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Everything posted by viper[cww]

  1. viper[cww]

    PlanetSide 2

    Than the player base would get kicked every ten minutes, no? :D After the recent patch, the view distance threat system hasn't improved on anything. Also some new bugs I found after being killed is your shield exhaustion sound beeping continuously until you press your special action, armour/repair/cloak/speed etc
  2. I made one back in March 2012 for Meatball0311, it's yet to be released by him :p (was set for next release of the unit's but that since passed).
  3. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hmm strange, I added the second update when it came out and only tested the sound mod fully yesterday, error was there for me, though I did not do the last part you said, in re-adding the rest of 1.5. No idea why that would be needed? Also Update 2 was just v2 bisign's with the addition of the yakb.pbo, should I redownload all of JSRS 1.5 again? Nevermind, Fixed
  4. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Not sure if it's been reported already, but the MK17 Sniper SD uses unsuppressed sound. Same as MK17 Sniper.
  5. viper[cww]

    Funny & interesting videos

  6. LoL... Now Sergey is promoting (in a sense) a site that sells WarZ hacks... http://tmblr.co/Z0yidtb1-kOw
  7. viper[cww]

    PlanetSide 2

    Perhaps Alpha Squad. I haven't played for quite a while as it was getting very boring for me, it's essentially just Xeno's Domination without the addition of side missions. I do however have station cash of which I bought cosmetic stuff like helmets etc. I did buy the Chaingun aswell (700SC out of the AlphaSquad 4000SC) for my Heavy Assault as there were a couple of MAX raping our spawn area. Suffice to say they didn't survive. ^^
  8. I know right, did you skip to the 4hour 40min part?
  9. Everyo0ne been keeping up with the warzscam site? The stream video of a dev asking a player who the hackers in his clan are is actually quite funny, I guess their ultimate unhackable tool also forgets to tell them who hacks. Also if you do watch the video at the time of the chat notice how the player says, 'imitation is the sincerest for of flattery', could be a coincidence or they could be a part of this thread? http://warzscam.tumblr.com/
  10. viper[cww]

    What did I just do?

    Way to show how grown up the pre-dayz community is.... as funny as it may be.
  11. viper[cww]

    Metro 2033

    did you go to your library and install?
  12. Update on the trademark issue, sergey was kind and dumb enough to reply: Source: http://warzscam.tumblr.com/post/38634146432/update-exclusive-war-z-trademark-suspended-game Nice little .gif someone made on the artwork in question aswell: http://i.imgur.com/6Q2lt.gif
  13. I shouldn't think so, since the only similarity is 'Z'; War Z is too similar to World War Z; Hell they should call it Day Zed if any issues arise. Loving how this train wreck progresses each day.
  14. Wow indeed. That should be shown to all the reviewing sites out there, photoshopped or not.
  15. ^ This :D ____ In the IGN video on that gamespy rview, does WarZ actually use the same 1:1 weapon customization as Crysis? Hilarious.... EA should like that. @1:53
  16. I know it isn't, just a guy who comes to a bis forum and flamebaits its fans from post uno. ---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 ---------- /corrected
  17. Keep crying Sergey, your game is crap, get over it. :)
  18. Welcome to the forums sergey, now please go away.
  19. That's the problem with being a sheep, if you keep following the latest trend you'll eventually get burnt. The War Z burnt ALOT of DayZ players.
  20. Fresh of the print press! http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/12/20/dayz-dean-hall-war-z-comments/
  21. Not really since rhinocrunch has an open vendetta against the game anyway. Personally I don't like TotalBiscuit (perhaps because he's a pompous middleclass tit) but his review is more neutral and insightful. Funny regardless of all that.
  22. Sockpuppet accounts stating how great the game is, funny how all those accounts tend to be at 'legend' status on the forums too. This could just be a coincidence of course.
  23. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/12/19/the-war-z-apologises-to-players-who-misread-false-steam-information-adds-controversial-microtransaction-for-respawning-characters/ Finally Valve have noticed how fraudulent the game is, did they even check it before adding it to their listings...
  24. I'm sure people would be smart enough to realise that dayz is not a game but a mod, alas going by the comments left on DayZ video's most think it is a game. The Devs of WarZ probably asked for the game to have a DayZ tag, the bloodsuckers. I also call bullshit on this Sergey Titov; he's like FPSRussia, putting on the accent or more so the grammer in which he writes.