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Posts posted by genesis92x

  1. 12 hours ago, harveysimpson said:

    Arma has been a fascination for me since day 1. What the above AI modders managed to achieve only served to sling fuel on the fire of my passion for this series.


    I desperately hope to see the above AI mods or AI mods that can achieve similar results reach ARMA Reforger.


    I wonder if they would need to be re-written from scratch, adapted or just ported over?




    For me, a new generation of coders will need to continue work for ArmA Reforger. I love a lot of  the improvements for the Enfusion engine, however there are a lot of concerns that I have with Reforger. 


    It's hard for me to want to spend many hours coding for a game that I will not be playing. I was contemplating messing with Enfusion but just decided to move over to Unity and make my own projects for fun until ArmA 4 comes out.

  2. On 8/21/2020 at 7:06 PM, froggyluv said:




    Think its from Arma 2 but is loaded into the Iron Front Mod which i usually have running so i can call it. I use it for Special Forces guys when they are under fire. Also will your Enhanced Movement guys scale small rock face at all? I just love seeing those guys were you dont normally suspect them

    I remember that animation...now that I am thinking about it...I thought A3 had it as well.


    And yes, the AI will climb rock faces. I'm not sure to what extent they will, but I have seen them mount boulders to engage others.


    On 8/22/2020 at 10:32 AM, avibird 1 said:

    Hello I need some confirmation. I recently started using the Vcom again I have not used it in a few years. I have been using GAIA to populate AO and for my enhanced AI behavior.


    1. I downloaded the mod through steam.  I see it working but I don't see a userconfig folder in my steam app common ect Pathway. I have a file patching enabled from startup parameters but do need to make a user config folder. I use a few other mods consistently that I don't have any issues with CUP MCC4 enhance movements ect. 


    2. After a group is controlled by Vcom and the threat is eliminated will the group just sit around for new orders or will Vcom issue new patrol orders ? The reason why is I am trying to see if GAIA is compatible with Vcom. Gaia will contol patrols in smaller areas and I want Vcom used a the main reinforcements to the multiple AO in this mission. Gaia will keep issuing new move orders around a set zone (AO) or I can give it the ability to move out of its zone. What I am seeing Vcom will take over the gaia units when in combat mode but when the threat is eliminated the group will go back to gaia and continued its random generated waypoints within the zone while the units only under Vcom will just sit around waiting for the action to occur again. Does this sound right with vcom or does it issue continuous waypoints even when not in combat mode?


    3. Using the vanilla patrol radius option works as well. Units will spawn inside houses with a move waypoint with a 100-200 meter radius for patrol. The units will patrol until contact Vcom then takes over. Once the contact is eliminated the units will continue on their patrol random generated waypoints. Very cool to see. Before I used Vcom the units would just walk about their business with gunfire on the other side of the town which looks pretty dumb lol.


    4. I don't see the units using the enhance movement function? Perhaps because no userconfig folder? 


    What I am seeing right now vcom and gaia can work together so I think I found the best of both worlds. input would be greatly appreciated still testing the 2 mods together avibird


    1) Go into the !Workshop folder and find Vcom, pull the userconfig folder from there into your root A3 folder. Or you can use CBA to edit almost every setting.

    2) They will sit around until they are given new orders. Unless the AI are in combat, Vcom should not be assigning new waypoints. 

    4) You will need to adjust the settings appropriately. The default is only a 10% chance to use every few seconds or so. Also, everyone on the server needs to be running enhanced movement. The original enhanced movement. Any forked versions WILL NOT WORK.


    On 8/23/2020 at 11:19 AM, avibird 1 said:

    @genesis92x or anyone else who may know this answer. I believe I found a bug or compatibility issue I really hoping there's an easy fix for it.


    When using team switch to a different group of units from your side you lose all squat voice communication you can't hear squad mates call out targets for help or any auditory communication. If you team switch within your group you can. It appears to happen when you team switch out of your group. Has this been reported before or a new issue. 


    This mission has two squats of 8 units each this mission is for a single player to control or 2-16 players. I really hope there's a easy fix for this the mod makes encounters so much better and definitely last longer becau se of the AI combat behavior. Avibird.

    22 hours ago, avibird 1 said:

    @genesis92x with some more test playing it appears to be a conflict with Zeus or just team switch into a different friendly group. I'm able to team switch into  any member of my original  group with no issues I hear the group chatter but once a jump into Zeus all the team charter communication is lost if I switch into a second playable group. i will not even see orders on the screen the group units follow all commands but verbal confirmation of orders issued are not heard or seen.  Does anybody else play with Vcom and Zeus who does not have this issue. Avibird

    this enableAI "RADIOPROTOCOL"; should fix it. I believe I disabled it so the AI would respond faster to orders.



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  3. 1 hour ago, avibird 1 said:

    Hey @genesis92x good to hear that was one of the reasons I stopped using it because they I continue to move fast even when no threat was in the area. Question for you can your AI script be used with GAIA. GAIA can be used with other AI scripts or vanilla behavior. I usually like to have a few different AI behaviors in a mission along with some vanilla behavior units. A good mixture makes for a more unpredictable AI behavior. I would love to try Vcom with GAIA units in the same mission.


    I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not. In general, it's not a good idea to mix AI mods. You would have to give it a test.


    I am unaware of what GAIA actually does to make a good guess on that.

  4. On 8/17/2020 at 2:53 AM, loopdk said:

    cant finde the changelog eighter at github ore steam?

    Believe its on the steam page - just not in the changelog


    On 8/17/2020 at 11:40 AM, avibird 1 said:

    Just curious I have not use this in a while. Does it improve AI driving. Does it not allow them to mow over a group of guys just waking down the roadside.  


    Does the AI groups still always move in fast speed even if there is no threat or any presents of the enemy in the area. That was one of the main reasons I stop using it because patrol units not in combat would be acting like they were. Avibird

    On 8/17/2020 at 1:54 PM, avibird 1 said:

    But will a group move or walk slow when no enemy present in a AO and will the AI driver just roll up on a whole squad just waking down the road and kill most of them and not even stop or slow down.

    There is an experimental driving option. It is what it says it is. Experimental. It attempts to prevent AI from running over friendlies, it also helps them navigate around obstacles that AI would normally run into without second thought (Think of sandbags in the middle of a road). It is however, not perfect.


    I can't remember the last time the AI moved in fast speed....so no. That is an option you can toggle now, and it only impacts them in combat. Vcom really doesn't do much until the AI get into combat.


    On 8/17/2020 at 1:23 PM, froggyluv said:

    Took this new build for a quick spin last nite  -impressive, definitely has its own feel for a new type of AI experience. The AI vaulting over things just brings so much life to them - i added those combat somersault animations and it can play out pretty bada$$

    Combat somersault animations? Whatttt are you talking about. That sounds silly and fun.



    • Thanks 1

  5. On 7/13/2020 at 3:21 AM, gerhart said:

    Does anyone know where I can find the licensing agreement for Vcom or permissions.  I've look on the Git, armaholic and Steam but I can't seem to find it.  I would like to update it in my mod, Martial Law to the latest one and would really like to have the full consent of the creator.  Here is the link to my mod on steam Steam link and the Github for it Martial Law Github


    Edit to your hearts content


    On 7/12/2020 at 5:04 AM, Moon_chilD said:

    Maybe that has been asked before but I'll do it again:

    Can you toggle "Vcm_Disable"? 
    To explain what I mean: We have a Zeus module which basically just executes `setVariable ["Vcm_Disable", true, true];` on the group of a unit. That so far works. Using debug I can also see, that if its set to true the AI will not use VCOM to react to fire. 
    NOw I build this module so it will act as a toggle. If it detects "true" it will set it to false and vice versa. But if I toggle it to false I can see that the AI is still (after it was set to true previously) not reacting with VCOM AI. Is this by design? Or is this a bug? Or is this even not possible?

    Another question I have:
    I see that VCOM AI has AI skills per side. Would it be possible to also add some way where you can assign different AI skills  per faction class? The issue is that OPFOR and INDFOR have insurgent factions and both have bigger armies in some mods. So lowering the skill set of INDFOR can in the end mean that a bigger, well trained army, fights on the same level as some insurgent cell. You think this could somehow be possible? (If you want me to post this on Github, tell me)

    This is a late response...but here goes anyway.


    You cannot toggle Vcm_disable unfortunately. Although that would be a good idea. What you CAN do is set vcm_disable to false, and then run this code "_group spawn VCM_fnc_SQUADBEH;" , which will execute Vcom on the group again.


    The reason for this is that the scheduler I use just skips squads that have been disabled, I did this intentionally to save on precious FPS in an infinite loop that constantly checks for AI groups - although there are simple work-arounds as above.



    As for your 2nd question, vcom now supports classname based skill settings. However, this can be quite tedious....but possible.


  6. I am not the best at this - but I am assuming you want the code that will open the door? Or do you just want the door name? Or the doorsource name, in order to make it open/close?


    Here is an example of how I find doors in one of my scripts. I am sure there are better ways, you will have to adjust the scripts below to your needs.


    This code below runs in a loop - constantly checking for doors in buildings, and then executing code once a door is found.

    				private _SelectionNames = (selectionNames _building);
    					if (["door",_x] call BIS_fnc_inString) then
    						private _doorPos = _building selectionPosition _x;
    						private _WorldPos = (_building modelToWorld _doorPos);
    						if (player distance2d _WorldPos < 3) then
    							private _Door = [_x, "dDoor_0123456789"] call BIS_fnc_filterString;
    							if !(missionNamespace getVariable [((str _Building)+_Door),false]) then
    								private _HandleObj = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal _WorldPos;
    								_HandleObj setpos _WorldPos;								
    								[_Building,_Door,_x,"Door",_HandleObj] spawn INT_fnc_DoorDraw;
    				} foreach _SelectionNames;


    Code snippet from DoorDraw function:

    This part adds the door, among other things, to an array and adds a displayhandler that will allow the player to open/close a door by using their scroll wheel. I am assuming the way to get the door sourcename is what you are after? Look at the variables _Doorsource and _DoorNoSource.

    private _DoorArray = [_Building,_Door,_HandleObj];	
    INT_SelectedDoors pushback _DoorArray;
    	_INT_SlowOpen = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler 
    			params ["_displayorcontrol", "_scroll"];
    				_x params ["_Building","_Door","_HandleObj"];
    				if ([player, _HandleObj, 0] call BIS_fnc_isInFrontOf) then
    					private _DoorSource = format ["%1_sound_source", _Door];
    					private _DoorNoSource = format ["%1_nosound_source", _Door];
    					private _p = _Building animationSourcePhase _DoorSource;
    					if (_scroll > 0) then {_p = _p + 0.4} else {_p = _p - 0.4};
    					if (_p > 1) then {_p = 1};
    					if (_p < 0) then {_p = 0};
    					_Building animateSource [_DoorSource, _p];
    					_Building animateSource [_DoorNoSource, _p];	
    			} foreach INT_SelectedDoors;				




    • Like 2

  7. This is a month too late, but I ran into a similar issue yesterday and wanted to post a potential solution. I started by looking at how the BIS_fnc_UnitPlay function makes vehicles follow a set of points *smooth-ish=ly*. That function uses setvelocitytransformation

    object setVelocityTransformation [fromPosASL, toPosASL, fromVelocity, toVelocity, fromVectorDir, toVectorDir, fromVectorUp, toVectorUp, interval]


    With some careful planning, you can create an array of positions and iterate through it to get the AI to "drive" the boat down the water. If you use this method, you would have to add checks for things like combat, a dead driver, dead vehicle, or a halted boat that interrupt the loop. Otherwise you will have a ghost boat driving around....


    Which sounds fairly cool anyway....


    The only other solution I could think of...would to be constantly nudging the boat forward and away from the shore... using 

    abs (getTerrainHeightASL (getposASL _boat))

    you can constantly be checking the depth of the water - and if it gets too shallow, have a function setvelocitytransformation away from the edge of the water. This method would most likely create a drunken driver effect...as the AI LOVE to just drive boats into the shore.


    • Like 1

  8. Another interesting behavior to add on with this, if you use displayRemoveAllEventHandlers it does clear the index's of the EHs. If you individually remove an eventhandler it does not remove the index from display handler list. However, if you remove all the indices manually, it does eventually return the index count back to 0 when adding a new event handler. This behavior exists when using local variables for eventhandlers as well.


    My guess is that this is not really a big issue...the only potential concern would be that during a long running mission, a players total index number for displayhandlers could potentially reach the thousands or higher. Although I still do not see how this would really cause any FPS or script lag issues - as ArmA seems to handle large numbers decently well...however that is only if the displayeventhandler index storage is not actually a giant array. I am not sure how Bohemia stores those into memory. 

    • Like 1

  9. On 11/29/2019 at 11:57 PM, Raragodzilla said:

    Sorry, I must be an idiot, but I absolutely cannot get this mod to load on my dedicated server. It just straight up won't load the map, I have no idea why. I'm a fairly experienced server host, but it's always been vanilla, so it could be a simple misconfiguration issue. Does anyone have a video showing how to install it? I can't find any, and I don't want to waste anybody's time by asking 30 troubleshooting questions haha. We don't really plan on using any other mods with it, if that matters

    It should be as simple as putting it into the right missions folder and loading it :/ are you getting an error?

  10. On 10/16/2019 at 8:33 AM, avibird 1 said:

    @genesis92x or anyone else who would know if Vcom AI is compatible with MCC4 and GAIA? GAIA is my go to for my AI random waypoints and zone setup in my missions. I would like to have both in a mission for different zones.

    I'm not sure exactly, but I don't see why MCC4 wouldn't be compatible with Vcom.


    The GAIA aspect and Vcom may play alright together. Vcom AI does not generate additional waypoints if there are already waypoints created

  11. On 9/11/2019 at 6:04 PM, jackrabbitslim_ said:


    Any workaround for this problem ? It's still persistent today and si very annoying when creating missions for SP.

    Not without some more intricate coding.


    I believe using the "TR UNLOAD" waypoint type will make any AI in cargo slots disembark and not attempt to enter the vehicle again...So making vehicles do this during combat will prevent AI from entering in repeatedly

  12. On 8/27/2019 at 10:05 PM, Lance123 said:

    Have a chance to look at my particular issue yet?

    I apologize, I have not. I have been slammed with multiple requests and projects at the moment.

    On 9/1/2019 at 7:29 AM, AtomicBoy said:

    Hello everyone, especially you

    If it doesn't bother, what is the VCOM AI 3 script used to deploy VANT drones from the backpack?

    Thank you

    I will have to dig it up - I did not realize that code is actually missing from the current version! It essentially was very similar to how AI deployed static weapons, it looked at the classname of the backpack and created the vehicle that the bag was supposed to assemble.


    On 9/1/2019 at 3:52 PM, TesACC said:

    Question. How does one set AI skill in the script version? There's this in userconfig-

      Reveal hidden contents

    //AI SKILL SETTINGS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    //VCM_AIDIFA = [['aimingAccuracy',0.15],['aimingShake',0.1],['aimingSpeed',0.25],['commanding',1],['courage',1],['endurance',1],['general',1],['reloadSpeed',1],['spotDistance',0.85],['spotTime',0.85]];

    VCM_AIDIFA = [['aimingAccuracy',0.25],['aimingShake',0.15],['aimingSpeed',0.35],['commanding',1],['courage',1],['endurance',1],['general',1],['reloadSpeed',1],['spotDistance',0.85],['spotTime',0.85]];

    //VCM_AIDIFA = [['aimingAccuracy',0.35],['aimingShake',0.4],['aimingSpeed',0.45],['commanding',1],['courage',1],['endurance',1],['general',1],['reloadSpeed',1],['spotDistance',0.85],['spotTime',0.85]];


    am i correct to assume that all i need to do is plop

      Hide contents

    //VCM_AIDIFA = [['aimingAccuracy',0.15],['aimingShake',0.1],['aimingSpeed',0.25],['commanding',1],['courage',1],['endurance',1],['general',1],['reloadSpeed',1],['spotDistance',0.85],['spotTime',0.85]];

    this into init.sqf to have challanged AI instead of a challanging one?

    Mostly right! I would remove the // from that line. To make sure the difficulty gets set, I would make sure to put that code at the end of the init.sqf, after VCOM is loaded. So it will correctly override the settings. If you are using the script version (and do not have file patching enabled) I would change the defaultsettings.sqf file. located inside the vcom folder somewhere

    • Thanks 2

  13. 3 hours ago, killzone_kid said:

    FSM is scheduled


    I'm no expert, but isn't it a little more complicated than that? FSM condition evaluation is on each frame and unscheduled. 


    Do you mean that they somehow run on a 3ms schedule, but the code contained within the FSM is executed in an unscheduled environment? You are not allowed to use sleep/waituntil in an FSM.

  14. 16 hours ago, Dedmen said:

    Not a bug so no. That's still a thing.

    Should almost be treated like one. When I began scripting long ago - I found it rather silly and the 'helpful' applications of it seemed to be outweighed by the helpful applications of it. 


    Much easier to just create a little script to handle unit init's instead of editor based init's

  15. I have generally stayed away from AI boats due to terrible experiences I have had with them.


    With that said, off the top of my head, there may be some things that (could) help? I'm at the office here, so I can't test anything.


    On the init of the vehicle, you could try a limitspeed command

    this limitspeed 10;

    Sure it won't make the boat "zoom" around, but it may give them just enough "control" to not beach their boat?


    You could try splitting the driver/gunners into two separate groups and give the driver careless behavior, or possibly settings the whole group to careless and looping a suppressivefire command once they detect the players.


    Worst comes to worst, you can make the boat not take damage, and occasionally check if the boat is beached with issurfacewater, and then setvelocity back into the water or setpos it.

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