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Posts posted by _qor

  1. There is a group (groupthis=delta1) in a "chinook", which is ordered by waypoints to proceed to a certain waypoint, and go on flying.

    At the first WP, I want the group to dismount the heli. I already tried to put this in the OnAct. of a trigger:

    {_x action ["eject","chinook"]} forEach units delta1;


    {unAssignVehicle chinook} forEach units delta;

    the trigger is activated by blufor present, and with the condition: (spieler in thislist);

    So the trigger only triggers if player is within its boundaries.

    But these codes doesnt work so far. Would be great if one could help. thanks in advance =)

    btw: do I group units by putting "groupthis=delta1" in the condition-box of the leader?

  2. There is a helipad for the helicopter, but not for the vehicle which is also shown (hiden between the units, on the left side).

    And I also synchronized the both waypoints. You cant see that due to the zoom.

    What I found out is that if I just observe how the AI handle it, it works fine. And what the AI does is to walk directly to the GET IN waypoint, which triggers the heli to land and LOAD.

    Solution: increase the Completion Radius!

  3. I just placed the waypoint in the editor, and no, there are no enemy units so far on the map!

    Waypoint behaviour is also set to "CARELESS".


    I rebuild that mission a bit. But this brings up even more questions:

    At the helipad, the heli just hovers aboe it - again.

    easy overview:



    Something really wired:

    I found out that I have to walk to a certain position which I suppose to be somewhere beneath the heli. Then, first attempt, the heli landed on the helipad, great =) Notice, there were no other units around me.

    But at the second attempt when I had a group of units near by, the heli flew several meters away and finally landed about 100 meters away from the helipad. This also happens at subsequent attempts. What the hell is going on there? Am I an obstacle for the heli so he cant land on the helipad? Or is this due to other reasons?

  4. In a previous mission the "TRANSPORT UNLOAD" waypoint worked great, but now it doesnt work at all curiously.

    There is a heli with four men "in cargo" and there is a invisible helipad with the TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint on it.

    But all the heli is doing is to fly to the helipad, hover above it and go to the next waypoint WITHOUT to land and unload the four men.

    Is there something else I have to consider.

  5. I know there are some description out there, but they are kind of puzzling me...

    So I have got a briefing.sqf with:

    task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Turnout"];

    task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Turnout the intruders of Feruz Abad. Proceed to their base north of town. A mob of warriors is waiting for you to get orders.", "Turnout", "Turnout"];

    task1 setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "enemy";

    task1 setTaskState "Created";

    player setCurrentTask task1;

    In the editor, there is a trigger which becomes activated if all BLUFOR units are dead or fleeing.

    But which lines do I have to add to the trigger's condition if I want to see the task "succeeded"?

    I guess there are simple lines but I found it hard to filter those from the informations in the net.

    I tried with tskTurnout setTaskState "Succeeded";

    in the OnAct box. But it doesnt work. There is a "biepbiep" but the task is still unchecked.

  6. Hey guys, didnt find it at google so I'm gonna ask you.

    For the cause of clear arrangement I want to create a subfolder in "Scenarios".

    At the end there should be several missions for a specific squad of units. Same as in the campaign.

    How do I do that?

    And besides, could somebody give me a link or a hint how to switch from one mission right into the next one?

  7. I want an overview for my mission! So I created an "Overview.html" within my mission folder, and added these lines:



    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">

    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="VB">



    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

    <p align="center"><img src="screen.jpg" width="512" height="512"></p>


    When the BLUFOR started to spread over the whole country and eliminated people in Takistan, it was time to create an opposing force against those injustice. Today it is time to proof the potency of our alliance!





    I have got this from a Briefing Guide. The screenshot I made has 512x512 pixel and is also located in the mission folder. But in Scenarios there is no picture and no text when I click on my mission.

    What s the thing I forget about? ".html -files" execute automatically right? I dont need to add them to init.sqf...

  8. I just did a briefing for my mission, not as difficult as I aspected =)

    But the "briefing" only shows up when I open my map, right? But, as in the missions, it makes even more sense if the briefing would pop up BEFORE the mission starts. This would give you an overview of the situation. Assuming that you are starting right within a extreme combat, would you open your map to look up your tasks? nooooooooope!^^

    So how do I do that? Didnt find it in the briefing guide.

  9. There is one heli with a "HOLD" waypoint synchronized with a trigger, which makes the heli fly to a certain waypoint when a certain unit is dead.

    But then I want the heli to load 2 groups and unload only them at the waypoint. This is possible by the "TRANSPORT UNLOAD" waypoint so far. The only way I found to make this possible, is by set each unit to "in cargo" and group it with the heli. Unfortunately the actual groups dont exist anymore this way.

    So when the heli alights, all the units (instead of the pilots etc.) disembark, but are single units.

    I want them to stay in their groups. How do I do that?

  10. I wanted a group which I can lead later in the mission. So I created a "join and lead" waypoint from player to the leader of the group.

    So far it worked fine: when I go to the leader, the group joins me.

    But curiously, when I enter a helicopter which is NOT nearby the leader, the "Join and lead" waypoint triggers and the group is under my command.

    Is this a bug or is there something I am not aware of?

    I also tried with another helicopter where the problem persists, and with a truck where the problem doesnt appeared.

  11. I created a group of soldiers which I want to move along a road. Of course this road is not straight.

    Thats why I had to create several waypoints, so the group follows the line of the road instead of walking straight from A to B.

    But unfortunately the group waits for several seconds at each waypoint, which disturbs my time line.

    Besides it looks as if the soldiers just execute waypoints ;)

    Is there a trick how to avoid that?

  12. ah thats great!

    thanks a lot ;)

    but what about the double equal-sign? why just not only one? trying to understand those commands...

    attendant question: is it possible to let the AI destroy those ammocrates? Using the waypoint "destroy" seems not to work. They stop at the last "move" waypoint and dont go on.

    Besides, when I use an IED which blows up the whole building the crates are stored in, the crates are still not destroyed.

    May it be that only shooting harms ammocrates?

  13. I have got several ammo crates which have to be destroyed.

    If this happens, mission should end.

    I set a trigger with the condition:

    {alive ammocrate} count units=0

    but it doesnt work (yes, I set Type to "end"). So what do I have to add to condition and by which command do I attach the other ammo crates?

    Is there a "notalive" command?

    Currently I preview the mission and instantly debriefing pops up, even though I am out of the trigger's range. Why?
