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Everything posted by viper[cww]

  1. viper[cww]

    Will there be a crash/emergency landing feature?

    Well I have crashed many helicopters so far (purposefully) both with engines on at speed and engines off at speed, and have had no explosions so far, but critical damage. Seems we have a new crash/collision feature. :D
  2. viper[cww]

    how do i join a multiplayer match?

    Click on whatever faction is being used in the mission, then click on a unit in the main tab.
  3. viper[cww]

    Will there be a crash/emergency landing feature?

    Indeed it did, I was both scared and impressed the first time I lost my tail to a surrounding building, proceeding to spin out and eventually land. :)
  4. viper[cww]

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    I thought it releases at 01:00 GMT+0 ? At least that's what's been said in the comments. (22:43 at the moment).
  5. viper[cww]

    How hard will this game be?

    I think on a infantry standpoint, it will be much easier as the movement isn't clunky as in previous games, thanks to smookie's work in the new skeletons animation. Hopefully that'll be in alpha.
  6. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Decent none the less, I could kinda tell it wasn't legit from the use of cloned fatigues etc. Good Job!
  7. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Found this on the Veteran Gaming facebook page, not sure if legit, cool none the less
  8. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    :D char
  9. viper[cww]

    Will there be a crash/emergency landing feature?

    Adding a more sim damage model and scrapping the HP system would be a start. Only allowing for complete destruction of a vehicle by explosion or direct penetration of fuel systems (with cannon fire/small arms). I can imagine killing the pilot from stray MG fire and watching him sink to the ground slowly, with that awesome ground slide as he hits home. Maybe with the tail rotor creasing in. Awww yeah.
  10. viper[cww]

    Will there be a crash/emergency landing feature?

    I think he means the damage model during crash landing more then anything.
  11. viper[cww]

    ARMA 3 - TrueSky Weather, Effects

    I have no idea why, but flying above the clouds sounds very exciting to me :D
  12. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    I would never say I'd be in that 500 nor have I hinted that, that should be given to any person who has spent there free time enhancing ArmA 2 / OA for the pleasure of others playing experience (I'm talking maps/units/soundmods/total conversions etc). I'm not egocentric enough to think I deserve such a title. You seem to think what I am saying is arguing for myself, which is totally your own take on what I've said. Victimising yourself to make a point much? Tbh I have no idea as I've only ever seen your forum posts. :p
  13. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    Some may think I am moaning, but as this is a forum I am entitled to my opinion as a loyal and paying customer to the franchise.
  14. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    Not really, most of my arguments opinions come from discussing with people from this community on steam chat, I have no problem with steam I have 180 games on there, my issue was the exclusive with steam. Well let's wait till the 5th and watch the rat race for 500, can't wait till most of you hippies start complaining you didn't get there first. Nitpicker out.
  15. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    So say a member of the community who has been round since ofp misses out because the 500th purchaser was a newbie to the community you think that's fair? They should do block names of people rather then single name rolling credits, that way all purchasers of the supporter edition are benefiting from the full package. Seems unfair to tout it as a part of the package then say only the first 500 will be thanked........
  16. Plenty still around, I play on one server that switches between that and Insurgency ACE/Expert versions ofcourse. LoL No. PR is possibly the worst conversion mod made for ArmA 2.
  17. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    So.... since this is a benefit of the supporters edition, if you are not within the first 500 bracket will there be a discounted rate since you are not benefiting from the full package.
  18. viper[cww]

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    It fails me why people never read any more, it takes twice as long to ask a question that can be answered by just reading.... smh
  19. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 NDA?

    Found in the ArmA III FAQ Can I take screenshots or make videos of the Arma 3 Alpha? Yes, the same restrictions apply as to full games (and our previous games) with regards to copyrights. We encourage you to share with others how great Arma 3 looks. Steam has in-build functionality to do this. We would kindly ask of you to note that the media is from an Alpha version whenever you can, to avoid confusion. Edit: Sniped by Sniperwolf ^^
  20. viper[cww]

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Ha!! Right you are, 300% made that clear :P Site needs to be fixed for region I guess.
  21. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    £19.99 for the game alone seems very reasonable. :)
  22. viper[cww]

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Read the site Placebo, it states the price as £69.99 which is obviously wrong as stated here by a BI PR. As of now prices are shown as £24.99/£39.99/£69.99
  23. viper[cww]

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Quite frankly you are a toolbag, ignoring you as that'll clean up most of this thread of steam fanboi comments.
  24. viper[cww]

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Using your comparison in a game that is called and FPS does not translate over to another, please try again. Bohemia Interactive title this series as a military simulator and not an FPS, anything you say to argue this point is null and void. Again I point you to the description of FPS and also to the ArmA 2 wiki. EDIT: New plans for ArmA 3 have been added to the arma3.com site. http://www.arma3.com/news/plans-for-arma3-in-2013 Supporter edition lolwut? Also please fix the prices BIS, £69.99 is not equal to €70