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Everything posted by General_Kalle

  1. Geuvara, Che Guevara >100kb man i feel too old for this >100kb >100kb Good Morning Is this what you call: "Laid back Attitude"?
  2. thanks guys, that did it.:bounce3:
  3. I have added my additional addons like this, but they are not showing in game. what am i doing wrong?
  4. Created new icons and i have now added the addon folders after the different ace folders (@xxxx; @xxxx;) still no joy
  5. Anyone know how to solve this? the addon folders are still in the direktory but they don't show up in game anymore.
  6. i think to do that, the battlefield clearance modules has to be included in the mission
  7. maneged to update to the latest ACE version (YAY) however the mods i had previusly added myself are gone now, this includes Isle Duala and a few types is it not compatible with older addons?
  8. i must have done something wrong cos i get this error message when i try to update. also its not letting me load a save game in a single player mission anymore.
  9. General_Kalle

    Favorite weapon.

    G36 (full size) with ACE2 effective, single, burst and full auto Aimpoint AND scope great gun.
  10. General_Kalle

    Why is this game not more popular?

    i dont understand why a game such as BF2 mod Projekt Reality is such a succes when this is such a fiasco online. Projekt reality is practically trying to archieve what ArmA does. realistic team based gameplay. if you think it's like Vanilla BF2 then your terribly wrong. it is practically a totally different game. the greatest thing about it however is the community. people play organised (mostly) obey the leader and fight as a team. ArmA can do exaktly the same, just needs the community but it just isn't there.
  11. if you haven't completed it it might be a spoiler
  12. General_Kalle

    Survival of the fittest - stuck

    well they're just standing at the egde of the docks in a bunch doing nothing and there's already a guy in the boat who starts it.
  13. General_Kalle

    Escaping in the first EW mission...

    the stamina thing is a Ace feature. I run ace aswell but maneged to get away. its a little more difficult than without ace i reckon since the AI spots you farther away and you are limited by stamina... but then they also fire alot more and alot worse.
  14. General_Kalle

    How to fold wings on an osprey

    Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. is what i get after clicking the link, great help
  15. 2 questions 1. I have an enemy soldier that i wish to act like a prisoner I have used: - SetCaptive to make him not get shot, - careless to make him stand up instead of lie down and -switchmove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon" to put his arms behind the head however when i want him to move somewhere he takes his arms down. is it somehow possible to have him keep his hands behind the head while walking? an easier way to do all 3 steps? 2. Is it somehow possible to make a conversation run just as subtitles (since i can't do voice acting) like when you walk up to someone he will say something like: " Officer: Hello Private" " you: Morning Sir." etc. just with more lines Thanks in advance.
  16. General_Kalle

    Arma 2 videos, need FREE soundtracks/stock music.

    now we're at it, where can i download the soundtracks from OFP, ArmA1 and ArmA2???