, and is using some of if not all of ToH network code. Not sure if ToH is rife with hackers, try and play a game that has some popularity, you will always come across hackers. Also the engine is not the same at all. A2/OA used the Real Virtuality 3 engine, A3 uses the Real Virtuality 4 engine. Aliens Colonial Marines was in development for over six years, and was still garbage, would you call that rushed out as well? Perhaps you should move away from the wasteland scene and you'll see less script kiddies ruining the game for you. This game will always have bugs, you can either love it or hate it.
  17. viper[cww]

    Convince me.

    viper the fanboy.... lol... You paid for an Alpha, if you were expecting a fully polished game you should have waited and then paid the extra $ it would of cost, quit complaining and start bug hunting. Sarcasm is lost in translation on the internets. :p
  18. viper[cww]

    Convince me.

    Mr. CaDiLLaC, what you've just said... Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  19. viper[cww]

    Im the hero arma 3 needs (working wasteland server)

    You should know better then to joke on these forums. :218:
  20. viper[cww]

    Air Burst/Delayed Fuse Munitions

    We had these type of munitions with mods such as ACE2 and the . Since the Paladin has been showcased in some of the A3 videos of late, I'm guesing we'll see these type of rounds in use, unless it's a half baked idea, then the modders will come to the rescue.
  21. viper[cww]

    Im the hero arma 3 needs (working wasteland server)

    Thank god! Arma 3 would be dead without Wasteland.. FPDR
  22. viper[cww]

    Removing custom files ?

    Your lucky A3 is on steam. Just restore file integrity via right clicking on ArmA 3 and clicking properties, it's in the local files tab. Never put custom files in the vanilla addons folder, make modfolders!
  23. viper[cww]

    All ArmA 3 Server are HACKED!

    You need to work on your posting style. Also a thread is already present about this issue, check below. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153686-Hacked-by-a-player-with-no-ID-and-file-injected-to-A3-server-directory&p=2380213#post2380213
  24. viper[cww]

    Vault,Dive,roll for movement?

    RE Are you doing that with a 95Ib standard weight of a soldier? (Weapon/Ammo + Plate Carrier) Not to mention the 2/3 day backpack used (40Ib at least). That's 300Ibs of weight on your knees, I'd love to see your knees give under that weight after you 'jumping' around. Checkmate Action man.