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Everything posted by FBX

  1. FBX

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Be Silent! must keep pressing F5!:mad:
  2. FBX

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    You and me both mate!
  3. FBX

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    If that happened, I think we would be able to hear Dwarden laughing from here!:D
  4. FBX

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I believe the poster says "choose Chernarussian Red Star Movement" in Czech, so maybe find the location on the map from the first clue while playing as chedaki?:confused: I do hope this dosen't end like BIS' April fool did though, and is actually something signifigant to ArmA II. Either way, BIS' sense of humour is intriguing....
  5. I believe that it uses the BIS's FAL mags, although I could be wrong.
  6. Just like to chip in mate, great work with the mod. Currently running it with blastcore and ACE, works like a charm. Keep it up! :bounce3:
  7. FBX

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Would there be a way of disabling it, or somehow make it not look like my monitor is about to crap out on me? :rolleyes:
  8. FBX

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I apologise if it has already been asked or I just missed it, but when an actual muzzle "flash" appears, my screen does a quick partial-blackout flicker. Is this a bug, my system or a feature?
  9. FBX

    Arma FOV

    you wouldn't happen to know what the values for FOV Top and FOV Left are when you have used the double tap minus method? i want to change it in my profile config so i have that FOV constantly, as the default one is zoomed in.
  10. Don't know if this will help but you could just place a trigger with activation BLUFOR, the in the "on act" box place bomb="Bo_MK82" createVehicle (getPos IED) that will make the object named IED (or whatever in place of IED) explode when a BLUFOR unit enters the trigger radius. It can be used multiple times as long as there is a seperate trigger and name for each item you want to explode.
  11. Im all for the new recoil. It's just like the way Arma in general portrays its vehicle and air combat. Not 100% realistic, granted, but it makes the players behave and act whilst using the vehicle (or weapon) in a more realistic manner. (i.e. not "bang bang bang" but "bang....bang")
  12. The on-route to objective chats in the helis. (conversations about the medic's nipples anyone?);) Oh, and the editor!:D
  13. FBX

    Project RACS

    You definitely deserve a break Wld, I'm still amazed that you manage to get the sheer amount of work that you do done to such a high level. Usually it's quality not quantity, but with you, it's both! :)
  14. FBX

    Project RACS

    Maybe a custom RACS helmet is the way to go? Maybe have it a bit like this, but not quite as futuristic. (Definately original though!)
  15. FBX

    RH wip thread

    Tell you what, if i had to go into combat tomorrow, i think that 240L would be top of my list weapon-wise. Good work on the SCAR-AK and SOCOM II, can't wait for them!
  16. I think it was the graphics, radio and weapon sounds, were just spot on. I still prefer OFP's graphics to ArmA/ArmA II's, as OFP had BEAUTY, something I don't think I have seen the likes of in any other game ever released, including ArmA. I'm off to fire up OFP right this second! :bounce3:
  17. Hi. been playing ofp/arma for about a year now, very impressed. Anyway, would it be possible for anyone to remake the Tonali Special forces pack (or something like it, especially the almost Airman Battle Uniform white camo guys) for ARMA 2?. Hi arma/ofp community, FBX:D