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Everything posted by SGT.cz90-CZ

  1. Hey guys. I want to ask, how will the ArmA 3 Supporter edition's DLC offer be solved. Do I activate an actual "Supporter" edition on Steam and then get the DLCs automatically upon their release, or activate a "Digital Deluxe" edition of ArmA 3, and then obtain the DLCs as a CD-key in an e-mail upon release of said DLC? Best Regards, Serza
  2. SGT.cz90-CZ

    Steam vs BIS Store & Exclusivity - Explained

    ArmA 2 was not meant for Steam in the first place. They had to adjust a whole bunch of things to get it working, and in my honest opinion, never fully succeeded, which is not what will repeat with ArmA 3, simply due to the fact it is build as a Steam game from the very start.
  3. SGT.cz90-CZ

    Steam vs BIS Store & Exclusivity - Explained

    If I could get Supporter from Steam, I'd not think a second about it. Valve is a good company. Not Activision or EA. What gives me a chuckle is that first Activision comes and ripps money off of people for CoD, then Valve comes by and says "MY CUT". And the thief gives some of the money to an actually good company. I could NOT tell some of the last few CoD sequels apart, be it not for my great memory, but I could sure as hell tell apart every single location in Half-Life series, or ArmA series even without this kind of memory. They're just always so memorable due to good experiences, that vary. Had BIS been there a little earlier, and did a little more mainstream titles, it might not be Valve, but BIS; not Steam but Sprocket. But it's Valve and Steam. And honestly, I don't give a damn WHO is it, but I give a damn about HOW they do it. HOW it works. Be glad BIS isn't doing anal tourism with EA and their stupid Origin, and rather go for a good partnership with Valve.
  4. SGT.cz90-CZ

    ArmA 3 Supporter - distribution of future DLCs

    Imotionless, how does that answer my question? Thanks for the opinion guys. We'll see I guess.
  5. I can live with 7 extra E's for the ACR DLC. Maybe even without it. It's a joke anyway. Supporter all the way. I'm only afraid BIS are actually at a loss here. ArmA X, another CWA, and all future A3 DLCs for 30 E's? Also, it perfectly solves my problem. A few months ago, my Arrowhead DVD broke, and while it only took 4 (5?) e-mail exchanges to solve, this will solve such issues altogether, which is great! I love BIS' TechSupp since.
  6. Great news - any progress is good progress for I44. Can't wait for the patch with the Infantry half of my heart, but the other half of my heart just... *waits for the Typhoon update* Well, I need a new joystick and TIR to bring out my best anyway.
  7. I have found out myself that the new ACR DLC island is good for Op. Market-Garden. Chernogorsk is... ALMOST spot on with Oosterbeek, including the train bridge. Also.. YAY, TIFFY!
  8. I spy a missunderstanding here. Tiffy =/= Me-410. It's a slang for Hawker Typhoon :-/
  9. Guys, was I (and the Tiffy) forgotten about? Info, pretty pretty pretty please! You won't leave my beloved aircraft out of the airplane update, right? It's a legend after all...
  10. Me-410, Me-410... how about some Tiffy screenies?
  11. ... and have an empty server because of that? You gents might be forgetting STHUD is turned on by default in I44. Disconnecting guys who have it on would seem to end up in emptiness.
  12. SGT.cz90-CZ

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Did I die and go to Heaven? The Wildcat pictures on ArmAholic sure make me think so!
  13. I think I spy the M16 Halftrack here. Seriously, you can't go wrong with an M3 Halftrack with mounted quad fifty cal. And Wirbelwind/Ostwind? Need something to destroy when you fix me a Tiffy. This waiting is just getting better here!
  14. Considering there's an unique healing system... I don't think you can order him, unless the mission has a work-around for this...
  15. Hey if all of you say it's fine - must be an error on my side of the internet. SU works just fine though.
  16. Oh, yeah? Well all I heard about PW6 was bad stuff, and it didn't behave TOO nice either. Could be me, but just with the new and old (console/browser) SU, I kept using the old thing until there was no other way out. Works JUST FINE though.
  17. First thing you do is wave good bye to Play With Six, and revert back to Six Updater. Second thing you do, is download I44 and live happily ever after. Works for me...
  18. It's sad, but FREE Invasion 1944 is better than COMMERCIAL GAME, the Iron Front. Let's face it, the next patch is going to be kick-ass! And I'm hopefully getting my Typhoon sorted, yay!
  19. Awesome! Great news Gnat! Do the Squadron Codes also contain background/camouflage? If so, it would be good if you could release at least blank camouflage "SDK" thing. I'm not too skilled with Photoshop. Serza
  20. Gnat, while you'll be on the airplane revision thing, can you add more Typhoon squadron designations? I'm looking at No. 609 RAuxAF (Sqn. code PR) and No. 440 RCAF (Sqn. code I8) in particular. If the Sqn. code texture doesn't change the background, No. 609 RAuxAF could be re-used for Spitfire Mk.I (as it flew Spits before being rearmed to Typhoons). While making me happy, the No. 310 RAF (NN), No. 312 RAF (DU) and No. 313 RAF (RY) could also be added to the Hurri. And No. 311 RAF (KX) when we get some Wellingtons! Little "details" with these Squadrons, but knowing I'm flying a NN/DU/RY-designated Hurricane adds some special treat to it. Same for the Typhoon, where walking towards a "PR-F" would immediately make me think "My bird."
  21. Just, whatever you do with the airplanes, FIX THE TYPHOON, PLEASE! 4x20mm that barely scratch a soft target, and radar-guided 60lb RP-3s make me cry :-P
  22. Actually the BIS healing is just about syncing three modules to each unit you want it to be active with (which often means playable ones).
  23. Sounds fair to me. Just remember it for anytime you guys run out of work :-D
  24. You guys seem to be doing a great deal of great work since my last entry in the topic. This time I'm coming with a pretty please about a question. Since I saw you're up for doing both the Wolverine and the Panther, is there a chance of somehow "mixing" the two in and making those (I think the word is ersatz) Panthers made to look like Wolverines, those used by Skorzeny's units to wreak havoc and panic amongst allied troops during Battle of the Bulge?
  25. I love the mod since Flashpoint times, but I wanted to see how cool would it be to save some of the guys from my unit in ArmA with the aircraft, they just don't believe the fact I can fly those things in Il-2 :-) Since the aircraft are really TheFEW, it might be nice if I44 guys took over. I'd personally try and be helpfull with the realism of them. No idea how much time do they have left to dedicate to the mod though, so let's hope the actual creator of those warbirds sees my "constructive bitching".