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Everything posted by ryguy

  1. Here are some pictures of Mogadishu I've found, it really hasn't changed at all since 1993 so you shouldn't have to worry about finding time-related pictures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mogadishu_Montage.jpg
  2. He's a member of one of those CL:R clans with a self-obsessed "police chief"
  3. ryguy

    Questionable video on war.

    And can I please direct everybody's attention to the fact that the man who made this video is the very same person who made the video linked in my sig? We really can't be taking the man too seriously here....
  4. e_ilZRYvlD4 ^My crappy old video above :P I need someone to do some flying to help me film a video in arma 2. It uses a plane included in a larger mod, I can send you the pbo. Please PM me if you're interested at all. :D
  5. I'd like to find out how I can get a player to have a dot on the map follow it around followed by it's altitude... I was thinking I would somehow incorporate "GetPosASL" in a trigger and it would display like a radar whenever they were in that trigger, and when they were out of range they would be invisible again. In case you've ever played CL:R it would be very similar to this. Problem is I don't know how I could set it up so that a marker is attached to a player and refreshes it's altitude and position every second or so... any help? Thanks
  6. Very cool! I like the fact that you are staying in chernarus and just making an expansion of it.
  7. ryguy

    Questionable video on war.

    You're putting words in the dudes mouth. Very low tactic.
  8. So I'm trying to load a multiplayer mission that works fine in the editor, but now when I try to play it in MP on my own computer as host, when I bring it up in the MP editor it says "Warning: Read Only file!"... So went to the mission file and it turns out the folder for that mission is set to "read-only" so I uncheck it and apply. Then it reverts on it's own right back to read-only, making the mission completely unplayable! Any help? Thanks
  9. Would it be at all possible to create a script where you can place a camera, play as another unit, and the camera record whatever it sees? The camera.sqs is only so good because you can only watch AI if you aren't in MP
  10. ryguy

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    I want my vanilla arma to have as much stuff as possible, not to mention I don't really see a point in separating the two!
  11. So I should make a file with this in it and put it in the mission folder? Or add it to the mission.sqm?
  12. I fixed it... but it was very odd. Somehow the mission.sqm got changed to "missionname.pbo" so I had to edit>save as mission.sqm Thanks for your help!
  13. Awesome, would I just put a #loop at the beginning of this string to loop it? Also, how quickly would it refresh? ---------- Post added at 01:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ---------- Alright, so I put this code into a trigger's "on act." near a marker labeled "radar": "radar" setMarkerText format ["%1", GetPosASL radar select 2] Now when I look at it in-game the marker is in the same place except it's labeled "any" next to it.
  14. ryguy

    South Park using ArmA sounds? XD

    Stalker, this is totally nostalgic! Wierd, I always recognized that sound on TV but could never place it...
  15. I already unchecked that everything is read-only, and this is the only time it's happened. It's also solely this one mission. @big dawg, does this mean the mission.sqm is gone?
  16. ryguy

    fArmA 2 Minigames

    Why don't either of the links work?
  17. ryguy

    Addon "CA;"?

    Just wondering, what does CA stand for anyway?
  18. More camo patterns would also be sweet.
  19. You really don't need to uninstall the driver to update... won't be accomplishing much of anything.
  20. Good Idea/Bad Idea? Feedback? :D http://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss184/ryguy41495/armaapt.jpg
  21. ryguy

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Just a quick question I had about this, does this use up any more system resources than comparable ones such as TrackIR?
  22. oh ya (olive drab) I tried to make it a civilian movie :)
  23. Thanks! What's karki? lol
  24. Yes! That would be awesome. Also, could someone create new, more american, road textures? As in double/singe yellow line and a road that's not too cracked?