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Posts posted by _qor

  1. I want to mark a unit which moves during the mission. So I want the marker also moving so I can check where the unit stays via map!

    Besides, it would be great if this marker shows up only if a trigger fires or something like that. So I can see it not from the start but when a specific event happens. This is not really important, so if too complicated, I dont need it!

    Anybody an idea how to set up this?

  2. aaaaaaaaah

    okay great, now all the stuff works! thanks to you ;)

    cheered to soon...

    It doesnt work with "moveInCargo" init of the player.

    So there is a UH60 and a player with a group which is in cargo of UH60 by "{_x moveInCargo UH60} forEach units group this". That seems to disturb the trigger.

    If I take that command away, the trigger fires.

    Trigger's setup:player1 in thisList AND UH60 in thisList

    How do I solve this?

  3. Still no solution. Same problem in another mission.

    But trigger doesnt fire even if condition is only set to: ([player1,UH60]) in thislist)

    And both units are in the area of the trigger!

    So I also tried this:

    creating a UH60 with the name "abc", and a player with the name "player2"

    creating a trigger with:



    Condition: ([player2, abc]in thislist)

    But the trigger doesnt fire, although both units are right within its area. WTF?

  4. Ive got a damn problem here.

    Ive send two M1A2 Tusk to a battlefield, supposing that they get destroyed by 4 and later another 3 T-72s. This should fire a trigger which leads in a chain of happenings. But the trigger doesnt fire. It takes me 4 runs until I checked whats going on: the fucking M1A2 TUSK is too stable and thats why they wont get destroyed but getting "useless" so the soldiers exit them.

    I think its due to those explosive protection which should safe the soldiers inside. Ye, that game is really realistic ;)

    So what can I do to make my trigger fire when the M1A2s are getting "useless"? Or how to get my M1A2 detroyed?^^

    Any ideas?

    I have got principals, I want to use that version of Abrahams! It has to work by scripting ; )

  5. GREAT!!

    What about the increased radio-activitiy Ive seen in videos? There are shouts and yellings which I really miss now.

    Would be SLX and Zeus AI compatible, or is one mod regarded as better than the other one?

    So I found the SLX mod and tested it:

    As far as I can see, the SLX mod is - for my needs - a better solution. Fire-fights are very more intensive from the first second.

    But why the hell: in the original and in both mods, your team cant keep up with you if you are running fast. why?

    I will test the same editor-draft with both mods separately!


    -the SLX AI seems to be more reactive and very more willing to shoot

    -SLX AI seems also as if they can see through plants (not sure)

    -with both AI mods I had a curious happening: I positioned my team in front of a sniper standing on a fuel-tank about 50 to max. 100 meters away. He didnt react anyway although I had his hole shape in sight and he looked right into my face! This was at the beginning of playing, dont know if the AI has to need some time to be ready^^

  6. Nope, all parameters are set correctly.

    But great! I give the Zeus AI a try. Probably exactly what I was looking for.

    omg...is it true? For the Zeus AI mod I need Community Base Addons and ACE2-core?

    But hell, it looks awsome! Would somebody give me first support? Its hard to come out with all these information -.-

    Do I have to install ALL the community base addons first?

    Does it work with Arma2: Reinforcements actually??

  7. So here is what I put into the trigger which checks if vehicles have been destroyed:

    Condition:{alive _x} count [ural1,ural2] == 0
    OnAct:task3 setTaskState "succeeded"; hint "Well done, stored arms should be destroyed. Meet HMMWV at strangeling-line and get out of there!"; task3=true

    and the trigger which shoudl check if task3 is succeeded and player1 and HMMWV is in its area:

    ([player1, HMMWV] in thislist) && TaskState task3 == "suceeded";

    I am standing right next to the HMMWV and in the trigger's area. Then I request artillery to destroy the two urals. Then I get the hint of the first trigger, but np end is coming.

    So far it doesnt work...

  8. Great! It doesnt work so far but thats a approach.

    So what I did is:

    I put "([player2, HMMWV] in thislist) && task3;" into the trigger in whose area player2 and HMMWV has to be, to end the mission (Type=End#1).

    And I put "task3=true" into the trigger, which fires that task 3 has been succeeded when 2 vehicles has been destroyed.

    So this trigger fires definitively(I get a hint when fired), but even so player2 and HMMWV are within the predefined area, the mission doesnt end.

    Did I forget something?

  9. So there is a thing I recognized while editing and playing:

    There is a village full of OPFORs, and a BLUFOR squad which should clear this area. Besides there is a trigger, which should move several groups of OPFORs, when BLUFOR has been detected by OPFOR.

    But - I am watching the hole situation from a rooftop - when BLUFOR finally reaches the village and shoot at OPFOR (actually I dont know where BLUFOR shoot at, but I hear that they shoot!), there is no reaction from any OPFOR-unit. They all stay at there positions, no ducking or hiding or engaging. Thus, the trigger doesnt trigger and the support for OPFOR doesnt move to the battlefield.

    But apart from this, I epxected OPFOR to lead in further action to hide, fight or at least run away. But nothing happens.

    So what is the condition, to make all the OPFORs within the village to recognize enemy fire. It is possible that BLUFOR only shoot at one OPFOR-unit and only this unit reacts.

    But shouldnt react all the other OPFORs? I mean I do hear shooting, shouldnt OPFOR hear and react as well?


    I put a sound to the trigger so I finally know when it triggers. Result: even if BLUFOR shoots AND one OPFOR unit shoots back, the trigger triggers about 20 seconds later. WTF? I mean it has been set to "blufor detected by opfor", hasnt opfor detected blufor when opfor shoot at blufor?

    What I also changed is the BLUFOR fire-status from "hold" fire" to "engage at will". What shouldnt mean that they didnt shoot before, but does this have an effect on the enemy's reaction on the fire?

  10. Okay, for a more precise help:

    After the mission is done so far, I want a HMMWV to bring me out of the area and trigger the end, when entering a trigger-area.

    But this trigger should only trigger, if task3 is succeeded. Not before.

    I put "([player1, HMMWV] in thislist)" into the condition-box of the end-trigger. But this could also happen if the previous task hasnt been accomplished.

    So I also want to check, if the last task (task3) has been accomplished.

    Could somebody write me a precise text for this? Because I dont get what clydefrog tried to tell me and kylania's proposals seem to need further modifications because I get "Type Bool, expected Nothing".

  11. There is a group which I told to move along a street via waypoints. But actually, the waypoints are set aside of the street not exactly on it.

    And actually it is the taxi-way at an airbase not a street.

    So what I want is to let the group move aside the taxi-way. But what they do is to walk ON the way. It is very disturbing because I also want planes to use the taxi-way.

    I am asking this to keep the taxi-way clean from any other units except planes. Because other way, planes use kind of "stop and go" tactic to proceed, which takes them about 20 minutes to reach the end of the taxi-way.

    So does anybody know some script or loophole to let planes drive rightly?

  12. I am creating an army base master-draft.

    So I want to include a trigger, which changes the behavior of all units within the area if any opposite unit is detected. Besides I want to sound an alarm if triggered.

    What do I have to put into the OnAct box to change the behavior of all friendly units? Wouldnt matter if the behavior of all units, enemies as well, changes.

    And how do I sound the alarm? There are sounds under "Empty" ojects, even a sound for alarm. But this sound ALWAYS sounds. Unfortunately there is no proper sound under the triggers options :(

    thanks in advance folks =)

  13. I want a task, which shows up first when the second task has been accomplished.

    Therefore, I took the script out of a waypoint tutorial and adapted it to:

    [] spawn {

    waitUntil {!(isNil "task2_active")};

    task3 = player createSimpleTask ["HMMWV M2 available"];

    task3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["In the repairing shed on the U.S. Army Base is a HMMWV equipped with an M2-gun available. Its engine-repair has been just finished when the oil-tanks exploded. Due to its need of refueling and rearmoring it hasnt been used yet. An officer at the oil storage facility mentioned an unharmed refueling-truck. Refuel and rearm the HMMWV as support for further incoming assaults.","HMMWV M2 available","HMWWV M2"];

    task3 setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "HMMWV";


    Unfortunately the task shows up from the beginning. What do I have to adapt?

  14. Doesnt work properly. And I really dont know why. Actually the opposite units should recognize each other without any further commands. But they dont.

    I placed one of both sites in the middle of the street, not far away from each other. Placing myself next to one of them, I can easily see the shapes of the unit in the distance. But both units stand still and do nothing for a while. Then, they lay down. Thats it.

    Even with "doWatch" and setskill spotDistance there are no reactions. Wtf?

  15. I have 2 opposite patrols which are about 200 meters away from each others. I want both sides to fire on the other one. But unfortunately nothing happens.

    Units lay down and watch in the direction of the opposite force, but thats it. There are little obstacles, but I think thats not the reason for that idleness to fire.

    Is there a maximum shooting distance of the AI? How do I deal with that?
