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Everything posted by yort

  1. The F-14 has both Iran and US markings and colors, not sure about this issue?? These come standard with Southys addon. The F-4 is the one I had to change as the Iran markings are inbuilt into the model, so unfortunately this effects all aircraft in this PBO with the Iran flags, unless Southy makes some changes this is the way it will stay.
  2. SuperRat is making sure that the Zezal -2 will be operational with the next release!, a big thank-you to him. ;)
  3. Looks very good Tupolov, can't wait to try this one out!! Let me know if you need a hand with any "extra" stuff. ;)
  4. Currently working on release 0.1.6 This version will add new units LHD, Destroyer and Frigate in editor under USMC for mission editing (all moveable units) updated weapon recoils for better playability updated F-14 aircraft into three classes, Bomber, Attack and Air to Air updated Special Force Quds units All engineer classes OA compatible. The big one that has been taking up my time is a new and updated @Iranian_Forces_AI_Config for better AI playability, basically taking the Zeus AI theory to a different level (with permission :D) My version will improve AI performance, whilst relying alot more on the original BIS configs, to try and maintain compatibilty as the game receives new updates and patches.
  5. yort

    User mission requests!

    I actually started making a Campaign initially using Quesh Kibril. Inspired by cimalex's "Hormuz Crisis" mission. Haven't finished it though, but basically Iran invades Takistan, invading the island of Quesh Kibril and then moving onto the Takistan mainland. ;) But unfortunately this has been put on the back burner!! :o
  6. Anyone doing a North Korean Mod?? Contemplating doing something now that the Iranian Mod is near completion. Any thoughts?? :D
  7. That would be a great start vilas, any chance of LOD so I can base them on this and make some other units?? :bounce3:
  8. This isn't a request, just a question regarding starting a new Mod!! ;)
  9. I was also contemplating converting the Takistani Forces to real life Turkmenistan Forces, basically adding old Soviet style weapons etc. etc. Something for another Middle Eastern country to declar war on!! ;)
  10. Very nice Mod, looking very good, keep up the good work!! ;) North Korea Mod should be easy. Not too many uniform versions, Vilas right that it is a plain dark green/brown uniform. It uses Type 56, AKM, AK-47 and AK-74 as main weapons. Maybe if we ask vilas nicely :D he may put together a NK Mod with all his weapons and men.
  11. Try asking Vilas, I used his stuff in my Mod with his permission. ;)
  12. More information Please!! Other Mods, what type of troops etc. etc. etc. etc.
  13. Thanks all for your comments, much time and effort goes into getting this Mod as good as I can get it. For all the guys who have issues, can you please post or send me pictures of your problems, I do know about the BTR50 gun issue.
  14. Is this the same issue you had in an earlier post? Sounds like you are running the @Iranian_Forces_AI_Config and if so you will also need to have the VF folder installed in the userconfig folder, this is included in the Mod, so all you need is to copy the supplied useconfig folder into the ArmA2 main directory.
  15. Its amazing what duct tape can do. :D
  16. Iranian Revolutionary Quds Special Force WIP
  17. I have had an idea regarding the exhaust effects from choppers. basically modified Southy's F4 autosmoke script to give an exhaust effect, which diminishes the faster the chopper goes. Just imagine poorly maintained equipment and engines not tuned to optimum performance and basically this is what I think it should look like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0mHX3s2cp0
  18. Any chance on helping me with TI on some Iranian Stuff?? As for the ACE realistic issue, I have actually made the lesser experienced troops with less accuracy as a default setting in the infantry config, this works very well in fire fights etc. where these guys can't shoot for nuts!! :D I have also reduced the accuracy (i.e. dispersion) on all my weapons, and the AK based KL-7.62 rifle is only accurate upto 250m or so and then it goes everywhere. These are quite simple configs that can be introduced over-riding some of the ACE or default setings. Please don't consider this as an ACE bashing session. :)
  19. Trying to get a missile truck working, anyone have any ideas how to get a missile to launch and target an area like artillery strike?? More than happy to send the MLOD to any interested parties!! ;)
  20. Firstly looking good guys and well done!! Secondly, Stevieboy and I are busily working away at the next phase of the Iranian Mod, this one is quite large with a number of armor units and some Revolutionary Guards!!. So we will see you on the battlefield soon. ;)
  21. Is there a way of adding this to a default mortar weapon in the config, that way when ever it is chosen in the editor it will always use your script??
  22. Should be worth the wait
  23. Sorry I missed this one SuperRat, looks very nice, will try against my Iranian Forces to see who wins!! ;)