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Everything posted by ryguy

  1. OK, I'll look up some example scripts.
  2. Whenever I try to start a session on MP I get the error "Some input after endofFile" and get a crash to desktop... It started after I got patch 1.07. Any help? Thanks
  3. Help please?? I can't host at all :(
  4. How will the script know which to record?
  5. I agree... AI has cat-like reflexes right now on the flares.
  6. I'd like an American (or European, doesn't matter) voice actor to say about 4-5 lines for me. Should be quick. Please PM me for script. :)
  7. Thanks richie, it's actually going to be for a movie... But It's not going to just be one plane, probably more like... erm... 6? Will this still work?
  8. Hmm... Well it sure would be easier to just spawn an IR strobe... How?
  9. Has anyone made a bomb robot? Like for defusing IED's? It would be pretty cool to have a deployable one that could be kept in a backpack or Humvee and be able to control it remotely.
  10. ryguy

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    He has a point... I vote for BIS spending more time on a large patch rather than on a bunch of little DLC's so that Arma 2 would be perfected. DLC can be made by anyone; patches, not so much.
  11. As well these things look more heavily armored and more all-terrain than MTVR's. Every object doesn't need a "real" use, just look at the generator trailer object... use your imagination.
  12. Most of the stuff disappears... including textures.
  13. ryguy

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Umm... gonna ask again... Direct2Drive? Will it ever be out on it?
  14. ryguy

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Could someone please tell me if OA is ever going to come out on Direct2Drive? Because if not I've been waiting for no reason :P Thanks
  15. Indeed, many models in Russia have thermal imaging technology such as the T-90: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-90
  16. Not to mention when I play with ACE my game crashes like no other. :banghead:
  17. So why does my game crash constantly when I run ACE in MP?
  18. I have a pretty simple solution: The hardest part about add-ons is the fact that you need to make the mod folders, whereas the Arma 2\Addons folder is completely unused due to the fact that if you connect to a server not running that mod, you will get a message saying "Nuke.pbo is a file not signed by this server...". What would solve this is Arma 2 automatically shutting off the files that don't work, and turning them back off when you disconnect. This way you could connect with unsigned files and still play on any server fine. What do you think?
  19. OA will definitely supply this. Zargabad is a very massive city compared to anything else we've had before.
  20. I couldn't agree with the OP more. The current Add-on system is a pain to beginners and was a pain to me in the beginning. BIS, if implementing a system like this, would be the very first of it's kind. And to anyone who thinks ACE is easy to install, boy is that wrong!
  21. If you've ever played arma 2 you should know that any character in game is playable. If you want a lee enfield just type in the characters' init field "This removeallweapons; this addWeapon "Lee_enfield"; this addmagazine "magazine_name_forEnfield" :)
  22. I'm quite new to O2, but if I could get a bit of help I could definitely build and texture simple objects for you (street signs, etc.).
  23. ryguy

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    So will this be available on Direct2Drive on the 29th?
  24. Those sights look a lot like the ones from the AUG, G36, or M16