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About SoftlyScream

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  1. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/always-start-an-application-in-administrator-mode-on-windows-vista/
  2. Well I created another one anyway > http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12258
  3. I'll maybe suggest it later on in development then. As I said, I would really love to have voice come through my speakers and all radio come through my headset.
  4. There are a number of things that I would like to see developed: 1. The ability to use the scroll wheel for changing the numbers on the smaller hand held radio. So pressing 'Mode' and using the scroll wheel to select a number and to move onto the next digit pressing 'GR', and the process would be repeated for the other digits. 2. The ability to select different sound outputs for different sound cards. On my computer, I have two sound cards. The on board audio and the one created via my USB headset. I have all in game sounds coming through my normal speakers which is the on board audio. All communications via Teamspeak come through my USB headset, unfortunately this also includes the spoken voice chat. I, personally would like the ability for the voice chat to come through my speakers, the on board audio. After all you wouldn't be able to hear spoken voice being transmitted through your radio. I hope I explained point 2 as simply as I could. If not, I'll have another go.
  5. SoftlyScream


    Can two audio outputs be used? From that I mean, I use all VOIP through my USB headset by setting them as default in TeamSpeak. Then all game sounds come through my normal desktop speakers. Can this still be achieved whilst using this add on?