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Posts posted by _qor

  1. Hey folks,

    So far I own Arma2 Reinforcements and I am thinking about to buy Arma2 CO.

    But I am afraid of the performance that all the forested maps requires! So, to have a slight preview, I downloaded Arma2Free and checked out the performance there, which wasnt really satisfying!

    But then, I copied the Arma2Free content to my Arma2 RFT version, and the performance was very much better (same video-adjustments of course)!

    Have you got an idea why the performance changed?

    Which performance do I have to expect with Arma2 CO? And yes, I am aware of the reduction of texture-quality in Arma2Free!

  2. Hey there,

    What I actually wanted to ask is if it is possible to copy the Arma2Free content into my Arma2 RFT version. The answer is yes, it is possible.

    Just copy all the files from "Arma2Free/AddOns" to a new folder in your Arma2 version you want to merge with Arma2Free. For example you can name it "@Free". Then you have to add "-mod@Free" to your start-parameters of the game.

    That's it so far ;)

    First time I ran Arma2 RFT with Arma2Free content, the game crashed. Afterwards I came to the following "solution":

    -User interfaces of the both games are on bad terms > in the.pbo folder there are ui.pbo and UIFonts.pbo files, delete them all

    -There are still some User Interfaces from Arma2Free - no responsible files found so far

    Since then, it worked. But when I copied these files again into the RFT folder, the game ran as before!

    Other problems:

    -in the editor, trigger-sound-names seem to be kind of unsorted. There are a lots of new sounds with blank between them.

    -some textures of the "old" game seem to be replaced by the "new" ones, so there are some textures (especially military constructions) which have no very high resolution.

    -the editor now owns sometimes two of the same object due to the "new" added ones.

  3. Due to some stupid information given to me, I was able to try out the Zeus AI firstly today (wrong start parameters).

    And I dont really know what to think about it...

    Never have had any really curious problems with Arma2, but now, with Zeus AI activated, some strange things happened:

    -The AI strangely tried to shoot me when I friendly fired one of them: unit ran to me, strangely dangled its weapon and shot sometimes but didnt hit me!

    -Soldiers which I placed in the map usually dont move and stay at their positions. With Zeus AI activated, they are all running through the map!

    -But what really bothers me is, that the Zeus AI seems not to recognize independent units as friendly! At least the AH64 doesnt! Placing myself as independent unit in front of an BLUFOR AH64, it shoots me! Even if I set independents are friendly to BLUFOR! Placing myself in front of a BLUFOR infantry unit, it does not shoot me...

    When I set a BLUFOR unit to "setCaptive true", the AH64 shoots that unit as well!

    Are that known bugs or is something wrong with my Arma2 version? Maybe Zeus AI is not adapted to ARMA2 RFT which I own?!

    That really ruins the whole game and especially my missions!

    by the way: same with A2SLX AI mod...

  4. I am trying to set up a mission with an AT bunker from which an AT unit should attack enemy tanks.

    What I thought might be the problem, is that the AT unit wouldnt shoot out of the bunker (its the "bunker (large)) due to the small openings. But fortunately this is not the case and the AT unit shoots all the tanks outside luckily =)

    I also use setUnitPos "Up", disableAI "TARGET" and disableAi "MOVE" to make the AT unit stay upwards and not to move from its position.

    That works great so far...

    But the the enemy T-72s cant get destroyed with one AT-missile. Then, the T-72 crew disembarks and runs for cover. This makes the AT unit to follow these crewmen with its rifle, even if there are other tanks which I actually want to get destroyed by the AT unit!

    And then, sometimes, the AT unit shoots the crew with its launcher - which is real wasting!

    I'd like to set the priority of enemies for the AT unit! Is there a way to set this up?

    And can somebody tell me about the assistance AT units? What are they made for and how is it implemented?

    Because when AT unit fires all its missiles (two), it doesnt shoot further tanks although the assistance unit has got two more missiles in its backpack!

    Is there a non-ACE rearm script for example for ASR AI Rearming? Or can you suggest a good one, cause the ASR AI Rearming script doesnt work at all 0o

  5. I have got a AH64 which acts as support.

    But actually this is more a "show", so I want the AH64 only to attack&destroy 2 or 3 tanks before he gets knocked out by the massive incoming of enemy forces.

    So either I have to disable several tanks for the AH64 or tell him via code only to shoot some specific tanks. I only knew a code for the first, at least I thought so ;)

    I dont want to set setCaptive to true for all those tanks and turn it to false afterwards. Would be too much effort! Didnt it?

    Isnt there kind of notAttack code?

  6. Hey there,

    I've got a curious problem with the disableAi command.

    I am using it for several enemy units, which must not attack the "bring-in" and "bring-out" helicopter!

    So I typed for every unit:

    this disableAi "UH60";


    x = group this; x disableAi "UH60"

    So far I thought that this really works... and somehow it really did! But the last three times I played, my heli got shot down!

    So I set up a testing mission, in which several AntiAir units shoot a heli. After that I put the disableAI code in their inits, expecting that they wont shoot the heli this time. But they did 0o

    My questions now:

    -Can "disbaleAi" really disable a specific unit for the AI?

    -If yes, why doesnt it work for me?

    -If not, is there a way to do this?

  7. Any updates?

    This guy still doesnt look or talk to me. Would be easier if I knew a code for a trigger which fires when I activate an action! But I dont!

    Or perhaps I could add something to the .sqf file which I can refer to in the trigger!

    I tried with "_playSound "Colonel.ogg", but I guess thats absolutely against all the scripting rules (which I dont know)!

    HELP! xD what about the demo mission? Would be great if all the thing I want are within that mission!

  8. I am working at a reconnaissance-mission. Though, I want to include the UAV funtion for the player.

    But unfortunately, it seems that the UAV isnt as unmanned as it should! I thought the player should have the only control of the UAV. And thats how I set up the Module synchronization.

    But if there is an enemy unit (tank or sth), the UAV engages autonomously even if I currently use the UAV.

    Now I am unsure about whether this is volitional or kind of bug?! What do you guys know about that?

  9. Ah you really need that sqf :D

    Is there a way that the person I want to talk to turns to the player when talking to him?

    Should be possible via "DoWatch" didnt it?

    And now I've got a sound file! Is there an easy way to combine it with lip-synchronization?

    I read the "AMS Wegpunkt Tutorial" which says, that via "TALK" waypoint, the unit turns to player and speaks with libsynchro. But it doesnt work the way I do it.

    I am standing in front of the unit - nothing happens, I talk to the unit (with the code from above) - nothing! What fire the trigger that the unit turns to player and talks to him using my created sound? It works with only AI units, but not with me as player 0o

    Does somebody know a competent online speech synthesizer like http://www2.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php?

    But even better?

    So what I finally want to do is that the player approaches to a Colonel, selects "Talk to Colonel" and the Colonel turns to player and speaks to him.

  10. Hey there,

    I want to add a selection to an AI so I can "talk" to this unit. I dont need to have sound or something, just a function to have e.g. "blablabla".

    Would be great if the unit returns something, but I guess thats a bit more of work?!

    This selection should only be able to choose one time!

    And how to fire a trigger when the selection has been chosen?

    thanks in advance ;)

    so I found the word "action" in my mind and put it in google. But "this addAction ["Hello"]" doesnt really work. I thought it would be that easy.

  11. Got a problem with infantry moving towards the battlefield!

    There are several squads hiding in the woods and having a HOLD waypoint which switches to MOVE waypoint located in the enemy base.

    I want those infantry squads to run straight to the enemy base and to attack it when in adequate distance.


    1.) Infantry is NOT running straight to the base. They lay and knee down sometimes for several minutes and take cover almost everywhere!

    (I already tried different settings of BEHAVIOR and SPEED - currently they are set to "full" and "combat")

    It is a far distance between infantry's starting point and the enemy base they should run to. So it is important that they REALLY run STRAIGHT towards the enemy base WITHOUT deferment. But so far they dont...

    2.) Additionally to the distance, it is a desert map. That means there is an early intervisibility! So when the infantry squads has eye-contact with the enemy, they slow down and switch to kind of careful-mode, although they cant shoot across such a distance. This also slows down the process of attack.

    Hope you guys have got some clever ideas! Thanks in advance ;)

    Ah, I am already using Zeus AI!!!

  12. I love you guys xD those simple solutions...

    yeah, but curious stuff happens:

    all the APCs really hold their positions! But no they shoot a heli which flies by, what they havent done before!

    But that doesnt matter in this mission! But I 'd like to have the AI under control ;)

    Funny thing: I can really see that APCs have to hold themselves back. They are kind of squirrelly :D turning themselves and moving forward and backward^^

    Result is that they cant wait for attack and therefor shoot :D

  13. Is there any way to control mechanized infantry?

    I mean especially in regard to the "get in" and "get out" of the foot soldiers!

    If a mechanized infantry is going to move, I want the vehicle AND the foot soldiers to move in the same speed. But in my mission, the vehicle is upfront in the battlezone and foot soldiers are about 5 km behind it!

    So, is there a way to control their behaviour?

    Besides, it is very stupid that mech. infantry attacks with soldiers inside the vehicle.

    When an enemy tank shoots at the vehicle, all the soldiers are dead. Would make more sense if the squad attacks with all its single units!

  14. You can also create a trigger with this code

    thislist select 0 setdamage 1

    and group the trigger with the building you want to destroy. Trigger's area must include the building!

    Unfortunately though, it is not possible to group the trigger with more than one building.

    As far as I can see the methods work the same, apart from a very small delay the buildings crashes.

    Seems that the code I posted is about 0.5 seconds slower. Most likely game logics get initiated before triggers.

  15. Okay I got the "setSimpleTaskTarget".

    May there be a way to do that with "knowsAbout"? So the marker has the shape of the unit/vehicle!

    Unfortunately it doesnt work with "kv = this knowsAbout target". What does the "kv" stands for?

    And what about the other code? Where to put it and what does it achieve?
